Monitor 10 radiator or crossover problem

az1kro Posts: 2
edited May 2005 in Vintage Speakers
While listening, heard a loud "pop". Checked and little to no activity from passive radiator. I hope its just a blown radiator, but am concerned it might be a crossover issue.

Any way to check/rule out one or the other? Insights appreciated.

Post edited by az1kro on


  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited May 2005
    somethings that might have been the problem or cause..

    sometimes if the postive and negative wires touch each other accidently.. it might short out the receiver or put it into protect mode..

    also... i'm not to sure. but the monitor 10's may have a fuse in the back near the binding posts.. check that out.

    OR.. maybe your receiver/amp has a bad channel. swap the Left and Right speakers to see if the good one sounds bad with that speaker wire.

    that radiator, since it's passive.. has no power to it.. so it may in fact be the mid driver that is blown..
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • nadams
    nadams Posts: 5,877
    edited May 2005
    The fuse in the back, if there is one, is protection for the tweeter only.

    Were you listening at a high volume level? danger boy has you on the right track. Swap wires at the receiver (after checking for shorts at the speakers) and see if the problem follows. If it doesn't, you may have blown out a channel of your receiver.
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • az1kro
    az1kro Posts: 2
    edited May 2005
    Thanks for suggestions.

    I'll try switching the speaker wires, but I doubt its a cooked channel since the mids and tweeter on the affected speaker still work.
  • hotwheelman
    hotwheelman Posts: 1,300
    edited May 2005
    The glue that connects the spider to the passive might and I stress the word might have come loose and could have the passive sitting cockeyed which could possibly hender the movement of the passive. Pull that one and take a look at where they come together just to be sure that is not the case. I had one come loose on my srs 2's one time and it really slowed it down quite a bit.
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