IEM Advice, Please?
Posts: 339
in Headphones
Considering wired IEMs that I'd like to connect to an iPad through an AQ Dragonfly Cobalt DAC (via Apple camera adapter). The Dragonfly output is 2.1V. Can anyone advise if that's enough to drive the Sennheiser IE200 earphones?
Yes that's enough lol, good lord.
Stupid question? I've been told that IEMs may need a dedicated headphone amp to drive them. All new to me.
Nah, they're extremely sensitive, you don't even need an amp to drive them. Will it help/sound better? Probably.
119db at 1v lol. That'll blow your ears out, unless you are deaf.
Appreciate the education!
Do you already have the IEMs or are you still deciding on which ones to get?
I've ordered them, but that can be undone. Why?
Just curious. I'm not a big IEM guy but I used to have the Cardas ones and they were nice. Did you already order the DAC as well? Looking forward to hearing what you think.
I've had the DAC for over a year, and love it. Until now, I used it in the USB of my desktop while working, connected to a cheap pair of HiFiMan earbuds. Figure that if that was good, the Sennheisers should be better.
Nice, I had the original Dragonfly and the Dragonfly Red, both were pretty good.
I mostly stream qobuz and my old ears like the details the setup provides