Help with mocrophone amp?

Posts: 1,253
I just hooked up some outdoor speakers for the neighborhood pool. We tried to run a microphone into one of the inputs on the receiver, but the sound was real low. Do I need a special amp and speaker for a microphone? The lifegaurds want something to make announcements. Why was the sound so low? Is there an inexpensive way to do this? The pool is really struggiln financially and can't afford much. I already donated the Denon reciever, pioneer 25 disk cd player and the speakers. I don't want to spend much more. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on
You'll need a mic preamp. I assume you're using a standard, "cheapie" mic, with 1/4" phone plug?
I think I had the parts to DIY one, at one time. Let me look and see what I've got. I know I've got a little DC-powered mixer that would do the trick, but it might be overkill for your purpose: If your pool lifeguards are anything like ours, and if they will be the primary operators of the equipment, then simpler is better.
Jason -
Thanks Jason. They have a mic with a large plug on the end (1/4?), they bought a converter from radio shack to change to RCA plug and we plugged it into the receiver. The guards aren't the brightest bunch, but they are good kids!
The only thing I can come up with is that little mixer that I mentioned earlier. I can get a picture of it when I get home from work in a couple of hours.
Jason -
Thanks. PM sent.
Thanks for all your help and charity.