thx certifyed

goingganzo Posts: 2,793
edited February 2002 in Technical/Setup
i have a queston do you think if polk auido sent in some of their speakers do you think they would be thx certifyed (slect-ultra) like the 800 and up? and if they did and were how much do you think the price would go up?
Post edited by goingganzo on


  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited February 2002
    Prices? maybe.
    Noses? definitely.

  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
    edited February 2002
    Polks speakers are certified by more important people than THX....the customers. The customers buy them and love them. Thats all that counts!

    THX...what a waste!!! There's alot of THX certified products that belong in the garbage can.

    No excuses!
  • ntculenuff
    ntculenuff Posts: 1,146
    edited February 2002
    Originally posted by john d. strong
    Polks speakers are certified by more important people than THX....the customers. The customers buy them and love them. Thats all that counts!

    THX...what a waste!!! There's alot of THX certified products that belong in the garbage can.


    I second that..
    Definitive BP7001sc mains
    Definitive C/L/R 3000 center
    Polk RT800i's rears
    Definitive supercube I Sub
    Onkyo TX-NR3010
    Emotiva XPA five Gen 3
    Panasonic TC-P65ZT60
    OPPO BDP-103 Bluray
    Directv x's 2
  • Kent
    Kent Posts: 5
    edited February 2002
    Ya, I dont think Polk will waste their time with certification...I have listed to THX certified speakers...and frankly...was not impressed. I think the rules for THX is more the same speakers for every channel, and a ton of base.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    edited February 2002
    The price aspect is also a consideration. GL and his merry little band of thieves aren't philanthropists I assume. I am sure there is a substantial cost associated that would be ultimately passed on to the consumer....John hit the nail right on the head. Anyone who wouldn't by a speaker just because it isn't THX certified is an idiot anyway.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • hamzahsh
    hamzahsh Posts: 439
    edited February 2002
    In order to sell products some companies pay thousands of dollars to get their products THX-certified. To me certification is nothing but another way of making money. Lots of THX-certified products won't and can't beat non THX-certified products. THX is nothing but a logo to make money.

    Where is my STARWARS TRILOGY ?and where is INDIANA JONES TRILOGY on DVD? I think the movie prints are too dirty and not qualified for THX certification !!!:D :D:D Lucas Film think VHS and Laser Disc format are better than DVD!

    Polk Audio speakers are certified by STM (Superior Technology of Mankind) and their customers! to hell with THX-certification!

    Polk Audio speakers are the best;)
    Panasonic TH-50PX80U Plasma HDTV
    Polk Audio RT800i (fronts)
    Polk Audio CS400i (center)
    Polk Audio F/X1000 (side surrounds)
    Polk Audio RTi6 (back surrrounds)
    Velodyne CHT-15 (subwoofer)
    Yamaha RX-V1400 (Pre/Pro)
    NAD C272 (2-ch Amp)
    Adcom GFA-7605 (5-ch Amp)
    Toshiba SD-3109 (DVD/CD player)
    Malata DVP-580 (Multi-region DVD player)
  • lax01
    lax01 Posts: 496
    edited February 2002
    THX certification of Polk speakers?


    That would be a bad idea, mainly because it would raise speaker prices.