No sound Polk HTS10

I just brought home a new Polk sub to add to the two front speaker I have attached to a Sony STR-DH590. The Sony has two black sub output and the sub has left/right rca and lfe input. The sub came with a mono cable and I have tried connecting it to the left out to lfe in, right out to lfe in, lft/rgt rca out to lft/rgt rca in, lft/rgt rca out to lfe with red side, lft/rgt rca out to lfe with white side, and bought a splitter to connect to both sub outs down to one for lfe in. The only sound I've heard was with the splitter for about 5 minutes but since has stopped and will not work now. Receiver is set to pattern 2/0.1. I do hear sound from the sub when touching the end of the out or in but that's it. Pulling my hair out here and need a hand. Thx for reading.


  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,953
    "You only need one connection to the sub. You do not need both the left and right inputs, and need only utilize one of them. All subwoofers mix the left and right channels in order to give them a mono signal. The AV receiver already does this, and the sub pre out on the AV receiver is already mono in nature. You only need one RCA cable from the AVR to just one of the sub's low level RCA inputs."

    "2 channel sources do not include a discrete LFE channel so an active sub would ordinarily remain dormant while portraying stereo 2 channel sources. What you'd need to do is set the speakers as being SMALL and then assign them crossover settings (80hz). The AV receiver will then redirect frequencies at and below the associated crossover configurations away from the speakers designated small and out to the sub."
  • @Clipdat Thx for your reply. If I'm understanding you correctly....I have plugged a single rca into the sub output on AVR and into the red input on sub but not into lfe. I've programed the AVR to the settings above but still not getting sound from sub. Does the low pass dial need to be on 40, 60, or 80? What about the phase toggle to auto or DC control?
  • I performed a master reset on my Sony AVR and ran the easy setup to identify the speakers. There was some kind of setting holding back the signal and works like a charm now. Incredible powerful bass!
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,953
    Glad it was a quick fix, enjoy.