Unequal cable lengths in Home Theater

Stan Nuremburg
Stan Nuremburg Posts: 5
edited February 2002 in Technical/Setup
A neurotic audiophile question:

Is it a problem if I use unequal speaker cable lengths in wiring my new 5-speaker surround sound system (Polk RM6000)? I plan to use good 16-gauge, oxygen-free (or so they claim, but at least I don't SEE any oxygen!) made-in-USA speaker cable with gold-plated crimp termination. The shortest cable (left front) would need about 6 feet, the longest (right surround) about 25 or 30 feet or so.

If it IS a problem, how "equal" in length need/should the cables be?

(Ideally, I would use equal cable lengths (my practice in 2-channel), but I don't want to get ridiculous and use 150' of cable in my 11 x 20 listening space/living room!)
Post edited by Stan Nuremburg on


  • scottvamp
    scottvamp Posts: 3,277
    edited February 2002
    This is a tweeker audiophile concept. As long as you us high quality speaker cable and there isn't huge diff. in runs -like 20' I don't thing there is a sound diff. I MY experience anyway. Don't trouble yourself to much. :)
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    edited February 2002
    In theory, I think the runs to say the L&R rear surrounds should be similar to each other but not neccessarily the same as the L&R front channels....Personally, I say let common sense prevail, run enough to get the job done and not look sloppy.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • goingganzo
    goingganzo Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2002
    the longet the speaker wire the more restance it has now the most that will do is throw off the center of your sound feild witch you can calabrate. i would post the restance formula but i think that would be a little over the top
  • gidrah
    gidrah Posts: 3,049
    edited February 2002
    I think the best way would be for the L&R mains and center to be of the same length. The rears should be of the same length as each other.

    example: 3X10 & 2X30

    Adding extra cable to your mains and center to make them the same length as your surrounds would only degrade the signal.
    Make it Funky! :)