Audioholics don't care for Polk????

C J T Posts: 127
edited October 2004 in Speakers
Why is Polk looked down upon at and their forums? Seems the consensus is Polk is garbage and B &W, Klipsch, Paradigm, PSB, etc are better.

Did I get ripped off on my recent purchase of the RTi12's? $1400 Canadian.
RTI 12 fronts
RTI 8 rears
RTI 6 sides
CSI 5 center

HSU STF 3 sub
Panny 42" plasma
Denon 3805 receiver
Behringer EP1500 amp
Denon 2910 DVD
Oppo 980H DVD
Oppo HM-31 HDMI switcher
Post edited by C J T on


  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited October 2004
    Do YOU like the sound of your Rti12's?

    That's the only question you need to answer.....
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • C J T
    C J T Posts: 127
    edited October 2004
    I do like the sound but at this point I have not really heard them as I am powering them with a Panasonic SA HE 2000 and looking to upgrade. I didn't really shop around and there is that little voice saying I possibly could have got better for my money. Anyways, i would go crazy worrying about it. I will just enjoy them.

    I was just curious as to why guys on Audiohlics forums generally don't like Polk and have even said to avoid guy said they were worse than Bose, and that's bad. i just see on this forum the opposite, as so many are passionate about their Polks. guess it's all personal preference.
    RTI 12 fronts
    RTI 8 rears
    RTI 6 sides
    CSI 5 center

    HSU STF 3 sub
    Panny 42" plasma
    Denon 3805 receiver
    Behringer EP1500 amp
    Denon 2910 DVD
    Oppo 980H DVD
    Oppo HM-31 HDMI switcher
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited October 2004
    You're going to get polarized opinions on speakers (or anything audio for that matter) anywhere you go. Seemingly though, the general consensus is that Bose is shite. The problem with people that slam Polks just to slam them is they generally haven't listened to them.

    Is there better out there? Sure

    Is there better for the money? Typically not (there are a TON of ways to approach this question comfortable are you with used merch for instance)

    The people that are on this board and own these speakers are devoted to the because overall, this is a company that puts out a GREAT product at a GREAT price and has some of the most available executives in terms of product knowledge and customer support.

    I have a pair of the 12's as well, and while I'm not giving them the amount of juice they ultimately need right now, I know that decision is mine, and to not fault the speaker for my decision to wait on adequate power.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2004
    Those people most likely are looking at the most recent Polk lineups and not the RT3000s or SRT or SDAs. Most people are only going to be able to see the Monitor series since it is the most widely distributed thanks to CC. You basically have to go to a Tweeter if you want to see RTis or LSis.

    Also, forums seem to take shape into "fan boys" of certain companies. I can understand some of hte companies being latched on to... but Klipsch has been putting out some watered down crap lately. Whatever happened to crazy speakers like the Heresy and the Klipschorns?
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • cdubya
    cdubya Posts: 61
    edited October 2004
    People looking down on Polk is worse here in NZ. I've lost count of how many derogatory comments i've heard over the years. " they're having a competition to see how many drivers they can fit on a speaker", "typical American in your face speakers" ect. The one i hate the most is when theyre called Pokes, that really pisses me off.
    Sure there may be a lot of better speaks out there, but at the price-point they are definitely hard to beat. They take a beating like no other and never have i seen a warranty as good. You know they have a lot faith in a brand when they offer a replacement warranty like they do.
    I like what i like and couldnt really care what anybody else thinks of them. I bought them to impress me no one else

    ROCK ON POLK:cool:
  • 2+2
    2+2 Posts: 546
    edited October 2004
    I was speaker shopping recently and seriously considered RTi12s....great speakers. In the same price range, I listened to Paradigms and B& well as Bostons and Energy..believe me, you got the better speaker in the price range as far as those makes are concerned....
    System 1: Martin Logan Vantage, Rotel RC 1070, B&K Reference 200.2, Music Hall DAC 15.2, Yamaha 2300

