Please identify my vintage speaker
I bought these speakers around 1976/77 and I still use it them as my front speakers in my home theater setup. They have no model number, serial number, etc., just the Polk logo on the grill. Polk customer service thinks they are the Monitor 7. I may be retiring them soon, so I’d like to know if they would be any value to anyone. Thanks.

They are monitor 7's. They are very desirable to most Polk aficionados.
Thanks, I guess I should have posted this in the vintage section. Is there any way to transfer it over there?
They are "of value" to some folks, and not without reason.
That said, the magnets on the "midwoofers" tend to loosen over the years (decades), so shipping, even moving, them can be "hazardous to their health". The loose magnet 'issue' can be fixed prophylactically or retrospectively (the latter being rather more tedious); do a search here or via Google.Polk Monitor brochure 1976 p1 by Mark Hardy, on Flickr
The very original morph of the Monitor Series Model 7 had an 8 inch passive radiator; the OP's has a 10 inch PR but it is uncoated paper. The Masonite terminal plate with a single fuse is interesting, too. (suggesting a fairly early birth date for the loudspeaker in the photo).
I am perfectly amenable with (or is that "to"?) the suggestion(s) that it's an unsuffixed "Monitor 7"... but I am wondering... if it could be a very, very (very) early 7A (??).
... or not, who knows?whatmore by Mark Hardy, on Flickr
PS Note Gordon Miller Music's rather fanciful/optimistic claim that the Model 7 is a "three way" loudspeaker in the catalog ad copy above.
Thank you for the detailed answer, I appreciate it. These speakers were probably one of their earliest releases, purchased from a stereo specialty store not far from their Baltimore headquarters.
SoundscapePolitical Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
That's where I bought mine
Soundscape was also the source of the brochure, first page of which I posted above... way back in late 1976.