speaker wire in sand

Willow Posts: 11,099
I have my 12awg speaker cables going into my stands and they are filled with construction sand will this cause any damage to the cables ?? ie : humidity stuck in sand
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  • hellotheworld
    hellotheworld Posts: 205
    edited June 2004
    I guess going through a pipe would solve this problem
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited June 2004
    my stands are filled already with sand and the cable is inside I don't think water will go through the wire covers
  • scottnbnj
    scottnbnj Posts: 709
    edited June 2004
    Originally posted by Willow
    I have my 12awg speaker cables going into my stands and they are filled with construction sand will this cause any damage to the cables ?? ie : humidity stuck in sand

    i could be wrong but i can't think of a reason that sand would bother wire, but if the stands are made of mdf or particle board, humidity might be a concern if it were damp to start with. once its dry it shouldn't be any different than the rest of the house, except that its rate of change would be slower than the rest of the house being enclosed in the stands.

    i'd think if you spread the sand out in a thin layer in a big box and let it sit in the same(or similar) room of the house for a couple of days its humidity level would equalize with the rest of the house. if you're concerned it isn't drying out fast enough you could rake around a bit once in a while or just let it bake in the sun on a dry day.

  • pjdami
    pjdami Posts: 1,894
    edited June 2004
    What is the name brand of the speaker wire? If the outer cover is clear PVC you shouldn't have any problems as long as there are no "nicks" to the bare metal in the wire. Polyethylene should be fine too. Water pipes and Coke 2 liters come to mind here. If you were able to pour the sand in and it was free flowing it should have a pretty low moisture content.

    I would prefer to have the option of inspecting the wire ever so often (yearly); at that time you may want to install some 1/2 inch PVC piping and run the cables through there (as was suggested above).
  • scottnbnj
    scottnbnj Posts: 709
    edited June 2004
    pvc, nice touch. never know when the upgrade bug is gonna strike too.