    System 2: LSi15 w/db840, Marantz SR8400, Rotel 1080, RM6800 (C&S), Sony X2020ES

    System 3: LSi7, Yamaha SW215, Music Hall Maven, Music Hall MMF CD25 w/627opamps

    System 4: RTi100, Harman Kardon AVR 230, Panasonic DVD
  • Toxis
    Toxis Posts: 5,116
    edited October 2004
    Everyone's ears are different. What you hear is NOT what the next guy hears. That's why there's so many different speakers and sounds coming from speakers. Anyone who says a certain brand is THE best is a close minded moron. What sounds best to me will sound horrible to someone out there. Again, no one hears the same thing and not everyone looks for the same type of sound. Now I can tell you what I think about your speakers or other speakers but will it make a difference to you? Will you sleep better at night if everyone loves your speakers over others? Your money, your ears, your tastes, your speakers. Done.
    Never kick a fresh **** on a hot day.

    Home Setup: Sony VPL-VW85 Projo, 92" Stewart Firehawk, Pioneer Elite SC-65, PS3, RTi12 fronts, CSi5, FXi6 rears, RTi6 surround backs, RTi4 height, MFW-15 Subwoofer.

    Car Setup: OEM Radio, RF 360.2v2, Polk SR6500 quad amped off 4 Xtant 1.1 100w mono amps, Xtant 6.1 to run an eD 13av.2, all Stinger wiring and Raammat deadener.
  • C J T
    C J T Posts: 127
    edited October 2004
    Thanks guys. I will sleep better now. Kidding. I do love their sound even with an underpowered receiver. And they look so sweet. My girlfriend said they look "sexy". How can a speaker look sexy I don't know. But all she cares is they look nicer than my old ones.

    Once again, the responses are well appreciated and sorry to sound stupid.

    The upgrade bug has hit me. Uh oh.
    RTI 12 fronts
    RTI 8 rears
    RTI 6 sides
    CSI 5 center

    HSU STF 3 sub
    Panny 42" plasma
    Denon 3805 receiver
    Behringer EP1500 amp
    Denon 2910 DVD
    Oppo 980H DVD
    Oppo HM-31 HDMI switcher
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2004
    Ya know, I did a search on audioholics and only found one thread that spoke "badly" of Polk (if the threads were more than 4 pages long, I didn't bother looking since it would take too long). Some people said they didn't like the midbass and some said they didn't like the tweeter. They suggested other products. No one said "oh man, Polk is CRAP! don't touch their stuff!".
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited October 2004
    Originally posted by C J T
    Thanks guys. I will sleep better now. Kidding. I do love their sound even with an underpowered receiver. And they look so sweet. My girlfriend said they look "sexy". How can a speaker look sexy I don't know. But all she cares is they look nicer than my old ones.

    Once again, the responses are well appreciated and sorry to sound stupid.

    The upgrade bug has hit me. Uh oh.

    you don't sound stupid. hmmm seems like you have competition in the house you vs speakers.... :eek: :D
  • Mike Reeter
    Mike Reeter Posts: 4,315
    edited October 2004
    I have had a pair of 12's for about 6 weeks,and they are just now starting to open up...They are also underpowered with my Denon...

    I stopped by a Rotel dealer this week to look at a 2 channel amp to properly drive the 12's...His comments were;the Polk RTi12's is one of the best buys out there,they don't sell Polk btw...

    Whether he was "massaging" me or not,I don't know...doesn't matter,at least he didn't bash them and try to sell me a pair of 2500. speakers to replace them with...
  • C J T
    C J T Posts: 127
    edited October 2004
    Thanks Mike.

    BTW, I wasn't the one massaging my tweeters. I read a guy did that on Audiohlics.

