amp problems.....

TroyD Posts: 13,093
edited January 2002 in Technical/Setup
I need some help and advice....

On my Carver m1.5t I have experienced a loss of the left channel. I have narrowed it down to the amp, I have swapped speakers, cables etc... It was working yesterday and quit, so thinking it was a bad connection I reconnected the cables to the DQ's (those binding posts are wierd) anyway, that seemed to work. I went to turn it on a this evening ago and the left channel is dead. That's when I swapped the left speaker to right, etc (originally I thought I had a bad speaker) tried new speakers, another cable etc etc....

long story short, I am thinking that it MAY be just a loose connection on the binding posts on the amp....what do you guys think. Any similar experiences??? advice???

I plan for the future. - F1Nut
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  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited January 2002
    on my Adcom GFA-2 the right speaker would not work unless i cranked the volume. It would come on and I would turn the system back down. The amp would continue to work for a while then it would cut out again. I opened the amp up and didn't see any loose connections. I still haven't figured it iut and probably never will. I guess amps just die a slow and painful death. Sorry about your loss and good luck!
  • jcaut
    jcaut Posts: 1,849
    edited January 2002
    Hey Troy,

    I don't know much about that amp, but I'm sure it's got several "protection" circuits. It might be possible that one of them "tripped" then failed to reset, especially since you've had the different speakers hooked up. I'm not a technician, but I would think that having a channel just go dead, without exhibiting any other symptoms, would be an unusual way for an amp to fail. I guess if a diode or something failed, then it could lose power to one channel....

    You might pull the top off and look for obviously bad connections or burned parts. I replaced a couple of resistors in my TFM-35 just because they looked like they had been hot (though it was probably normal). If you haven't already talked to Mr. Grand, I bet he could probably tell you who to call for help.

    Good luck,
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited January 2002
    Blow that **** out with air, have a look around. I have had a couple amps just loose a channel, never to return. I hope this isnt the case.

    Keep us posted.

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.