Bluesound NODE PSU Upgrade Kits



  • skipshot12
    skipshot12 Posts: 1,307
    Not sure you’ll get to a satisfactory, to you, end with how your letter’s worded. May end up with a no response or an f-off.

    Im pretty confident it will be difficult for the recipient to not get highly offended and just wash their hands of the matter.

    Just my personal opinion of what I read.

    Best of luck…..

  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,852
    I'm not standing with anyone but I will say if I ordered a linear power supply and was sent that unit... I definitely would not be cool with it.

    If it is legit, regardless of how many years ago the manufacture should replace the unit.

    Just my 2 cents.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • stangman67
    stangman67 Posts: 2,306
    It appears the company offered to replace it and VySer refused and decided to keep the product as evidence.

    I certainly understand the anger, I’d certainly be pissed too. I just messaged back and forth with someone from the company. Simply stated the company may want to comment on the claims just to completely clarify the situation. We are not the biggest forum around but someone like this certainly could hurt a company’s business if not addressed
    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,852
    I'm assuming the issue is distance.

    The manufacture should send a label and a refund at the minimum, again if legit.

    Consumer should be out of pocket $0 to make that kind of thing right. That power supply is worthless that it is built and what it actually is lol

    But yeah the op definitely has a secondary agenda, a big axe to grind
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • invalid
    invalid Posts: 1,392
    The manufacturer did admit that it was a 9 year old design, if infact true, he has a legitimate claim of fraud, if it was sold as a linear power supply.
  • stangman67
    stangman67 Posts: 2,306
    I suggested to a Teddy Pardo that they answer the mail here but crickets. Interesting.

    I just find it so hard to believe they would intentionally do that with the reputation of the company AND that there is no mention on any other forums that I can find. You would think if they actually produced a product with a damn laptop power supply inside it, someone else would have opened theirs own and addressed it publicly.

    But alas if they refuse to answer the inquiry, I’m not so sure i should keep giving the tbd benefit of the doubt.
    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,331
    LOL.....I can tell you this.

    I'll never buy anything from them.

    24 hours during a normal weekday cycle since the notification and no response? Yeah, that's just...

    Whatever. I understand that start up companies need to cut corners but this? This is a crime in my book. Flat out fraud. A 100% refund, along with a public apology is in order here.

    Even if it was a returned item and resold by TP! No excuse in my book. None.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Yairf
    Yairf Posts: 1
    Hi all
    This is Yair of Teddy Pardo Audio.
    I was asked to comment here by a concerned friend.
    I am well familiar with the person trying to slander us: he purchased our product nearly 10 years ago and is now asking for a refund. Makes me wonder if I can get a refund for products I purchased a month ago...
    The product he shows here was made this way for a particular reason: overheating.
    Normally, when feeding our regulator circuit from a transformer, a certain overhead is required (also called voltage dropout). When the regulator feeds a very hungry load (3.5A constant load or higher), the result was overheating. This is why we used a medical-grade switch-mode power supply to feed the regulator board. This combination worked pretty good, as the Teddy regulator does a pretty good job filtering the switching noise, however we chose not to continue using it and only a few units were shipped.
    In the last couple of years, we made a number of modifications to our product, improving its performance, including its stability under current hungry loads.
    I have attached a picture of a unit randomly picked from our production, showing its internals.
    Any questions, please feel free to reply here or privately.lzxptep59de3.jpg
  • stangman67
    stangman67 Posts: 2,306
    edited February 2023
    Thanks for the post Yair, only question I would have is was that unit sold advertised as a LPS or not? If it wasn’t then I guess I can’t see any fraud although it’s sketchy at least. But if it was advertised as a LPS and sold with a switching power supply feeding the circuit board, that’s a whole nother story.

    I mean who the hell would spend 400 dollars on basically a filtered switching power supply. I understand the 10 year part of your argument but man I really think you should refund the guy. It’s shameful
    Post edited by stangman67 on
    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,852
    The only way I would ever agree that selling that power supply is ok is if you guys included that internal photo on your website along with the high price tag.

    Anything else is misleading as no one would ever purposefully spend money on that product the way you guys built it.

    All you need to add to it is duct tape to really round that off.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • VySer
    VySer Posts: 10
    Dear Yair , thank you for having the courage to explain this situation to the forum members, because I have never received your explanation of what I paid 443$ for. At least now I understand. That my intention was to slander probably didn't occur to anyone here... But that you think everyone here is an idiot is obvious.
  • VySer
    VySer Posts: 10
    OK. Let's calm down, maybe we don't understand something...
    If we already have a representative of a high-end company in the forum, let's ask them questions.
    You write on your website:zmc1jbonye2j.jpeg
  • VySer
    VySer Posts: 10
    Please answer how "medical- grade" chinese crap MODEL: AD7216N2 for max 15$ got into my LPSU?
  • Darkfnuf
    Darkfnuf Posts: 1
    edited January 2024
    Yairf wrote: »
    Hi all
    This is Yair of Teddy Pardo Audio.
    I was asked to comment here by a concerned friend.
    I am well familiar with the person trying to slander us: he purchased our product nearly 10 years ago and is now asking for a refund. Makes me wonder if I can get a refund for products I purchased a month ago...
    The product he shows here was made this way for a particular reason: overheating.
    Normally, when feeding our regulator circuit from a transformer, a certain overhead is required (also called voltage dropout). When the regulator feeds a very hungry load (3.5A constant load or higher), the result was overheating. This is why we used a medical-grade switch-mode power supply to feed the regulator board. This combination worked pretty good, as the Teddy regulator does a pretty good job filtering the switching noise, however we chose not to continue using it and only a few units were shipped.
    In the last couple of years, we made a number of modifications to our product, improving its performance, including its stability under current hungry loads.
    I have attached a picture of a unit randomly picked from our production, showing its internals.
    Any questions, please feel free to reply here or privately.lzxptep59de3.jpg

    I am new to this forum. I was just investigating internet for a potential upgrade for my CHORD Qutest PSU. I just discover the Teddy Pardo company and their associate products. Reading lot of goods about them and also the convicing "about us" on their website until i end up on this thread.

    Now, on this answer from Yair, it is mentionned on the picture that they use electrolytic caps from Panasonic.
    I found something a bit contradictory in the "about us" discribing the SuperTeddyReg, text which mentioned :

    "Smoothing capacitors are usually in the order of 4700-20000 uF, the SuperTeddyReg filter stage uses much smaller capacitors. The advantage of using smaller capacitors is that capacitors other than electrolytic can be used. Electrolytic capacitors are limited in their ability to filter high frequencies above the audio spectrum, and have leakage noise. Our power supplies make use of a combination of Tantalum, and PPS capacitors capable of filtering very high frequencies (over 1MHz). Surprisingly, filtering high frequencies even above 100 KHz is clearly audible.

    The following graph show the difference in noise level between a good quality Switch Mode Power Supply, a Naim SuperCap, and a TeddyCap mk3"

    So i understand in this description that theyare not using electrolytic capacitors but the picture state the opposite. i am not a technician and maybe i miss understood something. Can someone explain ?

    I am still interested in that direction for my upgrade :blush: