New Nad Cheaper streamer

This looks like a nice cheaper streamer. Simple maybe good for an older receiver or like that add says, a powered set of speakers.
Klipsch The Nines, Audioquest Thunderbird Interconnect, Innuos Zen MK3 W4S recovery, Revolution Audio Labs USB & Ethernet, Border Patrol SE-I, Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Thunder, Cullen Crossover II PC's.


  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,067
    edited March 2023
    You know -- I'd feel the need to listen to Bryter Layter on a product called Cheaper Streamer.



    PS1 It does look cool for the $
    PS2 In case you didn't know it, you can edit out all the tracking crud from a link like that. Just blast everything downstream of the question mark, inclusive of the question mark -- for a kinder, gentler URL. :)
  • Easy Runnin
    Easy Runnin Posts: 501
    I wonder why FLAC is not supported.
    HT- Samsung PN50B860/Integra DTR 30.3/Rt55 Fronts
    Rt35i Surrounds/Cs1000p Center/SVS BP1000 Sub
    2CH - B&K MC-101 pre/B&K EX-442 amp/NAD 2400 amp
    Polk SDA1C, Polk Monitor 7, New Large Advents and Polk RTA 8T
    BR - Yamaha CR800/Polk monitor 5
  • Gardenstater
    Gardenstater Posts: 4,530
    I wonder why FLAC is not supported.

    Doesn't show DSD support either. But since it supports TIDAL wouldn't that mean it must support FLAC, since that is what they use? I notice they don't mention directly supporting Qobuz, but maybe one or more of the 3rd party apps they support like Roon support it.
    George / NJ

    Polk 7B main speakers, std. mods+ (1979, orig owner)
    Martin Logan Dynamo sub w/6ft 14awg Power Cord
    Onkyo A-8017 integrated
    Logitech Squeezebox Touch Streamer w/EDO applet
    iFi nano iDSD DAC
    iDefender w/ iPower PS
    Custom Steve Wilson 1m UPOCC Interconnect
    iFi Mercury 0.5m OFHC continuous cast copper USB cable
    Custom Ribbon Speaker Cables, 5ft long, 4N Copper, 14awg, ultra low inductance
    Custom Vibration Isolation Speaker Stands and Sub Platform
  • Gardenstater
    Gardenstater Posts: 4,530
    Maybe the coming DLNA support will cover the need to do FLAC files? Need this dumbed down for me no doubt!

    They don't even have a manual yet just a datasheet?!
    George / NJ

    Polk 7B main speakers, std. mods+ (1979, orig owner)
    Martin Logan Dynamo sub w/6ft 14awg Power Cord
    Onkyo A-8017 integrated
    Logitech Squeezebox Touch Streamer w/EDO applet
    iFi nano iDSD DAC
    iDefender w/ iPower PS
    Custom Steve Wilson 1m UPOCC Interconnect
    iFi Mercury 0.5m OFHC continuous cast copper USB cable
    Custom Ribbon Speaker Cables, 5ft long, 4N Copper, 14awg, ultra low inductance
    Custom Vibration Isolation Speaker Stands and Sub Platform