Polk's reputation going up

setzer808 Posts: 173
edited June 2004 in Speakers
Hey gang,

Just thought I'd share my impressions of the LSi's (and other Polks) at HiFi Buys (Tweeter). First off, I'm ecstatic that they finally started carrying them and I can finally hear some LSi's.

The biggest thing I noticed other than the already common-knowledge good sound and looks of the LSi's was the favorable attitude customers and salespeople had towards them. In a store of Martin Logans and Sonus Fabers I was really impressed to keep hearing praise given to the Polk lineups.

It was nice to actually see some faces brighten up when I mentioned I'm a Polk owner instead of the all-too-common (but meaningless) frown or eye-roll I was used to. I attribute much of this popularity rise from the so called "status" change Polk is getting from moving into Tweeter.

Kudos to Polk, I've thought they deserved to be in the running with some of the products Tweeter normally stocks for years!
Polk CS245i Center
Polk RT55i Mains
Polk RT25i Rears
Polk PSW-350 Sub -in storage.
Yamaha RX-V681 A/V Reciever
Sony SCD-CE595 SACD Player
Post edited by setzer808 on


  • Emlyn
    Emlyn Posts: 4,538
    edited June 2004
    Agreed wholeheartedly. Polk has always had excellent value products, but the move to Tweeter in my mind will kick their reputation up a big notch by more buyers who may have had their impressions of Polk tainted by the company's main association with Circuit City. I've found Tweeter staff to be very knowledgeable and well trained. Putting LSIs in better view to the public definitely will help Polk boost sales and get the word more widely spread that Polk makes top notch home theater products. Keeping one foot in Circuit City with the new Monitor line also seems to be a brilliant move.

    Next good move..............reintroduce SDAs of course! :D
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,913
    edited June 2004
    Tweeter...their employees may be well trained --

    But running the LSi on Denon receivers, and putting the LSi15 in a corner, 13 feet apart - aint gonna sell JACK.

    But, I agree -- this will help Polk out alot, and all the Boston fans can get all the boston trash out of there on close out. psssssssh
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited June 2004
    I dunno, if the point is to entrech the LSi as primarily an HT speaker, sure, tweeter is a good move. Personally, I'm less than wowed by the staff at the Tweeters that I have been to in terms of audio, but, that's just my opinion. I don't think that the 'audiophile' community (not making a judgement of right or wrong, just obersvation) will see it as a great leap forward. Just my .02.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by Vr3MxStyler2k3

    But, I agree -- this will help Polk out alot, and all the Boston fans can get all the boston trash out of there on close out. psssssssh

    Uhhh, sid, Boston makes and has made some VERY nice speakers. They may not be for you but then again, I doubt you've probably ever even heard any of them.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,913
    edited June 2004
    I have heard ALOT of Boston gear, no specific models comes to mind though.

    I heard some alot at Tweeter, and Sound systems. They all sound alot like Klipsch horns...with decent mids.

    My Dad also has an entire Boston inwall system built in to his house - it sounds OK...for the money they cost new --- I would take Polk by a long shot. Just not my sound, and for the price they were and what Polk cost - Polk 100%...
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited June 2004
    Boston's sound like Khorns?? Just what the heck are you listening too? Those brands couldn't be any less similar sounding. I'm not going to imply one is better than the other ( to each his own) but they certainly don't sound alike.

    Just my .02

  • jmasterj
    jmasterj Posts: 327
    edited June 2004
    Hi guys,

    Just yesterday I had my first chance to hear some Lsi15's. Went to HiFi Buys these are some of the impressions from the visit:

    1. The speakers were not hooked up due to the room being rewired. However, the sales person was more than happy to load the speakers on a dolly and take them to another room hook them up for a demo for me.

    2. He did hook them up to Denon, and Yamaha receivers, with a Denon DVD player.

    3. The look, and the fit, and finish was very tight, the sound was dynamic we listened to some jazz. The overall presentation was good. BUT... see #6

    4. The salesman mentioned the speakers had at least 40 hours break in. He personally liked the LSi15's, and stated he prefered them to the Sonus Faber for the type of music he listens to.

    5. The listening room they used had Mirage, Omni, the pedistal size Sonus Faber, and Boston speakers.

    6. Taking into account, that I believe the LSi's would have sounded better using B&K electronics, a top of the line CD, or DVD player, or maybe SACD, DVD-Audio software. I'll have to give this audition a C+ .

