CS400 + sub VS. CS1000p

Strong Bad
Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
edited February 2002 in Technical/Setup
I know I've read some postings of guys with this type of setup. Please ring in and let me know if you compared the 2 and how you like the CS400 with a sub. What sub are you using and anyone have thoughts on a good match? I'm thinking of going this route VS buying the CS1000p.

No excuses!
Post edited by Strong Bad on


  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited February 2002
    i've listened to the cs1000 paired with the 3000 towers in a demo room, sounded good but a little much bass for a center IMO. the 400 matches my 800i's much better, and i can make up for the lost bass in a seperate sub. IMO, i think the center should be clear, and cover the mid-high range since it is mostly dialouge and limited to on-screen action, the rest of the system can make up for that heart pounding bass and effects. paired with your SDA SRS 2.3's though, i don't know...(it did sound good with the 3000's, and those are closer to your 2.3's than my 800's)
  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited February 2002
    I can't comment yet on the cs1000p. Hopefully mine will be delivered tomorrow. I have the cs400 on top of a projection tv. I hooked up a small 8 inch Yamaha sub and put it next to the 400. I liked the way it sounded for music with the sub, but was not very impressed for movie listening. If I get my 1000 tomorrow, I will let you know. IMO, you have to have the sub next to the 400 or you will lose any benefit. I would recommend you give it a shot if you have a sub available. I wouldn't spend a lot of money for one. I don't think it was that much of an improvement. Good Luck
  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited February 2002
    Had a cs400, sweet box, have it still as a rear center.
    The 1000 has a sub adjustment, can turn it down to mellow. I run mine simply with rca cables,
    nothing connected to LFE imput.
    The 1000 has a higher efficiency than the 800's or 1000's, so you have to throttle it back a bit if you want all levels the same.
    Big box, make sure your set is wide enough, or hang clearance lights off the ends.

  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited February 2002
    John, I did receive my cs1000 today. It sounds amazing for music. I have a Lexicon DC-2 and always turned the center channel way down when listening to music because it just didn't seem natural to me. With the 1000, I have the center at the same level as the fronts and the sound is seemless. I haven't tried it on movies yet.

    trubluluc, how did you set the SPL level? I was thinking, I should temporarily hook up the LFE in from my center amp and disconnect the speaker wires to get the proper level and then just hook up the top binding post without the jumpers to get the proper levels for the high end. Then hook up without the LFE and replace the jumpers for a proper callibrated center. Is this the correct way?
  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited February 2002

    As stated I chose not to hook up the LFE imput on the center. I'm thinking too much vibration can't be good for a tv.
    I'm running dual psw450 subs, and have all of the LFE signal running to them.
    I'm curious as to which mains your running,
    I ask because I notice my cs1000 is louder than my mains (rt1000i's).

  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited February 2002
    trubluluc, I am not going to use the LFE, I was just asking about callibrating the center. I want to make sure all of my speakers are at 75 db's and I don't know how to do that with the built in subwoofer. Without proper calibration it is impossible to know what the sub level should be on the cs1000. I am running Polk RTA-15tl's for my fronts. I had to turn the center down a little, but I am using a different amp for the center so I don't know how much louder thyreally are. I know the RTA-15's do not have a 92 DB rating, but I am not sure what they are rated, I assume about 89db's.
    Have you used a SPL meter on your system?
  • davidaskew
    davidaskew Posts: 3
    edited February 2002
    My Ht system consist of a pair of rt 800i for the fronts a cs400i for
    the center and a pair of LS/Fx for the surrounds . Due to my
    present living arrangement i do not have a subwoofer or plan to
    incorporate one at this time. however i would like to add more Bass
    would upgrading my cs400i to a cs1000p do the trick. I use this system
    exclusively for tv and dvd viewing. I have pair of 3.1 tls that i use for
    music listening. I sold a pair of sda 2bs to buy the rt800is.

    Thanks ! I love this Forum stuff
  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited February 2002
    You have a fine setup.
    Very well matched.
    You could get a cs1000,
    which is basicly a cs400 with a subwoofer,
    but why?
    It's freaking huge, and costs more
    than just buying a good sub.
    But if you've got more acreage atop
    your t.v. than in the corner of the room,
    you could do it.

  • davidaskew
    davidaskew Posts: 3
    edited February 2002
    Thanks Luc.

    Actually I do have enough room for the cs1000.
    But i do see your point. I think i will add a polk 350 sub
    I have seen them on ebay for about $275 .
    Its always nice to get another opinion.
  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited February 2002
    I think you will have more flexibility and definitely less vibration being transfered to your
