evolution of a polkster

cdubya Posts: 61
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
Calling all polksters! Whos willing to tell where they started with speakers and how their systems have evolved. Interesting to know also is how those changes have impacted as a whole.
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited June 2004
    Great premise for a thread.....

    I started back in the mid 80's with a pair of Boston A100's and a Denon receiver. Loved that rig. As time wore on and life happened audio was something that I didn't have time or the coinage for. A few years back, a friend gave me a pair of Polk RT7's (which Russman now has) that I hooked up to a POS Technics integrated. I was back in business. I built a modest HT system but really wanted a separate 2ch rig.

    In the meantime guys on this forum, George Grand, Russman, hoosier21, nascarmann and many others patiently explained things to me, answered a million dumb questions, turned me on to different types of gear (often giving it to me for FAR less then they could have sold it elsewhere for). In the process, I've built 4 rigs in my home and some for a few others and built a great appreciation for classic vintage gear. Along the way, through this forum, I've built some lifelong friendships.

    Now, far as my rigs go? What do I have now? My main 2ch rig is built around a pair of Carver Amazing Loudspeakers/Cavrer Silver 9t monos and a CJ tube preamp. My HT rig is in a state of flux with the addition of a pair of SDA SRS 2.3tl's. The emphasis there is now the SDA's so I want all separates so I can enjoy the 2.3's in 2ch as well. I have a bedroom rig with the LSi's and my garage rig is vintage Marantz and a cool looking pair of Pioneer CS-88a's.

    Hey, a guy has to have hobbies, right?

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,911
    edited June 2004

    I started bout 3 years or so ago. I started off with a 50 dollar boombox - that didn't last to long! So then, I moved on to a JVC MX-g50 shelf system! Needless to say, that didn't last long either!

    So then I moved to a Sony surround sound receiver (sold that in 2 weeks) and a pair of RT35i! That was getting closer!

    So then after I sold the receiver, the summer of 2002 started - and I started bringing in more gear! the M&K, CS245i, RT25i, Yamaha receiver and cd player -- etc etc.

    My first rig was born, I thought that was enough!

    ...Then...I joined this place!!!

    I lurked around here for about a month or two, reading it up! Then I started posting - and yes, (amazing as it is ;)) Troy, Russ, Sean, Jesse, (even Mark), Henry, Bruce (Tour), everyone really helped me out on my rig! So, soon after that - I got the Adcom amp - then I had to get rid of the Yammer receiver, then I got the Pioneer Elite....

    It was an ever changing thing! I have probally changed rigs 3-4 times in 2-3 years!

    I currently am again, in the process of *upgrading* my rig...AGAIN...

    And this is what I HOPE** to come out with this time around...

    Mains - Definitive Tech BP10 & Polk Audio RTi70/RT5
    Main Amp (for 10b, and RTi70) - B&K ST 125.2
    Main Amp Speaker Switcher (To switch between BP10 and RTI70) - Adcom GFS-3
    RT5 Amp - Adcom GFA-545
    SUrrounds - Definitive Tech BP6B
    Surround amp - Adcom GFA-545 II
    Subwoofer - SVS PCi 22-31
    Preamp - NAD 917
    CD Player - Denon DCM-280

    And throughout the year, slowly, I hope to upgrade to a B&K preamp and cd player (if I like the amp).

    All thanks to the guys on this board...w00t w00t

    Thank you all! :D

    - Sid Da Kid
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • gidrah
    gidrah Posts: 3,049
    edited June 2004
    I had brothers and sisters that were into music and good gear as I was growing up. I bought my Polks back in '89. I've driven them with a Sansui receiver, then Kenwood separates, then Pioneer receiver, then a Sony DPL receiver, then a JVC DD/DTS receiver, then a mix of amps and pre's. I just got done hooking them up to a vintage (but updated, modded, reworked) Pioneer receiver.

    This forum has been wonderful in helping me out. They've answered my questions, I've learned from other people's questions and answers, and offered opinions and insight at every turn. Thanks guys. :)
    Make it Funky! :)
  • Emlyn
    Emlyn Posts: 4,538
    edited June 2004
    My hobby/addiction started out in the early 1980s with an Akai integrated amplifier, a Pioneer direct drive turntable, an Aiwa cassette deck, and a pair of Sansui speakers (acoustic suspension design with 12 inch woofers).

