God bless the Berg family

dave shepard
dave shepard Posts: 1,334
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
I can't help but post this after the news of Nick Berg, not only what happened but the manner in which it did!!! I had gotten the ungodly news of how at lunch time this afternoon and then the video came forwarded (sick and upsetting and will not forward please don't ask) it is upsetting that he (Nick Berg) felt that the money was worth the risking of self safety and possible family suffering (he unfortunatly found out just how dangerous the risk really was) . The mear thought of what could have possibly been going through his mind at that last moment in time is unimaginable to me.
I think we need to try out the "Mother of all booms" (not the Nuke) on Bagdad and forget rebuilding it (this is not a political challenge) then get out and stay out.

Sorry if some might feel this belongs in the political forum I just don't think it does as this is not ment to start a debate.

God bless and take care of the Berg family!!!!!!

Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • warviper
    warviper Posts: 585
    edited May 2004
    God Bless.
    Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited May 2004
    yeah. that's a pretty high price to pay for trying to rebuild something we should just leave alone.

    I feel sorry for his family to have to endure this pain.

    I say get all of our people out of there and bring em home now.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
    POLKOHOLIC Posts: 407
    edited May 2004
    kinda late to just 'leave it alone' dont you think...
  • gmorris
    gmorris Posts: 1,179
    edited May 2004
    That incident just goes to show what kind of people we are trying to deal with over there. That doesn't mean anything about their beliefs, just that they are so "uncivilized". You can not reason with such a group.

    What are we trying to rebuild? They are just a few months out of the Stone Age to begin with. What is there to rebuild?

    I heard about that yesterday on the radio on my way to work. I just got so angry.
    Bob Mayo, on the keyboards. Bob Mayo.
  • johnny_utah
    johnny_utah Posts: 117
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by danger boy
    yeah. that's a pretty high price to pay for trying to rebuild something we should just leave alone.

    I feel sorry for his family to have to endure this pain.

    I say get all of our people out of there and bring em home now.

    Let me ask you one question -

    Do you think the goverment should have done more to prevent a terrorist attack against us, like what happened at the WTC?

    of course. So now that we went to Iraq to take out a murderous dictator that killed his own people, and that had ties to Al-Quida, and that did have WMD's (which were moved out of the country before the UN was allowed back in - Saddam had 3 months to move them to other countries such as Lybia). Everyone is saying we shouldn't have went in.


    Imagine if a prior administration had gone into Afganistan and wanted to declare war because of a potential threat pre-WTC, people would go nuts. No way would that have happened. Now we have a president that has the balls to protect us, and he is doing it.

    It drives me nuts that people don't understand what we are doing by being in Iraq. You don't know what could have happened in 10 years, but I can tell you that with Saddam, Al-Quida having a place to train, and the evil that is over there, we would not have been safe. I mean I could talk about this all day if I thought it would help you to see that positives about being at war. 3 more quick points though...

    First we just can't leave. If we leave with the new Iraqi goverment not being stable, another dictator will take power. He will be influenced by money not what is good for the country, then everything that we have been fighting and dieing for will be lost. Is that what you want?

    Second when you and others in the liberal media say we shouldn't be in Iraq it helps to build the propoganda that the militant iraqi's want. What do you think plays on their TV's? Anti-Western info. Do you think it helps to have people in our Gov't and society saying we shouldn't be at war? No way. It makes people in Iraq like us less.

    Third after seeing/hearing what happened to Nick Berg how can anyone think we shouldn't be in Iraq. Someone getting their head chopped off while the executioner is saying god is good. These idiots think that if they kill us there will be 40 virgins waiting in heaven. How could you possible think that we should leave Iraq or not even gone to war? I just don't understand how if someone just took the time to see/hear/read biased info, they wouldn't be for this war.

    We need to support our troops and our president because he did the right thing. Period.
  • gmorris
    gmorris Posts: 1,179
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by dave shepard
    Sorry if some might feel this belongs in the political forum I just don't think it does as this is not ment to start a debate.

    God bless and take care of the Berg family!!!!!!

    Bob Mayo, on the keyboards. Bob Mayo.
  • johnny_utah
    johnny_utah Posts: 117
    edited May 2004
    I have reposted my reply in the political forum.
  • spyderman
    spyderman Posts: 678
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by johnny_utah
    Let me ask you one question -

    Do you think the goverment should have done more to prevent a terrorist attack against us, like what happened at the WTC?

    of course. So now that we went to Iraq to take out a murderous dictator that killed his own people, and that had ties to Al-Quida, and that did have WMD's (which were moved out of the country before the UN was allowed back in - Saddam had 3 months to move them to other countries such as Lybia). Everyone is saying we shouldn't have went in. [Wrong - we went to Iraq to take out saddam because of WMD"s, no links to al queda can be proven, rewards were put up for info on the movement of WMD's. No one has come forward.]

    THAT WAS PREVENTATIVE. ["Preventative" of what? Iraq was not a threat to the US. Colin Powell's UN address was based on lies and misinformation. No WMD's, no nuclear materials, no weapons labs, no rail transport system...etc.]

    Imagine if a prior administration had gone into Afganistan and wanted to declare war because of a potential threat pre-WTC, people would go nuts. No way would that have happened. Now we have a president that has the balls to protect us, and he is doing it. [Yes it could have...especially right after the USS Cole bombing. Both Clinton and Bush have the 911 blood on their hands ]

    It drives me nuts that people don't understand what we are doing by being in Iraq. You don't know what could have happened in 10 years, but I can tell you that with Saddam, Al-Quida having a place to train,[BS] and the evil that is over there, we would not have been safe. [Please expand upon what you are calling evil?] I mean I could talk about this all day if I thought it would help you to see that positives about being at war [There is NOTHING positive about this war]. 3 more quick points though...

    First we just can't leave. If we leave with the new Iraqi goverment not being stable, another dictator will take power. He will be influenced by money not what is good for the country, then everything that we have been fighting and dieing for will be lost. Is that what you want? [Agreed]

    Second when you and others in the liberal media say we shouldn't be in Iraq it helps to build the propoganda that the militant iraqi's want. [BS, that like telling us not to question why we are at war, just accept it. BS] do you think plays on their TV's? Anti-Western info. Do you think it helps to have people in our Gov't and society saying we shouldn't be at war? No way. It makes people in Iraq like us less. [BS, the killing of innocent Iraqi citizens is what is making them "like us less".]

    Put yourself in their shoes. Think about it as if your country was occupied by a superpower and they killed your daughters, sons, mothers, fathers... They took away your newspapers. Forced you to live under marshal law. Destroyed your economy. Now you can barely feed your family. Then you found out the war was based on lies and misinformation...

    Third after seeing/hearing what happened to Nick Berg how can anyone think we shouldn't be in Iraq. Someone getting their head chopped off while the executioner is saying god is good. These idiots think that if they kill us there will be 40 virgins waiting in heaven
    [Wrong - 72 virgins] How could you possible think that we should leave Iraq or not even gone to war? I just don't understand how if someone just took the time to see/hear/read biased info, they wouldn't be for this war. [Correct, the info that the war was based on was "biased". It was lies and misinformation. So, the fact that the info was biased is the wrong reason to be for this war.]

    Next, you have to ask who benefits most from this war? SAUDI ARABIA. There is a direct connection between the Bush family and the Saudi Royal Family and the bin laden family. I've tried to proof this false but I can't. Two days after 911, 140 Saudi's flew out of this country when the skys were shut down and Americans couldn't fly. Among those 140 were about 30 of the bin laden family. There is solid proof, there are passenger listings. The day after 911, Saudi ambassader Prince Bandar was with Bush at the White House...

    We need to support our troops and our president because he did the right thing. Period.
    [We need to support our troops because it's the right thing to do while they are in harms way. We do not need to support an inept incompetent fool of a president who led us into this unjust war.]

