Center channel questions....

iluvmusic Posts: 53
edited June 2004 in Speakers
Since I don’t have much room on top of my TV, and am not able to mount one behind my TV, was just wondering what you guys think about running a pair of bookshelf speakers as center channel, versus running a small center channel like the CSI3 or a CS245i. I was thinking of getting a pair of bookshelf speakers like the Rti6, Rti4, or Rt25i or Rt35i, and wire them in series to the center channel. I’ve heard that most inexpensive center channel speakers aren’t too good, and also thought a pair of bookshelf speakers might do a better job when placed next to the TV on either side.

I have a pair or Rti8s, and a pair of Rt800is – so I would get the bookshelf (or center channel) speakers that match what I’m going to use for main speakers, whether it be the Rti8s or the Rt800i’s. Right now I’m leaning towards running the Rt800i’s as mains in my surround system, and putting my Rti8’s back downstairs and use them for stereo. The reason being I can buy the surround speakers that match the Rt800i’s used, which are much cheaper than buying speakers that match the Rti8s.

Thanks for all your educated opinions in advance. This is the last time I'll bother you guys about this issue!!
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  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited June 2004
    I don't think it's a bad idea or a dumb question at all.

    I would still shoot for the center channel, I know the old CS245i and the later generations (don't know what the model #'s are) didn't take up a lot of space and were great speakers. I don't see any real problem with using bookshelves as a center but, given the choice would go with the center.

    Keep asking questions!

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited June 2004
    I am using RTi70 as my centre speaker atm for RTi150's (used to be RTi70's also). I wouldn't worry about using two bookshelves, they should do a great job. My next setup will be LSi7's all around, I just need to find another LSi7 to be able to make it 7.1.