ARC (my dream job) Looking for another location

Posts: 4,999
Any takers? @pumpkinman
Any takers? @pumpkinman
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears
No I rather stay married
Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give -
Talk about a dream job. I remember a while ago that Hugh Hefner was looking for someone to maintain his vast audio/video system at his mansion. You had to keep everything in perfect order and always wanted everything up to date and the best available. He would, once a week, circle every TV program he wanted recorded in his TV guide and the job required setting up multiple video recorders (this was in the era of the big Sony and Panasonic video recorders) so everything could be ready for Hef and friends to watch later.
I couldn't fathom the weight of all those albums and storage shelves.
I guess I could do that -- but only 3 million'd be a letdown from the album collection here, of course.