    After I first bought a CD player, I regularly started to smoke the tweeters in the Sansui speakers with wide dynamic range tracks like Time from "Dark Side of the Moon". Fortunately Radio Shack sold cheap substitute replacements at that time. Eventually I learned the concept of "clipping" and no longer needed to keep replacing tweeters. I kept the Sansui speakers until the early 1990s when I upgraded to a pair of Advent Heritage speakers.

    My first pair of Polks was a pair of RT1000p towers I got after I bought my first DVD player. After twelve or so pairs of Polks being rotated through my house, my main music system is now built around my SDA-SRS 2.3TLs with 600 watts per channel devoted to them.

    What a great hobby!
  • cdubya
    cdubya Posts: 61
    edited June 2004
    Considering i started this thread, i suppose i had better put in my 0.02. Here goes. I began with Onkyo avr's and dvd player, through a friend got these at cost thus eventually ended up at the 939. Although not unhappy with the onk sound wise, i wanted dts and sacd/dvd-a capability so changed to Denon flagship avr and soon to move to the Denon 2900 for the dvd player. Would love to use a krell kav300i for the front channels but $$$ wise it aint gonna happen any time soon.
    To all the polks ive loved before, have owned the rt10's, rt12's for the front channels. Changed the tweets in the 12's to the tri-lams, and that made a huge difference, but still felt i needed more. Ended up with the rti100s and am more than happy there. In the center dept listed in order cs350 lost that, wife thought it a bit large shall we say. Got a cs250 but have ended up with a cs400i much happier, wife never commented so it is here to stay!
    I have only owned two pairs of polk surrounds the rtfx which were fine but got offered a good deal to get the center and rears together so... you know the rest.
    Any plans to change what ive got , not any time soon. The new rti range imo sounds fine, but visually doesnt have the same impact as the older models (again thats only my opinion).
    Subs, well maybe one day but again not any time soon
    ;) thanks for the feedback
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited June 2004
    ummmmm lets see if I can remember back that far. :eek:

    I really started to pay attention to sound back around 1990. I had just purchase my first home.. i was like 28, single and loving my freedom.

    At the time i remember wanting some big tall tower speakers. I found a pair of KLH towers that i had to have. (sorry can't remember the model #). I got those and then found a middle of the road Pioneer for power. I also at that time bought a Sony CD player... either my second or third Sony CD player..

    I thought i was in heaven. The towers sounded so good. I never in my wildest dreams think that anything could sound better. I had this system till early 1999, when I went down to the local hi end stereo shop. (Huppins aka OneCall.com) and got a good listen on. They had brands i'd never paid much attention too. Ones like Onkyo, Marantz, HK, Carver, etc. Brands that sounded so good, but were out of my price range.

    Then i struck a deal with the owner (Murry Huppin) and i got my first 5.1 Marantz SR5000. Crap that thing was heavy compared to my Pioneer. ;)

    To present.. i still use the SR5000 today and i've since added external Marantz MA500 amps, and a 2 ch. Adcom. I've upgraded the bi wires to Monster Z3. Added a CS400i center and F/X300i's for the rears.. and a lovely SVS 20-39PCi. Just recently took the leap to a integrated direct view HDTV. A year ago i got a used Marantz carousel CDP and a California Audio Labs Alpha tube DAC.

    that's the short story version. For now i"m happy, but i've run out of digital inputs on my trusty Marantz receiver. Late this year or next... i'll be looking for a replacement receiver. Would love to go seperates, but I doubt i can afford a decent pre amp.

    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • jcaut
    jcaut Posts: 1,849
    edited June 2004
    I've been into electronics for as long as I can remember. I've never really had much money to put into it, but still I've managed to acquire alot of nice (to me) stuff. My first stereo was a little Panasonic all-in-one system. I soon added a phono preamp and a Technics TT, 'cause that ballpoint pen-sized stylus on the cheapo table was chewing up my substantial vinyl collection. I was around 13-- can't remember for sure. I added an equalizer, and proceeded to blow up the Panasonic speakers. (They didn't like the 12db boost at 31Hz). For Christmas that year, my parents bought me a pair of my dream speakers at the time, Realistic Mach One's. Big and loud: What more could a kid want? In retrospect they were pretty decent and I wish I still had them. Within another year or so I saved up enough money to buy a Realistic receiver and was on my way to building a pretty nice, (at least for me, at the time) system.