    Woodward asked Bush if he consulted his father about going to war and he said, "No, I consulted a higher Father". Now our president sounds like a religious zealot. Then Woodward asked Bush "How do you think history will view your presidency?" Bush's response" We'll all be dead by then."

    He is one scary ****.
    RTi70 Fronts
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    Hope is on the way!


  • johnny_utah
    johnny_utah Posts: 117
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by johnny_utah
    Let me ask you one question -

    Do you think the goverment should have done more to prevent a terrorist attack against us, like what happened at the WTC?

    of course. So now that we went to Iraq to take out a murderous dictator that killed his own people, and that had ties to Al-Quida, and that did have WMD's (which were moved out of the country before the UN was allowed back in - Saddam had 3 months to move them to other countries such as Lybia). Everyone is saying we shouldn't have went in. [Wrong - we went to Iraq to take out saddam because of WMD"s, no links to al queda can be proven, rewards were put up for info on the movement of WMD's. No one has come forward.The people that are hiding them want to sell them for more than any reward money and they don't like us and would like to see them used on us! The are the same idiots who think there will be virgins in heaven, ]

    THAT WAS PREVENTATIVE. ["Preventative" of what? Most we go over this again. You have a guy who has had terrorist ties, who killed his own people. You don't think this guy would ever harbor/help Al-Quida? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Iraq was not a threat to the US. Colin Powell's UN address was based on lies and misinformation. No WMD's, no nuclear materials, no weapons labs, no rail transport system...etc.At the time he based his statement on what he thought was factual. There is no proof that Iraq never had WMD's is there? There are a ton of places they could be hid. On top of that Saddam broke the UN resolutions that were placed on him. The UN told him what to do, he said no! The UN did not back up what they put into place, that is another reason why it was good to go into Iraq.]

    Imagine if a prior administration had gone into Afganistan and wanted to declare war because of a potential threat pre-WTC, people would go nuts. No way would that have happened. Now we have a president that has the balls to protect us, and he is doing it. [Yes it could have...especially right after the USS Cole bombingThen why didn't Clinton go to war?Both Clinton and Bush have the 911 blood on their handsBush was in office some 200 days. Give me a break it is on Clinton if anybody. He had serval things happen during his term and he had a chance to get Bin Laden from the Sudanese but turned it down, ]

    It drives me nuts that people don't understand what we are doing by being in Iraq. You don't know what could have happened in 10 years, but I can tell you that with Saddam, Al-Quida having a place to train,[BS] Again, why BS? Can you prove they never helped 1 Al-Quida terrorist? It is believed that some of the hijackers could have been helped by the Iraqi's.and the evil that is over there, we would not have been safe. [Please expand upon what you are calling evil?Evil: Let's see, the guys that beheaded Nick Berg, The guys that hung, burned, drug through the street americans, The Shite-Cleric in Fallujah, The idiots that think if they kill americans they will be rewarded, need I go on?] I mean I could talk about this all day if I thought it would help you to see that positives about being at war [There is NOTHING positive about this war?To me the safety I will and my children will have ten years from now is well worth it!!!]. 3 more quick points though...

    First we just can't leave. If we leave with the new Iraqi goverment not being stable, another dictator will take power. He will be influenced by money not what is good for the country, then everything that we have been fighting and dieing for will be lost. Is that what you want? [Agreed]

    Second when you and others in the liberal media say we shouldn't be in Iraq it helps to build the propoganda that the militant iraqi's want. [BS, that like telling us not to question why we are at war, just accept it. ?No I am not saying that I am just saying that we should be more supportive of the president. Not be so concerned with these pictures that everyone wants to plaster all over the TV. BS] do you think plays on their TV's? Anti-Western info. Do you think it helps to have people in our Gov't and society saying we shouldn't be at war? No way. It makes people in Iraq like us less. [BS, the killing of innocent Iraqi citizens is what is making them "like us less".?So you don't think that the anti-western propoganda over there has anything to with it? Give me a break. Those terrorists are killing Iraqi people as well! Oh, wait we don't get to see that on the news, but some of those car bombs - they kill Iraqi's! I bet they are okay wiht that though.]

