Help with my Tv

warviper Posts: 585
edited May 2004 in Electronics
Hey guys my TV has been getting dark on me, the pic is just fine then it gets dark. Already had an authorized Hitachi repair guy out here but he said nothing is wrong with the Tv. I guess it didnt go dark when he was here. Hopefully one of you guys will know whats wrong so I can tell him.
Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
Post edited by warviper on


  • cdubya
    cdubya Posts: 61
    edited May 2004
    Souns to me like the tube is going amigo. Does it take a while to warm up had a friend with the same prob, sorry dude
  • warviper
    warviper Posts: 585
    edited May 2004
    Its getting worse but its only noticable when I use my ps2 dont notice it in my dvd player. The repair guys coming out tuesday.
    Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
  • Emlyn
    Emlyn Posts: 4,538
    edited May 2004
    Sounds like the problem is with the PS2 rather than the TV if the problem doesn't occur with TV or DVD. Suggest trying another cable to connect the PS2 to the TV.

    Good luck.
  • dave shepard
    dave shepard Posts: 1,334
    edited May 2004
    It could be the guns need the anti-freeze changed, I have a 56" Phillips and the colors were getting a tad off and the repairman came out and changed the fluid in the blue and green gun and all is a world better. Over time the fluid gets what he called "cotton ball looking clouds" in the fluid from the slow breaking down of the fluid. Using the PS2 will make the guns run harder (hotter) then watching a movie. It cost me $200 to have the fluid changed in the set and was done in alttle over an hour. That would be my guess as to what could be your problem.

  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited May 2004
    Never heard of changing the fluid in the guns... My oldest big screen, 1999 Hitachi is still running on the original fluid.
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited May 2004
    Warviper, don't forget the Hitachi keeps different settings for each input, so if the PS2 is on a different input, check its settings.

  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited May 2004
    yeah be sure your TV isn't in some "auto" mode. some have auto color, some have auto gain, etc. does the pic get dark on PS2 and stay dark? or does it lighten and get dark with ever scene change of the game?
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • warviper
    warviper Posts: 585
    edited May 2004
    Thanx for all the inputs so far. It changes all the time and now it has been getting completly black as if it has lost the signal. So far it has only" lost signal" on the ps2. Its a shame this is my second hitachi and the other one has been flawless.
    Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.