12AU7 tubes, any favs?

Posts: 100
Built a homebrew tube preamp similar to the bottlehead foreplay, but went ahead and used better Panasonic and Kimber caps. Also used a alpha dual gang 100k volume pot. I originally liked the JJ Tesla 12AU7's, but after break in, found them dull in the midrange with fuzzy bass. Next tried the HP 5963's. Much better bass, very quick and tight. Nice midrange, but a bit forward on some cd's, nice airy highs. Any other suggestions? Been thinking of the RCA cleartops, Raytheons, and the Electro Harmonix. I ran the Electro Harmonix EL34's in my Eico HF-87 and like them very much. Liquid midrange and great bass. Thanks.
Main System
Pre - Homebrew 12au7 tube preamp
Amp - Eico HF-87 with EHEL34's
Source - Modded Toshiba 3950
Interconnects - DIY Belden
Speakers - Polk SDA-1C
Basement System
Pre - McIntosh C-28
Amp - McIntosh MC2100
Source - Modded Toshiba 3960
Tape - Pioneer RT-707
Turntable - Thorens TD150MKII with Denon DL-160
Speakers - Pioneer HPM-100
Pre - Homebrew 12au7 tube preamp
Amp - Eico HF-87 with EHEL34's
Source - Modded Toshiba 3950
Interconnects - DIY Belden
Speakers - Polk SDA-1C
Basement System
Pre - McIntosh C-28
Amp - McIntosh MC2100
Source - Modded Toshiba 3960
Tape - Pioneer RT-707
Turntable - Thorens TD150MKII with Denon DL-160
Speakers - Pioneer HPM-100
Post edited by 00p225 on
Hi Zane,
I've got a pair of RFT 12AU7 (East Germany) if you're interested. You hooked me up good with the DAC and receiver, so if you want, I'll give you mine. The only 12AU7 I plan to keep are my Mullard. The RFT are neutral and well balanced. A little light on bass but very good clarity, soundstage, etc.
So far my Mullard 12AU7 are the best sounding. I also enjoyed the 12AU7 from Electro Harmonix.
Maurice -
Hey Maurice,
Good to hear from you, did you get your Foreplay kit yet?
On the 12AU7's, I have an extra pair of the HP 5963's which I hear come with the Bottlehead kit. My bro ordered 10 pair of these (bulk deal), and so far they are my favorite. Great quick bass, and have a midrange timbre that none of the other tubes Iv'e tried can match. I'd be glad to swap you a pair for the RFT's which I hear sound very good as well. BTW, I also ordered a pair of the RCA 5963 blackplates. Many say these sound wonderful, and they were cheap. $9.90 including shipping. Let me know what you think.
ZaneMain System
Pre - Homebrew 12au7 tube preamp
Amp - Eico HF-87 with EHEL34's
Source - Modded Toshiba 3950
Interconnects - DIY Belden
Speakers - Polk SDA-1C
Basement System
Pre - McIntosh C-28
Amp - McIntosh MC2100
Source - Modded Toshiba 3960
Tape - Pioneer RT-707
Turntable - Thorens TD150MKII with Denon DL-160
Speakers - Pioneer HPM-100 -
Didn't get the Foreplay kit. I have another tube pre on the way. Don't worry about swapping. I won't be using my ASL for at least a few years. Just PM me your addy and I'll send out the RFT. I should be able to get them out by Tues.
I've heard great things about RCA tubes as well. I have a pair of 7199 black plates coming in for my tube amp. Can't wait:). I'm surprised you got those RCA for so cheap.