    Maybe YOU are the guy?????:)
    RTI 12 fronts
    RTI 8 rears
    RTI 6 sides
    CSI 5 center

    HSU STF 3 sub
    Panny 42" plasma
    Denon 3805 receiver
    Behringer EP1500 amp
    Denon 2910 DVD
    Oppo 980H DVD
    Oppo HM-31 HDMI switcher
  • gregure
    gregure Posts: 871
    edited October 2004
    So much has been said already, but I'd love to chime in on this one. As far as people shitting on Polk, I think it's just an elitist thing. Polk strives to make good, if not great, speakers at prices people can afford, so that excellent sound quality can be had for an affordable price.

    I've spoken w/ many dealers about other brands, and the general consensus is that you aren't getting really great sound from the likes of Paradigm or PSB, or even Tannoy, until you get into their higher end stuff, all of which is insanely expensive. One dealer even went so far as to say he felt Paradigm was not as good as cracked up to be, and you get less performance for the price, as the reference series is very pricy (2500/pr for the 100's, 850 for the center channel!). I've heard Paradigm, and I like them, but I love my Polks too.

    Another issue w/ Polk is that too many people were buying them at Circuit City, where they only sell middle of the road receivers (HK 630 being an exception). Just because Polks are reasonably priced doesn't mean they don't deserve high quality juice. Run Polk speakers on a B&K amp, or an Outlaw system, and then compare them to the "better" brands. Now how do you rate the difference?

    I just recently grabbed some RTi 6's on clearance and sold them to one friend, and flat out gave the second pair to another friend. My first friend was upgrading from Bose, and even w/o a sub the 6's blow the bose out of the water in every frequency range. The other friend was upgrading from some **** HT in a box system by RCA, and even w/ tiny speaker wire (that crap they include in the box) the 6's sounded so much better, and his jaw just dropped. He's getting some 14 awg wire to boost performance, btw. Granted, the comparison is ridiculous between a $400 speaker and a crappy bose or box system, but these people know their music, and are very happy w/ the results from Polk.

    All in all, Polk are great speakers, especially for the money, and if you need further validation, the RTi 4 just got a very positive review in Stereophile, and take a few minutes to run a google search on LSi reviews, and I challenge you to find even one disparaging review. Even the LSi line is pretty reasonably priced, and the reviews of those have been stellar, by many reputable outfits. So, take that audioholics, you don't seem to know your audio very well, do you?
    Current System:

    Mitsubishi 30" LCD LT-3020 (for sale**)
    Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand (Rosewood)-Mains (with Audioquest Mont Blanc cables)
    CSi5-Center (for sale**)
    FXi3-surrounds (for sale**)
    Martin Logan Depth-Sub
    B&K AVR 507
    Pimare CD21-CD Player
    Denon 1815-DVD Player
    Panamax M5500-EX-Line Conditioner
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2004
    Magazine reviews mean next to nothing for me, and should for everyone else. They're generally done by people who don't have the proper engineering background, sound like a marketer for the company, and are 99% of the time as glowing of a review as possible. And ever notice that the ads for the company being reviewed are right around the review? Hmmmm, sounds like the almighty dollar talking.

    Once agian, I did a search on Audioholics and they weren't bad mouthing Polk. A couple of people prefered other speakers in the price area and commented on the acoustics. This was one thread talking about the Rti6s or 4s, and the problems voiced there I have seen in at least a handful of other places.
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • Mike Reeter
    Mike Reeter Posts: 4,315
    edited October 2004
    CJT,No...not me man,I let my other half do all the massaging around here...

    I'm more of a Alcohol/Audioholic myself...
  • C J T
    C J T Posts: 127
    edited October 2004
    LOL...cheers Mike!

    I listened to a pair of Klipsch speakers today. I like my RTi 12's thank you.
    RTI 12 fronts
    RTI 8 rears
    RTI 6 sides
    CSI 5 center

    HSU STF 3 sub
    Panny 42" plasma
    Denon 3805 receiver
    Behringer EP1500 amp
    Denon 2910 DVD
    Oppo 980H DVD
    Oppo HM-31 HDMI switcher