    I bought my first car, a ragged-out '74 Vette, when I was 17, and I ended up selling my Mach One's and the TT (having transferred all my vinyl to cassette, anyway, to avoid the dreaded record-wear) to help pay for car parts. I built a pair of speakers (bigger and louder than the Mach Ones), and then decided to go DJ'ing with a buddy of mine. That produced enough income to fix my car up AND buy another pair of RS speakers, this time Optimus 400's, and a RS TT and Shure V15. By this time I was in college, and vinyl was on the way out. I didn't own a CD player until '92, the year I got married. I continued to pick up gear here and there, and, thanks in large part to the fine bunch of guys I met on the Polk forum, I'm beginning to figure out what good sound is all about.

    Today I've got a reasonable HT (at least audio-wise: Got a little 27" Sony TV) with a Denon 3801, RT800i's, CS400i, RT3's, CS175i, and PSW1200. I'm beginning to realize, though, that HT is not 'where it's at' for me, and I am considering ditching it in favor of 2-ch.

    I'm currently listening to a Stan Getz CD on my Tosh 3950/Sunfire pre/TFM4.0/LSi7 system and thinking it sounds pretty darn good!

  • amulford
    amulford Posts: 5,020
    edited June 2004
    Oh where to begin..

    I started with music withthe older siblings. Probably got the first "stereo" when I was fourteen, an all in one rig... Hooked up like ten speakers to it....

    When I got a little older, I built my first 2 CH rig. A Yammie pre, Pioneer receiver, Akai cassette, Nakamichi amp, equalizer, and some Advents. Still have most of that..

    I got into HT a couple of years back, went to a decent shop with a buddy who was really into it (God rest him). Heard my RT2000p's and HAD to have them. Bought a Denon 1802 to go with it.

    Now I'm still not quite done with the HT rig, but have come to REALLY appreciate GOOD sounds.

    My ol' lady is starting to come around...;)
  • MSkeezer
    MSkeezer Posts: 1,183
    edited June 2004
    Good thread. Here's how it began for me...

    Once upon a time...

    My first system was a crappy HTiB from Radio Shack. Well, it sounded decent, had gobs of bass, but after 3 weeks, something in the receiver blew, so took it back, and started looking at what CC had to offer. I went through at least a dozen different systems, from JVC to Sony to Pioneer to Kenwood to Sherwood, etc, etc. None offered what I wanted. I decided a box system wasn't going to do it for me. I tried a few seperate receiver, speaker configs, but there was always something about them I didn't like. I then made a visit to my wife's uncles' house. He had just bought a new receiver for his main system, some RCA Pro model, which was actually a Pioneer is disguise. His speakers were a pair of those nice RCA bookshelf spkrs with the honeycomb woofers, a Polk CS175i center, a pair of Polk inwall surrounds, and a PSW250 sub. The way he had everything hooked up somewhat boggled me. He had his DVD player hooked up to his 50 in rptv using some crappy rca cables, and using the TV audio out to his receiver, again using crappy rca's. I suggested he rewire his sysem, and use an optical cable for the DVD. He was a bit skeptical about doing this, but he decided to give it a try. Long story short, we rewired his system using a decent quality RCA optical cable from Walmart(2 actually with an adaptor), switched out speaker wire, and got a new sub cable. We popped in Pearl Harbor, and he and his wife were totally blown away at the difference. I was, too. The Polks sounded amazing, and the sub kicked so much ****, and, that was when I was hooked. I went out and got the exact same receiver, a pair of R15's, a CS245i center speaker, and a cheap Sony sub. I used some crappy KHL's for my surrounds, which, weren't that bad sounding really. It was the best sound system I had had to date. After living with it for about a year, I sold the 15's, and the center, and upgraded to the RTi38's for my fronts and surrounds, and got the CSi30 center. Not long after that I upgraded to the CSi40, and a little while after that, I got the RTi70's. I had that for a little while, loved it for the most part. The Yamaha 1300 I had was a little bright, but sounded good. I got the PSW404, loved it, then ran into a driver problem. Just a few weeks ago, I sold the RTi's, and the Yammie, and bought the Carver AV-505, and got 2 pair of LSi7's from Kingkip. I'm going to use my Technics SH A300 DD processor for my decoding(sounds pretty good, especially since I only paid $40 for it :) ) I should be getting the LSi's on Thursday(according to Fed Ex), and hopefully I'll get my replacement sub driver from Polk by Fri. Within a few months, I'll add the LSi center to my setup, and by the end of the year, I'll get a much better pre amp/pro to replace the Technics, maybe a Rotel, or a NAD.