SDA + a DSP???

Thoughts on using a DSP to smooth out room response with speakers that have SDA? Would it mess up the SDA effect, or would it cause false readings? My question is specific to L800s, but any earlier model with SDA could also apply.

My thought process is that most room corrections target the lower frequencies, so it shouldn't have any negative effects specific to SDA, but is anyone actively using or has tried it in the past?


  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,779
    edited March 2022
    Unplug the interconnect cable before.

    Run calibration then plug back in.
    When I had my SDA 2a's in my bedroom rig I tried to do it with my Denon3805 and it set things all wonky, when unplugged it worked much better.
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,822
    A black hole will form
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Emlyn
    Emlyn Posts: 4,536
    edited March 2022
    With L800s I just let the pre-pro with Audyssey do the calibration then check levels manually after with an SPL meter. With or without SDA speakers my room causes all the speakers to be viewed as out of phase. The speaker levels and distances are accurate with the SDA cable in place. I haven't noticed any issues with that setup method but it only costs a bit of time to try it both ways with and without the SDA cable. DSP like Audyssey also sets reverb and time delay across frequencies produced in the room, not just bass. If DSP is just for the lowest frequency subwoofer setup the SDA cable shouldn't make any difference.
  • VXR8
    VXR8 Posts: 291
    edited April 2022
    I have a similar question in relation to this. I was doing a new calibration the other day and noted due to the SDA cable connected, when it was doing the sound check on the front left channel, there was sound coming out of the front right channel at the same time and vice versa (quite loud at that).

    I initially thought the speakers were hooked up in reverse but confirmed they were correct but sounds were coming out of the alternate speakers due to SDA. My belief is this being the case, I should be running Audyssey with the SDA interconnect cable DISCONNECTED and then hook it backup again once the calibration is complete - would I be correct in this assumption? Just was thinking that when it is trying to run calibration it only needs to hear the sound coming out of the channel it is calibrating. Thanks in advance.
    Post edited by VXR8 on
    Regards - Gaz from the land of Oz

    Main System
    Denon - AVC-4700H
    Emotiva - XPA-9
    Cambridge Audio - Azur 851C - CXUHD
    Polk Audio - Legend L800 - Legend L400 - Legend L900 - LSiM fx - OWM3
    SVS - PB1000 x 2
    Foxtel - iQ4
    Belkin - Pure AV PF40
    Sony K77A9G

    Front Room System
    PS Audio - Sprout 100
    Cambridge Audio - CXC S2 - CA752BD
    Sony - UBX800 4K BluRay
    Polk Audio - Legend L200
  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,779
    That was how I did it. Cable disconnected during calibration.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    I plan for the future. - F1Nut