Question About Selling a Pair of SDA 2B's

Posts: 1
I am considering selling my pair of Polk SDA 2B's. They are in perfect shape except for a some wear in the fabric. I have the original boxes and packing along with the manuals and the crossover cable. What I was interested in knowing is how much they might be worth and where would be the best place to sell them. I live in the Dallas,TX area, they are very heavy and would be expensive to ship very far. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by scottemoore on
Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
Deal with confidence with Russ. He's a square shooter and will give you a fair price.
Boxes, papers and all are nice bonuses...
Welcome to the Club...
Agree on the Orion values... guidelines at best.
But I also have a fair amount of ebay data. Speakers this size tend to go local. So the only thing ebay data tells you is that, if their are two bidders in the vicinity that want 'em they go high, and if there's nobody around, they don't.
In June of this year, a nice looking pair sold in Arlington, TX for $255. Here's a pic of them...More later,
Vox Copuli
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"It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
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