fried my mm12... don't know why?

Systems Posts: 14,873
edited September 2004 in Car Subwoofer Talk
hey guys... I seem to have fried my 12" Polk/Momo sub (in a polk enclosure), but I don't know why or how. I had it powered by a Crunch amp rated @ 450W RMS 1000W max, and the sub is supposed to handle 500W RMS 1000W max, so I don't know what the problem is. I had a 40A fuse in-line with the power cable for the amp, and there are 2 40A fuses on the amp itself, so I don't think it could have overpowered it much, but the sub does not work with any other amps, and the amp will power other speakers. It doesn't look like any of the connecting wires are melted (the enclosure it came in has a plexiglass back, so you can see the wires leading to the driver), but i don't want to pull it, so I don't void my warranty. Should I send this back in? Why did it fry in the first place? I hope you guys can help, 'cause this really bothers me, because it should not have happened.
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  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited September 2004
    Call up customer service. They'll help ya out.
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited September 2004
    yea---send it back...did you break it in?
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited September 2004
    Will a sub completely die and no longer work if not broken in? or will it just sound distorted?
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited September 2004
    Depends on what caused it to "break". Sometimes it'll be distorted, sometimes nothing will come out.
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited September 2004
    thanks for the suggestions... I'll call it in and see what they say. I broke it in for a good couple (2-3) weeks with low volumes and low gain on a 250W RMS 450W max amp, then after a while threw on the new amp and gradually turned it up. This thing hit hard and low, blew a 25A fuse (in-line with the battery remaining from my previous amp), and I was really enjoying it. Odd thing is, it blew when I didn't have it cranked up, I was just listening to medium volume rap (not pushing the limits of this sub), and it kind of cut out on me, never to come back. Damn shame too, it was a nice sub, and I did a good install if I do say so myself (brackets come in handy). I'll keep eveyone posted on the process, I hope shipping isn't terrible for this, considering I got it for 100 bucks new.