Polk LSI9

Posts: 1
I am thinking of purchasing Polk LSI9, LSIC and LSIW speakers. Is the Denon AVR4802R a good choice for driving these?
Post edited by dschmalz on
The lsi's are a great speaker, as you obviously know. the only"problem" is that they do require a fair amount of power to drive them. The siubject of using a receiver to power Lsi's comes up quite often around here and on just about every other forum as well. Some folks use receivers that are not rated to handle a 4 ohm load and are happy with the performance they get. Others find their receivers aren't up to the task and upgrade to a seperate amp or they get rid of their receivers all together and upgrade to seperates (pre-amp &).
Based on the spec's listed on the Denon website, I would look elsewhere for a piece of equipment to power the Lsi's you're considering. In the recent past we've discussed the 3805's ability to handle a 4 ohm load and someone (can't remember who) contacted Denon tech support and was told that the 3805 should not be used to drive a 4 ohm speaker, other techies from Denon have said the opposite though. Not really helping you too much...Sorry.
Do you already own the Denon? -
For the best sound, get separate amps to drive your Lsi series speakers.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
Come on bro, it's all subjective. There are receivers out there with plenty of power, and that are rated to handle a 4 ohm load. While I'm a believer in seperates, they aren't for everyone.
Audition, ask questions, and then audition some more. -
I would recommend separates as well. Remember, you can spend serious $$$ on speakers, but if you drive them with less than stellar equipment, you still won't get good results.
I can attest that at Fry's I auditioned the exact LSi setup you mentioned, and they ran it off an HK 7300. It sounded great for HT, but two-channel music on the 9's sounded a little constricted.
Outlaw Audio has great prices on separates, with mostly great reviews all around, especially considering the price. Considering the LSi's are 4Ohm, you could get the less expensive 100wpc amplifiers, since at 4Ohm they output more than 100wpc. Should be just enough to drive your system w/ enough current to get the kind of sound you should get from such awesome speakers.Current System:
Mitsubishi 30" LCD LT-3020 (for sale**)
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand (Rosewood)-Mains (with Audioquest Mont Blanc cables)
CSi5-Center (for sale**)
FXi3-surrounds (for sale**)
Martin Logan Depth-Sub
B&K AVR 507
Pimare CD21-CD Player
Denon 1815-DVD Player
Panamax M5500-EX-Line Conditioner -
Originally posted by gregure
I can attest that at Fry's I auditioned the exact LSi setup you mentioned, and they ran it off an HK 7300. It sounded great for HT, but two-channel music on the 9's sounded a little constricted.