Yamaha RX-V650 vs HK AVR330

thorncj Posts: 16
edited June 2004 in Electronics
I was planning on purchasing the Yamaha RX-V650 but this is what I have heard

Yamaha RX-V650:
1) Too bright, especially for small rooms.
2) I can get something better for the same price (not sure what).

1) Offers much less features wise but is more 'musical'
2) Unreliable with one friend saying 50% he has sold burn out and he wouldnt sell one to a friend (he works for a surround sound place).

What are peoples thoughts? I plan on purchasing the following system

Polk RTi6 (front)
Polk RTi4 (surrounds)
Polk CSi3 (centre)
Polk PSW303 (sub)
Fronts: Polk RTi6
Surrounds: Polk RTi4
Center: Polk CSi3
Subwoofer: Undecided
Receiver: Yamaha RX-V650Ti awaiting purchase
Post edited by thorncj on


  • Toxis
    Toxis Posts: 5,116
    edited June 2004
    I also work for a shop who sells HK and have yet to have one 330 come back since they released the model. Great receiver for the money. Higher current amp so you will have more TRUE power.

    Plus, Yamaha puts all their engineering into all their retarded DSP fields. Who honestly likes listening to something in those? I have yet to meet anyone and I sold Yamaha for 2.5 years. "Wow, that really does sound like that German Bathroom!!!" Best quote I've ever heard about their DSP's... hahaha (it was total mockery)

    edit - if you're interested, I have an HK AVR 430 for much cheaper than what a 330 retails. Email or PM me if you're interested... BRAND NEW!
    Never kick a fresh **** on a hot day.

    Home Setup: Sony VPL-VW85 Projo, 92" Stewart Firehawk, Pioneer Elite SC-65, PS3, RTi12 fronts, CSi5, FXi6 rears, RTi6 surround backs, RTi4 height, MFW-15 Subwoofer.

    Car Setup: OEM Radio, RF 360.2v2, Polk SR6500 quad amped off 4 Xtant 1.1 100w mono amps, Xtant 6.1 to run an eD 13av.2, all Stinger wiring and Raammat deadener.
  • thorncj
    thorncj Posts: 16
    edited June 2004
    I would have been interested if I lived in the States. But unfortunately I am in Australia. :(

    Weather's great but audio visual equipment is a bit lacking on the range side of things.

    It is pleasing to hear that the HK is not as unreliable as my friend says but it seems odd that he is steering me away from them. I am a bit torn. I was leaning towards the HK before he mentioned anything as it was cheaper and basically did what I required and because like you said, it had more true power. And on top of which ... its silver.

    The place that sells the Polk speakers carries HK but not Yamaha, so its hard to compare.

    Just as a side question, do you think the fan is noisy on the HK's and what receiver have you upgraded to?
    Fronts: Polk RTi6
    Surrounds: Polk RTi4
    Center: Polk CSi3
    Subwoofer: Undecided
    Receiver: Yamaha RX-V650Ti awaiting purchase
  • Mike682
    Mike682 Posts: 2,074
    edited June 2004

    I have an h/k 225 and many people I know have h/k. They are great sounding AVRs for the money.

    In reference to the 50% failure rate, that number seems extremely high. I that was really the case, h/k would be out of business just by eating the warranty costs. One important thing to consider is why the units are "burning out". Many times the root cause will be something the customer did to the avr, not a manufacturing defect.

    As for yamaha, I am not a fan because to me they sound bright and not as punchy as the h/ks.
    Receiver: harmankardon AVR235
    Mains: polk R30
    Center: polk CSi3
    Rear Surrounds: polk R20
    Subwoofer: polk PSW404
    DVD: Panasonic DVD-S29
  • fireshoes
    fireshoes Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2004
    I think HK has a nice sound, but you don't get many features and they don't seem to be as reliable as some other brands. Results may vary, so try both in your home if you want.
  • hamzahsh
    hamzahsh Posts: 439
    edited June 2004
    Too bad lot of people still think Yamaha is bright because they don't know the sound of new Yamaha receivers.

    :rolleyes: :mad:
    Panasonic TH-50PX80U Plasma HDTV
    Polk Audio RT800i (fronts)
    Polk Audio CS400i (center)
    Polk Audio F/X1000 (side surrounds)
    Polk Audio RTi6 (back surrrounds)
    Velodyne CHT-15 (subwoofer)
    Yamaha RX-V1400 (Pre/Pro)
    NAD C272 (2-ch Amp)
    Adcom GFA-7605 (5-ch Amp)
    Toshiba SD-3109 (DVD/CD player)
    Malata DVP-580 (Multi-region DVD player)
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited June 2004
    I think the yammy sounds quite nice with polks
  • thorncj
    thorncj Posts: 16
    edited June 2004
    I wish I could try the Yammy with the Polks but like I said, everything seems so lacking here.

    I may just have to move.

    The 50% figure I am assuming he must have pulled on the fly. Maybe just to exaggerate his opinion.

    I will be going to a store this weekend that maybe able to answer some of questions. I believe they sell Yamaha receivers and Polk speakers, but not HK.

    Oh ... and thanks willow, perhaps I have something to look forward to this weekend.
    Fronts: Polk RTi6
    Surrounds: Polk RTi4
    Center: Polk CSi3
    Subwoofer: Undecided
    Receiver: Yamaha RX-V650Ti awaiting purchase