Having computer problems this fine July 19th, 2024 day?



    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,192
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 6,703
    edited July 20
    Jstas wrote: »
    Wikipedia said it was true

    Confirmed outside of the wiki lands too...
    Meanwhile, Kurtz’s personal net worth plunged more than $300 million on Friday because of the faulty update. :D
    We can only hope that by the time this is over, he is worth pennies.
    For rig details, see my profile. Nothing here anymore...
  • Viking64
    Viking64 Posts: 7,010
    I think we should send Willard up the river to get Kurtz.

  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 6,703
    billbillw wrote: »
    I'm not sure if my terminology is correct, but the options in the pre-boot do not seem to have any "startup settings" that would typically be used to start Windows in SafeMode.
    I get this:

    I was finally able to get my work laptop up and running this AM. Turns out that my limited options in Recovery were because the BIOS settings for the SSD were set to RAID/RST. Recovery apparently didn't have the additional drivers to be able to see my drive. So, on a whim, I changed the BIOS for the drive to AHCI, which is preferred anyway. Of course, I got the 'unable to load boot drive' errors then I was able to get recovery, with all the standard options. The auto repair fixed it, I was able to start in SAFE mode, upon which, apparently, the fix was already pushed down, or maybe my install went back to a pre-borked state, either way, I was able to re-start the computer in normal mode and it is all back, sorta. A few of my software installations that weren't part of the standard image were corrupted. So, I should be able to avoid an unnecessary trip into my office on Monday. The can either give me temp Admin rights, or remotely fix the few programs that got corrupted.

    For rig details, see my profile. Nothing here anymore...
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,667
    edited July 20
    Excellent thread
    Sal Palooza
  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 6,703
    billbillw wrote: »
    msg wrote: »
    To what? (just curious. Infrastructure, data, collaboration tools?)

    Above my paygrade Scott. I recall some IT Teams meetings that I didn't attend something about an Azure to Isilon transition? I'm an environmental engineer who dabbles in home IT stuff but beyond that, I just hope things work like they should. Heck, maybe we do still use Azure. I just know my cloud stuff is working today.

    @msg @Jstas
    Turns out I was wrong (or at least reversed) on my previous statements. I did recall some emails about Isilon/Azure transition, but it was the other way around. We are transitioning to Azure from Isilon, but it hasn't gone live yet. I only found this out today because they want me to be a tester just prior to the 'go live' date near the end of the month. Either way, that explains why our cloud stuff wasn't affected. It was because we are behind on the IT infrastructure, like most government agencies.
    For rig details, see my profile. Nothing here anymore...