Looking to buy a new receiver to complement RM7500s

m.hibbs Posts: 8
edited August 2001 in Technical/Setup
What would you choose as your "idea" receiver for the RM7500s and what would you choose in the $1500 price range.


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  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited August 2001
    There are some B&K / Adcom /Carver Polkheads around here, but I don't have much experience with those brands as of yet, so I will leave that to them.

    What I can HIGHLY recommend, at not quite your price is the following:

    NAD T761 - About $750 online....SIMPLY INCREDIBLE
    Read up here:Nad T761

    Harmon Kardon Signature 1.5 - $798 closeout......you will need to add a pre-amp......
    Read up here:HK Sig 1.5

    There are tons more, Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo.....you have a world to choose from under $1500....

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • wangotango68
    wangotango68 Posts: 1,056
    edited August 2001
    i would make you a good deal on a sony da777es top of the line es model very hard to find sony stoped making them they were taking sales away from there high end seperates. it has a really nice touchscreen remote and it has burr brown d/a's for a really nice sound (strigg5900@aol.com)

  • elsid88
    elsid88 Posts: 38
    edited August 2001
    The Denon AVR-4802 is out, and can be had for about 300 more than what you want to spend on the internet. However, it might be worth the extra $300.00 if you can afford it.

    That's my 2 cents. I have the AVR-4800 and it rocks.