    Put yourself in their shoes. Think about it as if your country was occupied by a superpower and they killed your daughters, sons, mothers, fathers... They took away your newspapers. Forced you to live under marshal law. Destroyed your economy. Now you can barely feed your family. Then you found out the war was based on lies and misinformation... ".?I think that is how the idiots of Iraq look at it. I think that the ones that are protesting in the streets, watching TV, listening to the radio, I think they are happy. They are free. It is hard to get to see the good things that are happening in Iraq, but there is good. Talk to some of the soilders that are over their. Ask them about people coming up to them in the streets. Ask them about kids in schools. In addition talk to Joe Liberman who also thinks that good has come out of us being in Iraq, and who thinks we should bhe over there. Listen to sean hannity. They call in all the time talking about it.]

    Third after seeing/hearing what happened to Nick Berg how can anyone think we shouldn't be in Iraq. Someone getting their head chopped off while the executioner is saying god is good. These idiots think that if they kill us there will be 40 virgins waiting in heaven
    [Wrong - 72 virgins] ".?I stand corrected I can't be right about everything.]
    How could you possible think that we should leave Iraq or not even gone to war? I just don't understand how if someone just took the time to see/hear/read biased info, they wouldn't be for this war. [Correct, the info that the war was based on was "biased". It was lies and misinformation. So, the fact that the info was biased is the wrong reason to be for this war..I disagree - At the time he based his statement on what he thought was factual. There is no proof that Iraq never had WMD's is there? There are a ton of places they could be hid. On top of that Saddam broke the UN resolutions that were placed on him. The UN told him what to do, he said no! The UN did not back up what they put into place, that is another reason why it was good to go into Iraq. It might not have been "THE" reason at the time but it is a good reason now.]

    Next, you have to ask who benefits most from this war? SAUDI ARABIA. There is a direct connection between the Bush family and the Saudi Royal Family and the bin laden family. I've tried to proof this false but I can't. Two days after 911, 140 Saudi's flew out of this country when the skys were shut down and Americans couldn't fly. Among those 140 were about 30 of the bin laden family. There is solid proof, there are passenger listings. The day after 911, Saudi ambassader Prince Bandar was with Bush at the White House... .Get out your foil hat. The goverment might be able to read your brainwaves. Give me a break. Bush went to war so the saudi arabia would profit?

    We need to support our troops and our president because he did the right thing. Period.

    [We need to support our troops because it's the right thing to do while they are in harms way. We do not need to support an inept incompetent fool of a president who led us into this unjust war.]

    Everyone is intitled to their opinion about the president - yours is just wrong. I am sure though that if Gore were in office of Kerry gets into office everything will eventually be okay. Hopefully your grand kids will be able to see the good of this!

    Woodward asked Bush if he consulted his father about going to war and he said, "No, I consulted a higher Father". Now our president sounds like a religious zealot. Then Woodward asked Bush "How do you think history will view your presidency?" Bush's response" We'll all be dead by then."

    I am honored that Bush talks about is faith in God. He sounds like a god fearing man not a religious zealot. Just in case you didn't know this the people that founded this country were 10 times more religious than Bush. But back then it was okay to profess your faith.

    He is one scary ****.

    Scary **** - no Awesome President with balls to stand up for what he believes in - absolutely!
  • spyderman
    spyderman Posts: 678
    edited May 2004

    One thing you don't know about me is I'm a former republican. I have extreme buyers remorse for having ever voted for W. Bush came in and pushed everything so extremely far right, I went in the other direction.

    The only terrorist ties saddam are proven to have had were with the Palistinians. There isn't any evidence that can link him to bin laden. He was contained with UN weapons inspectors on the ground.

