Odd Layout Request
Thanks for the suggestion.
I am leaning towards a full system from ORB and trying the rears on a wireless basis. Reviews all sound good anyway
Any suggestions or advice???? (Sort of like asking a shark to comment on the blood in the water!!!!)
PEpe -
Originally posted by ydnarb
Might be my last resort.
One set of noise deadening headphones might be the fix for everything!!!!
I would definately prioritize the wireless surrounds before I would use headphones, When it comes to wireless headphones, its the same deal with wireless surrounds, same limits, except, you can listen to the wireless surrounds much longer than headphones. Headphones use your head as a sounding board, everything resonates in there, it fatigues you before you finish the movie. Plus IMHO, its safer (I get my headphones much louder than I should.)
You can find interesting stuff here,
Pioneer also makes something with wireless surrounds.