Hooking up computer to home theater receiver?

Paladin-5 Posts: 5
I have a Creative Audigy Z2 (non-platinum) sound card and would like to hook it up to my receiver and get the 5.1 sound. I have a decent gold analog one that I bought at Radio Shack right now, but it being analog only allows for 2 channel sound. Does anyone know of a good quality mini-jack to RCA digital cable?
(Distance isn't much of a concern, anything 6-7' in length would be fine)

Also, a little bit along the same lines, I've tried to run my Creative Nomad Zen Ultra mp3 player thru the stereo, but using the same gold analog cable mentioned above yields poor sound quality. I can't quite figure out why, since when I plugged the same cable to the computer the sound is fine. I think the mp3 player's sound quality shouldn't be an issue, it sounds fine when I plug my Sennheisers into it. Any advice on how to improve quality there?

As always, any advice is greatly appreciated - thanks

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  • tecmo04
    tecmo04 Posts: 421
    edited January 2005
    Unless you upgrade your sound card to have an optical out i think yoru stuck with stero sound, which is fine concidering most music is not in 5.1 sound anyways.

    regarding the nomad, i have an ipod and when the volume on the ipod is above the 3/4 mark the sound starts getting distorted. i would try turning the voulume on the nomad down to see if that works.
  • Paladin-5
    Paladin-5 Posts: 5
    edited January 2005

    I did try fiddling with the volume on the mp3 player, for some reason it still sounds muffled
