
I am connecting a Bluesound Powernode 80W x 2 (8 Ohms) to an Atrium Sub100 with a pair of Klipsch KHO-7 8ohm 75 watts outdoor speakers. Wiring in the following way (see attachment) I don't think is driving my sub to its full potential. How can I re-wire to get this performing where it should be? Basically, doing a series connection dropping each speaker down to 4ohms


  • kabot_avez
    kabot_avez Posts: 4
    I think you should re-wire
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,903
    Since you have one pair of Klipsch speakers why not connect them in parallel to the Sub 100's two voice coils?


    Keep in mind the relative difference in the sensitivity of Polk sub and your Klipsch could cause some differences. The Polk sub is passive, meaning there isn't a way to adjust its playing volume to match it with the speakers.
  • mlan
    mlan Posts: 2
    Thanks for your responses. Above is the way I currently have it configured. Does setting it in parallel then drop it down 4 ohms per speaker taking more power to drive speaker and the sub?
    Is there a way to wire in the sub using the below series method? If so, how would I then wire in the conductor white, green, red and black in with this method? Then I would be back to 8 ohms taking less power to drive correct?
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,903
    I'm not sure about the Klipsch, bit the Polk satellites have a built in high pass filter and the Polk sub has a built in low pass filter. This means that electrically the two components don't interact with each other. The satellites play one frequency spectrum and the sub plays another. Their impedances don't effect each other, the system remains an 8 ohm load to the amplifier.
    In general terms speakers don't sound very good when placed in series. This is different for individual speaker components such as woofers which may be placed in series or paralleled with no problem. But once speaker components become a speaker system with crossovers they really prefer to be connected separately.
    If you connect things up the suggested method and you would prefer having more bass you would need to turn down the satellite speakers by adding small value resistors in series with their positive connections.
    I hope this is helpful information.
  • Tommy_C
    Tommy_C Posts: 3
    Resistance in series becomes additive. Resistance in parallel reduces the resistance to less than the sum (REQ factor). So two 4 ohm voice coils in parallel would now be > 2ohms. But like SeleniumFalcon post, this is normally only done with subs.