So... we can't hotlink images from a photo hosting site any more?

mhardy6647 Posts: 34,192
edited December 2024 in Forum Testing Area
I know that this forum/Vanilla filters URLs to add a warning that one is being directed to a site outside of the Polk forums ecosystem, but now linked image files seem to suffer the same fate(?). Maybe it's me, Flickr, or my browser (Chrome @ the moment).

Here's a link to an image, as hosted @ Flickr:

51663729245_b5c5e959da_b.jpgDSC_0953 (2) by Mark Hardy, on Flickr

just the "IMG" code and the URL for the jpg:

Embedded HTML:
<a data-flickr-embed="true" href="; title="DSC_0953 (2)"><img src="; width="1018" height="1024" alt="DSC_0953 (2)"/></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Das Ding an sich. (downloaded from Flickr and uploaded to Vanilla/Polk):