    7. Club Polk forum had me ready to upgrade to the LSi series, the visit to HiFi-Buys change my mind. They did not, in my humble opinion, display these speakers in a way that would allow me to really hear what these speakers are capable of so on what I heard I could not justify spending the money. The sound quality wasn't very far from what I already have...
    JmasterJ Polk to the Death
  • jmasterj
    jmasterj Posts: 327
    edited June 2004
    Wanted to add this:

    If you go to audition equipment, Take some music you're throughly familiar with that way you'll notice what you hear different. Make the salesperson earn their money. Insist they hook up the best equipment available so you can hear the best presentation. Be prepared to spend some time. Don't be in a rush,
    have to go pick up the kids, drop them off etc. Don't bring the wife until you have already done the homework part. She'll be bored and ready to go. Plus she probably has something better to spend the money on. Don't take your checkbook on the first visit, and go listen as many times as you can. Remember word of mouth is a good place to start, your ears, are where you finish !
    JmasterJ Polk to the Death
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by Vr3MxStyler2k3
    I have heard ALOT of Boston gear, no specific models comes to mind though.

    I heard some alot at Tweeter, and Sound systems. They all sound alot like Klipsch horns...with decent mids.

    My Dad also has an entire Boston inwall system built in to his house - it sounds OK...for the money they cost new --- I would take Polk by a long shot. Just not my sound, and for the price they were and what Polk cost - Polk 100%...


    Boston and Klipsch? I think you might need to use some Q-tips. :D

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • jcaut
    jcaut Posts: 1,849
    edited June 2004
    Or maybe he's listened to TOO MUCH Klipsch. :D

  • scottvamp
    scottvamp Posts: 3,277
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by TroyD

    Boston and Klipsch? I think you might need to use some Q-tips. :D

    Two totally different speakers. Really bad goof on your part sid. Bosten are very refined speakers.
    My 7 year old Boston sub is one of the best subs I have ever heard for its size and with a simple driver replacement about 2 years ago it's still kicking like brand new.
  • Mark of Cenla
    Mark of Cenla Posts: 35
    edited June 2004
    Wouldn't everyone's speakers sound better with a great preamp, amp, and source?

    In one system I have Bostons (old), and in the other I have Polks (new). I like 'em both. In the store I worked at in the 80s, we sold both Polks and Bostons for a while but stopped carrying Polks because they were pretty similar. Of course that was long ago.

    At least a Tweeter they had 'em set up to play music. At Circuit City last Friday, I had to talk to three salesman and a manager the get them to play music through RTi4's.
    Mark Wellman ><>

    "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
  • Larry Chanin
    Larry Chanin Posts: 601
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by setzer808

    It was nice to actually see some faces brighten up when I mentioned I'm a Polk owner instead of the all-too-common (but meaningless) frown or eye-roll I was used to.

    I just ran across an old review of the LSi9s by Stereophile Guide to Home Theater that came out almost a year ago. Here's the first line of the review:
    When I hear "Polk" I mentally add a vowel and think back on he happy Bavarians swirling around on Ed Sullivan's "really big shoe."

    Nevertheless, despite what may be an old stigma about Polk, the reviewer went on to be extremely flattering of the LSis. Here's the last two lines of the review:
    The Polk LSi9 is clearly a big winner. And now, Maestro, a little Polk music to take us out: And a-one, and a-two...

    For Polk to overcome their reputation of a mass marketer and continue this trend of being taken seriously, they are going to have to introduce even more value-packed speakers, that are better performers than the LSis. I echo Emlyn's remarks about reintroducing an SDA line. Perhaps that will fit the bill. However, if an when they do so, they will need to tap into a higher-end distribution market beyond Tweeter.

  • TheReaper
    TheReaper Posts: 636
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by Larry Chanin
    I just ran across an old review of the LSi9s by Stereophile Guide to Home Theater that came out almost a year ago. Here's the first line of the review:


    When I hear "Polk" I mentally add a vowel and think back on he happy Bavarians swirling around on Ed Sullivan's "really big shoe."

    I wonder if that reviewer is really old enough to remember:

    Win7 Media Center -> Onkyo TXSR702 -> Polk Rti70
  • Larry Chanin
    Larry Chanin Posts: 601
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by TheReaper
    I wonder if that reviewer is really old enough to remember:



    With a screen name of "TheReaper" I guess you've got senority on a lot of us. ;)

    Apparently the reviewr is old enough to remember, but like me, it's the memories of a kid. Here's the entire first paragraph of the review:
    When I hear "Polk" I mentally add a vowel and think back on he happy Bavarians swirling around on Ed Sullivan's "really big shoe."As a kid, I always took that opportunity to run into the kitchen, fix a snack, and be back before the last oom-pah-pah had died away. I didn't want to miss any of the acts that really interested me--the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and Topo Gigio, the little Italian Mouse. Great band, smart mouse, all heavy hitters--the the Polk LSi9 speakers. Don't let this under-16 inch height fool you. At 32 pounds, this very solid little box proved dense encough to live up to audiophile expectations. This is a serious speaker. As Senor Wences would say, "S'alright!"