    "At the time he based his decision on what he thought was factual." Bush can't testify, on Cheney's lap, before the 911 commission saying my intel is broke and yet base an entire war on what his intel was telling him. Sorry, but that only leads me to the pre-election agenda by Wolfowitz, Rummy, and Bush.

    There are so many reasons a country goes to war. Many, if not most, are economic. The problem Bush has is that he changed his reason from the very beginning. We didn't go to war to liberate the Iraqi people. We didn't go to stop the torture in the prisons. We went to war based on lies and misinformation about the WMD's. It was only after we couldn't find the latter that they changed their tune.

    The cause of war is based on lies and misinformation. How empty it must feel for the mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, of the fallen soldiers??? Bush is responsible for interpreting that information. Tenet saying it's a "slam dunk". Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz said we'd be greeted as liberators not occupiers.
    RTi70 Fronts
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    Hope is on the way!


  • johnny_utah
    johnny_utah Posts: 117
    edited May 2004
    I can see your point of view. We did go to war over WMD's. We have not found them yet (IMO - they will be found).

    I don't understand what could have turned you toward the liberals though. Can you totally blame Bush for the facts not being presented to him as true? Isn't it part of other admins as well, and isn't there a possiblity WMD's could be found?

    Aren't you glad we are at war with Iraq based on the other reasons I mentioned. You don't think there would ever be a possiblity of future threat from Saddam? I know he hasn't been linked to Al-Quida directly but with other terrorists, so whats to stop him had he stayed in power?

    I can understand you might not like bush because you feel like he decieved you. But you would rather have Kerry in office. I won't go into everything Repubs says about him because I am sure you are familiar with them. I'll just ask - you want that guy in office?

    I don't understand what things you are refering to by saying "W. Bush came in and pushed everything so extremely far right"

    edit - also I think the families for the majority of fallen soilders are proud for what has happened and don't feel empty. I base this on what i have heard from soilders.
  • ohskigod
    ohskigod Posts: 6,502
    edited May 2004
    Oh Cmon Cynthia, you were a former republican like I was the former friggin pope :D
    Living Room 2 Channel -
    Schiit SYS Passive Pre. Jolida CD player. Songbird streamer. California Audio Labs Sigma II DAC, DIY 300as1/a1 Ice modules Class D amp. LSi15 with MM842 woofer upgrade, Nordost Blue Heaven and Unity interconnects.

    Upstairs 2 Channel Rig -
    Prometheus Ref. TVC passive pre, SAE A-205 Amp, Wiim pro streamer and Topping E50 DAC, California Audio Labs DX1 CD player, Von Schweikert VR3.5 speakers.

    Studio Rig - Scarlett 18i20(Gen3) DAW, Mac Mini, Aiyma A07 Max (BridgedX2), Totem Mites
  • Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh Posts: 125
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by ohskigod
    Oh Cmon Cynthia, you were a former republican like I was the former friggin pope :D

    no kidding.

    spyderman thinks the war on terrorism doesn't include a war on actual terrorists, you know, like saddam. the worlds biggest terrorist in this day and age! :rolleyes:

    typical moron trying to solve the worlds problems by not actually dealing with them.
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,913
    edited May 2004
    Spyder --

    Shut up with the Political Stuff.....

    Infact, keep it in the POLITICAL FORUM.......JEEEEEEEEZ!!!!!!

    This is a thread to pay respects to a lost life in the Iraq war. Not to hear you argue about Bush and how much you hate him.

    Now go in a hole and be a bird....HIDE IN THE DIRT!!!!!!!!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • spyderman
    spyderman Posts: 678
    edited May 2004
    Johnny, you're right. I do blame W for the war that he chose.

    The sabre rattling leading up to the war was used to convince most of the country that this was necessary, especially his nuclear weapons comments during the State of Union. Bush is directly responsible for that.

    Bush is also responsible for not exploring every possible diplomatic solution in order to avoid this war. He alienated the majority of the world with his go-it-alone attitude and has destroyed our reputation.

