Doom3 pics poss spoiler

Posts: 7,532
Hands down the best graphics of any game made to date. Hopefully these partial screenshots will give you a taste.
Post edited by PolkThug on
These things are nasty. I'm shining my flashlight on 'em. During the game youi actually see dust particles floating in front of your light beam.
Exit wounds... Notice he's still pulling the trigger as he falls. None of that blood was on the wall until I started unloading.
The sound is also fantastic. They did a good job of putting in scary noises at the right places. Only downside is that probably most peoples computers can't handle this game. Sure it will play on older PC's, but you have to turn down the video settings.
What type a rig you got? I gotta amd xp2400 with a gig a ram and a ti4600 video card with 128 megs a ram. Is it good enough or am I out dated? I havnt been into computers for a while. Audio has been a priority for me lately.Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
WarViper, I think you should be able to play the game under medium settings. No system is capable of playing the game perfectly at ultra-high settings.
Give it a shot, I think you will enjoy it. -
Thanx for the quick reply Shizelbs. So that leaves to question where PT has it set on his comp. Looks great but I dont wanna get a load a slow down when I play. Too bad they cant make a Madden football game look that good.:(Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
Check out They have done a couple benchmarks of Doom3 comparing the effects of video card and CPU on frame rate. That should give you a decent idea of what to expect.
Well, I guess my first paycheck at my new job will be going towards a new videocard. Guess it's time to start checking the reviews..... I'd like to stay in the nVidia line, but who knows, I may defect to ATILudicrous gibs!
I have mine set to "high quality", 1024x768, but the frame rate is suffering.
My rig:
CPU: Athlon XP2500 (Barton chip, slightly overclocked)
Video: Prolink PixelView GeForce FX 5600 256MB
Golden Limited (slightly overclocked)
RAM: Corsair 512MB C2 -
This game is scary. I think I have AA turned on for this one. Check out the awesome shadow engine.
The setting are on "Ultra Quality" in this snippet, with 2x's AA. I think this game really needs at 512MB video card.
Originally posted by PolkThug
I think this game really needs at 512MB video card.
id has stated that it does. -
With ATI's "Hot Fix" Doom3 Drivers, I'm running @ 1600x1200 res. high quality, 2xAA and it's running ok, not perfect, and I do get some slow down. But it looks so freak'n awesome that I can't let myself run it any lower.
9800XT, and wishing I had a X800
Is there a way to make it show FPS while you're playing?
Try fraps-
[H]ard|OCP used it during their benchmarks. I haven't tried it yet, myself. It does screencaps, but also has an FPS mode.Ludicrous gibs! -
Originally posted by Terrax
With ATI's "Hot Fix" Doom3 Drivers, I'm running @ 1600x1200 res. high quality, 2xAA and it's running ok, not perfect, and I do get some slow down. But it looks so freak'n awesome that I can't let myself run it any lower.
I applied the new beta drivers, and they scewed up my whole system. First I couldn't boot the system at all. Tried it twice. Then tried it in safe mood; it booted. Then tried to play at ultra high settings; the game would hang. Knocked the settings back down to high; game would hang. So, I just rolled the drivers back to what they were at and its working fine now. -
Thanks for the link
I'm running at High Quality 1024x768, averaging 12-29 FPS. Kind of sucks considering every other game I can play at whatever my max refresh rate is.
However the game is still very very enjoyable, but I would not play multiplayer at that crappy fps.