tone diference: normal ?

presidan Posts: 116
edited January 2002 in Technical/Setup
It doesnt really bother me but there is a slight tone difference in my 2 RT2000i's as the right speaker plays a little higher than the left. I double checked all the speaker wires etc........
Just wondering if this is normal
Post edited by presidan on


  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    is the left speaker closer to the rear or side wall than the right speaker is? this could be your culprit...
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    There are placed at equal distance from rear, side walls and TV.

    Like i said, u cant really hear the difference in movies or music but there is a noticeable difference when using the test tone.
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • hoosier21
    hoosier21 Posts: 4,413
    edited January 2002
    is your balance set to center?

    It might be your hearing?

    Swap the speakers from left to right, does the sound follow the speaker or stay on the same side?
    Dodd - Battery Preamp
    Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
    Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
    ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
    DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
    Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
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    Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!

    "I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    since you are using test tones, i am assuming you checked that they are in phase and hooked up correctly...

    maybe your hearing is going in one ear???

    a slight tonal varince could be due to room finishes in your case. ie. a window on one wall vs. a couch along the other or an opening into another room, etc... if this is troublesome to you, it could be minimized by entering your reciever's set-up and setting the db for each individual speaker level, but since you seem to only hear it in the test tones, it's probably not too much of a problem...
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    Originally posted by hoosier21
    is your balance set to center?

    It might be your hearing?

    Swap the speakers from left to right, does the sound follow the speaker or stay on the same side?

    or even easier, rather than moving your speaks., turn around and face away from your speakers to determine if it is your hearing, if the tonal varience has flip-flopped, there's your culprit...
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited January 2002
    See how oddly the ear is shaped? Lets compare apples to apples, switch the speaks.

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    I actually found myself standing in the middle of my listening room spinning around and listening to test tones..........
    And it aint my hearing.
    So i guess that ill swap speakers but i cant right now since i have a sprained ankle and these suckers are heavy
    I do have an odd shaped room and a sofa on one side but i dont see how it could change the tone
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    that is the optimal way, i am just passing on some of my 'at-work' laziness i guess:D switch the speaks...
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    Ok, but what happens if there is still a tone difference after i switch the speakers ???

    1- If tone changes with speaker's location, then i have a speaker problem

    2-If tone is still different but doesnt follow the speakers, then i have a receiver prob....... please no..........

    3-Or i could have speaker wire problem ?

    Do you guys have a slight tone difference when using test tones ?
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    1- if tone follows speaker = speaker problem

    2- Ff tone is still different but doesnt follow the speakers, then i have a receiver prob? = not nesecarily, a very small tonal variance could be due to room acoustics/finishings. if it is only audible during test tones, and not in playback applications, i do not think it is a problem...

    3- speaker wire problem = possibility, but again room acoustics/finishes can play into what you are describing...

    good luck, and hope your foot is felling better soon... :D
  • schumach
    schumach Posts: 199
    edited January 2002
    Are you using the test tone from the receiver or one of the optimization DVD's? I have read that the test tones from a receiver are not always accurate, so if you are using a receiver, please keep this in mind.

  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    I'm using the test tones from my denon 3802 receiver

    I might order that set up DVD that polk sells
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    yes, i would highly recommend purchasing the AVIA set-up disc!
  • shrek001
    shrek001 Posts: 51
    edited January 2002
    this might sound too simple to solve your prolbrem but...

    1. on your reciever settings is one front speaker set higher than the other??? you could have changed it without even realizing it..

    Ex: frnt lft +1 frnt rght +0 ??????????????????
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    Checked, that aint it.

    And it doesnt play louder, it plays higher notes (more treble)
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • joe logston
    joe logston Posts: 882
    edited January 2002
    try switching speaker cables and if you are useing analog right and left interconnect cables witch thoses to. take the binding post plates off and check your wire & spades connectors from drivers to the binding post, thank you, joe ps. can you feel from one woofer to the other try puting your finger tips on the right& left speaker woofers and feel the difference you mite have a loose connection to one of your woofers
    . rt-7 mains
    rt-20p surounds
    cs-400i front center
    cs-350 ls rear center
    2 energy take 5, efects
    2- psw-650 , subs
    1- 15" audiosource sub

    lets all go to the next ces.
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    So i switched cables, there is less of a difference now. It is very small in stereo and a little more noticeable in direct mode. But i might also be a little crazy on the side..............
    Damn conspiracy
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • lbrenner
    lbrenner Posts: 33
    edited January 2002
    I'm lining up with those who think it's likely your room's accoustics. Something to try: since treble tends to be "beamed" straight ahead out of the speaker, you might be able to angle the "high" sounding speaker a little away from straight at you. (Or aim the other one more towards you, of course.) You might be able to get things balanced the way you like this way.

    (I'd recommend aiming a speaker somewhat towards the center of the room, rather than towards the adjacent wall.)
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    I'll give up on this one. Well, until my ankle gets better.
    And besides, like i said before, it is only noticeable with the test tone.
    My speakers are oriented towards the listener's position (center of room) not to worry

    But thank you guys for all this advice
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • joe logston
    joe logston Posts: 882
    edited January 2002
    try takeing a leval put on top of your speakers and leval them take a string and check see how close they are from being parallel to each other, try to get perfect. thanks
    . rt-7 mains
    rt-20p surounds
    cs-400i front center
    cs-350 ls rear center
    2 energy take 5, efects
    2- psw-650 , subs
    1- 15" audiosource sub

    lets all go to the next ces.
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    Just a little out of my league

    Did you do that with your speakers Joe ?
    I'm no audiophile, i think that they are just fine the way they are
    Thanks anyways

    P.S: Why do you allways say thanks at the end of your posts ? Just curious
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • TrappedUnder Ice
    TrappedUnder Ice Posts: 975
    edited January 2002 wife was laughing...cause I did use a level to "level" my speakers..and a ruler to get equal distances from the wall and Tv... she is body will know they are not perfect...I said..I may!... she rolled her eyes and continued to laugh at me... oh well...
  • joe logston
    joe logston Posts: 882
    edited January 2002
    its joe, yes i leval all my speakers ,i measure & paralell all my speakers. from where your speaker seats you move it 1/8" it would make 3" where you seat see what is involved, set up is real important, to get the best sound, try it and see. thanks, joe ps. have your wife read this post
    . rt-7 mains
    rt-20p surounds
    cs-400i front center
    cs-350 ls rear center
    2 energy take 5, efects
    2- psw-650 , subs
    1- 15" audiosource sub

    lets all go to the next ces.
  • joe logston
    joe logston Posts: 882
    edited January 2002
    why do i say thanks , because im having fun im thanking every one for leting me do this, thanks
    . rt-7 mains
    rt-20p surounds
    cs-400i front center
    cs-350 ls rear center
    2 energy take 5, efects
    2- psw-650 , subs
    1- 15" audiosource sub

    lets all go to the next ces.
  • ntculenuff
    ntculenuff Posts: 1,146
    edited January 2002
    i used a level too.. my house is old and a little off axis..without leveling them you could see the was like looking at a round tv screen
    Definitive BP7001sc mains
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    Polk RT800i's rears
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