    He didn't ask his entire cabinet. He didn't consult his father, who also attacked Iraq. He hung Powell out to dry on a limb and destroyed a great man's credibility.

    Actually, when the dust settles, I hope they do find WMD's. At least there will be some vindication for our actions.
    RTi70 Fronts
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    Hope is on the way!


  • Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh Posts: 125
    edited May 2004
    curious why you can't admit that saddam was a horrible human being and killed more than 1 million muslims. he was a weapon of mass destruction.

    oh, and bush never said anything about iraq having nukes. he said we need to stop him before he has those weapons in his possesion to use on us or his neighbors.

    he did have wmds though. he used them on our troops in the first gulf war, his own people, and countless others. seems beyond comprehension for you to understand that they could have been destroyed or even moved (most likely). none the less that wasn't the only reason for this war. it was a preventative measure. we no longer wait for the bad guys to kill us. we kill them first.

    you're quite uninformed about what's going on in the world. no wonder why you take such ignorant stances.
  • warviper
    warviper Posts: 585
    edited May 2004
    Hey I agree with Sid on this go to your place.
    Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
  • dave shepard
    dave shepard Posts: 1,334
    edited May 2004
    I did not intend to start a debate outside the political forum, I even said so in the first post. There is no reason to debate anything political outside the apporiate forum, I just wanted to extend my discust and sorro for all those directly effected (Nick Berg, family and friends), not to debate a political stand one way or another. The act of violance that happened is upsetting and disturbing enough. STOP the debateing in this thread, keep to your word and go to the polictal forum for any further debating.

  • Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh Posts: 125
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by dave shepard
    I did not intend to start a debate outside the political forum, I even said so in the first post. There is no reason to debate anything political outside the apporiate forum, I just wanted to extend my discust and sorro for all those directly effected (Nick Berg, family and friends), not to debate a political stand one way or another. The act of violance that happened is upsetting and disturbing enough. STOP the debateing in this thread, keep to your word and go to the polictal forum for any further debating.


    too bad, but this has been politicized by the liberals, including nick bergs' dumbass father. i can't imagine anything more disgusting than that sack of **** trying to benefit off the death of his own son by pushing his political agenda. blaming bush and rumsfeld for what happened to his son? sorry, but that's a crock of ****. he chose to be in iraq. he was connected to the 20th hijacker, but cleared by the cia. his dad is a retired school teacher, and liberal, and a member of ANSWER, a vile group of anti-war activists that hinder our troops efforts and put them in harms way.

    if you want to give nick berg some peace, then lets get to the bottom of all this. it smells like rotten fish to me and nick deserves better. stop being a typical american who believes everything the biased media shoves down your throat and start putting 2 and 2 together.
  • dave shepard
    dave shepard Posts: 1,334
    edited May 2004
    I didn't know all that but now I do thanks to you and me doing a little digging and talking to others. I don't delieve everything the media says and keep an open mind don't ever accuse me of that your message the way I read it is full of attitude and I say if it is towards me knock it off!!!! The televised manner in which he was killed is terrable but still remains that this is not the POLICTICAL FORUM.

    This ends now!!!!

  • Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh Posts: 125
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by dave shepard
    I didn't know all that but now I do thanks to you and me doing a little digging and talking to others. I don't delieve everything the media says and keep an open mind don't ever accuse me of that your message the way I read it is full of attitude and I say if it is towards me knock it off!!!! The televised manner in which he was killed is terrable but still remains that this is not the POLICTICAL FORUM.

    This ends now!!!!


    yeah, this wasn't towards you, other than to say his death has already been politicized. starting with his father.

    i'm done now.
  • HBombToo
    HBombToo Posts: 5,256
    edited May 2004
    Nuke em

    he was my bro
  • dave shepard
    dave shepard Posts: 1,334
    edited May 2004
    Originally posted by Rush Limbaugh
    yeah, this wasn't towards you, other than to say his death has already been politicized. starting with his father.

    i'm done now.

    All good hear Rush, I must have misread your intended post.
