Is there such thing?

glemay Posts: 574
edited September 2004 in Electronics
My dad wants to put a 110V system on our boat, and as boats vibrate and bang once in a while, someone suggested that instead of using CD's for music, use something in like an MP3 format. This way our music will be on a chip instead of a CD that might get damaged.

Is there such thing?
Main System:
Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

Second System:
Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
Post edited by glemay on


  • gatemplin
    gatemplin Posts: 1,595
    edited September 2004
    I am assuming your boat is a 12 volt system, and you dont want to use a 12 volt MP3 head unit and 12 volt amp right?

    There are power inverters like this that step voltage up to 120 VAC, you pick how many watts you need. The more watts, the more money.
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Right now it is 12 volt but we want to go with a 110 volt system. We have all the power we need since it has a 50 amp service along with a 12.5 Kw diesel generator.
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited September 2004
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Is there something that is not in a portable format like the ipod?
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited September 2004
    Velcro? Why wouldn't you want it portable, you'd want to load music on it for the trip, no?
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Yeah I guess we would want to be able to load music on to it. I don't really know what the best solution is, I am only trying to pick everyones brain and see what they think is the best idea. We have the power, and the space which will allow for multiple solutions, we just want the best one in the long run.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Keep em' coming.

    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited September 2004
    Originally posted by glemay
    We have all the power we need since it has a 50 amp service along with a 12.5 Kw diesel generator.
    Sounds more like a ship than a boat... How many feet is it?
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    The boat is a 1992 46' Silverton Motor Yacht

    How do post a picture?
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited September 2004
    do you listen to tunes while cruising ??

    if not do like we did..hook up a car cd player. we have 2 batteries on the boat one for cabin use and one for the engine...
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004

    Yeah we listen to tunes while cruising and we already have a 12V system but want to go to a 110V system.
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited September 2004
    Originally posted by glemay
    The boat is a 1992 46' Silverton Motor Yacht

    How do post a picture?
    Yup.... it's a ship.

    If on your computer, when you "Post Reply" use the Browse feature for attachments below the text box. Pic must be reduced in size (< 100 kb I think). And do not preview your post or the pic will not appear...
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited September 2004
    Originally posted by glemay

    Yeah we listen to tunes while cruising and we already have a 12V system but want to go to a 110V system.

    where is your boat ours is at treasure Island near Kingston it's a 32ft sail boat
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004

    Here is a picture from last fall. She is sitting behind our house on the boat life my dad and I built and designed. Thanks Tour2ma!

    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    I will try again.
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Here we go! wait... nope
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    all fixed
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • Airplay355
    Airplay355 Posts: 4,298
    edited September 2004
    you want like regular stereo equipment for your house on your boat? i'm not sure if thats what you want because i don't know the voltage of equipment. if thats what you are looking for there are companies that make hard drives that hook into your home stereo. they are called hard drive music servers i think. if thats what you are lookinf for marantz makes something like that,

    i'm sure there are other companies that make them also. if this isn't the type of thing you are looking for then id just stick with a real nice car stereo. the ipod thing doesn't sound like it would work so well. portable devices don't sound so nice with bigger speakers. the signal they output must not be very strong or something because even with the volume all the way up they are still pretty quiet.

    good luck with ur search, hope i helped. btw really nice boat.
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004

    That sounds like a great idea, should be just what we need. As for power I'm not worried, we've got the same power as a normal house. But just to be safe we will probably buy some kind of power protector or something, I don't know.
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004

    I just looked a little closer at the link you posted. That unit there is a little, just a little to expensive for what we need. But I think we are headed in the right derection. Whats everyone else think.

    BTW, what do you think of our boat lift?
    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • Airplay355
    Airplay355 Posts: 4,298
    edited September 2004
    I'm not really sure of the prices on these units but i would imagine the onkyo would be less then the marantz.

    obviously not as nice of a unit but it does the same thing. i think rotel makes a unit like these but i bet its expensive.
  • glemay
    glemay Posts: 574
    edited September 2004
    Well we just finished the system on our boat until next spring. So far we have the following installed, don't get mad at me because it is not polk, we had to go with these because of size and installation and all that fun stuff.

    Denon AVR-2805
    Paradigm Stylus 350
    Paradigm CS-150
    Paradigm AMS-100R
    Home Theater Master Remote
    Panasonic DVD player

    Next spring we will probably add another pair of Paradigm AMS-100R's and put in a Yamaha CDR-1300, I think that is the model number.

    She is sounding pretty good, especially without a subwoofer.

    Main System:
    Denon AVR-2805, Polk Audio RTi70's, Polk Audio CSi40, Polk Audio FXi50, Paradigm PW-2200 v.2, Toshiba 42XV545U HDTV

    Second System:
    Denon AVR-1705, Polk Audio R40, Polk Audio CS245i, Polk Audio R15, Paradigm PS-1200a
  • HBombToo
    HBombToo Posts: 5,256
    edited September 2004
    Very nice boat! or in this case what a SHIP!!!:D

    Good for you.
