whats with the new HTR series

Posts: 11,099
they are all silver color ??!!! I was at FS this weekend to pickup audio cables (another story there) they had the new yammie HTR series and they are all silver.....
the other story is I needed audio cables I picked up a pair of AR's the guy at cash said why dont you get these better cables..he walks over to monster...They are only 4 $ more........and they are better...I asked how are they better ?? no answer..he just said 4$ more..I said you can charge me the 4$ more on the AR and you give me the 4$...deal ??? he said no...i replied thats my answer too... sheesh
the other story is I needed audio cables I picked up a pair of AR's the guy at cash said why dont you get these better cables..he walks over to monster...They are only 4 $ more........and they are better...I asked how are they better ?? no answer..he just said 4$ more..I said you can charge me the 4$ more on the AR and you give me the 4$...deal ??? he said no...i replied thats my answer too... sheesh
Post edited by Willow on
they're avail in black too
everything's going silver, dontcha know? -
I have noticed !!what a trend!! I prefer balck myself !! it looks more clasic and clean the silver looks cool for now but it will be outdated juts like our furniture...my wife wanted modern and its all silver (not the couch but coffee table and end table and bed frame etc..) now its cold and boring...I would hate to spend lots of $$$$ only not to like the color in about 2 yrs....well by then its prob. time toi upgarde anyway !!!
Hehehe FS makes me laugh... I'll get back to that.
Just so you know, the HTRs are still available in black. I f you want the same model number as you saw at FS in black in Canada you can go to the Brick (just don't have too many questions). Or if you want the same model with a different model number you can try the oodles of other Yamaha dealers who carry the "other" line of Yamaha receivers. The difference is that the line carried at FS and the Brick only goes up to the 5660 model ($799 cnd) where as the others carry the full line up to the higher end models. BTW the Brick also started carrying AR cables this week.
Now back to FS. The reason I laugh is that the only reason he tried to upsell you the Monster was that they pay more commission and the sales people get much more training on them.
Oh yeah..... I used to be a sales manager there so I have fairly reliable info.
Anyways thats my input on this.
Nathan"Sure, everything looks bad if you remember it!" -
I have an rx model at home its what I noticed.....I figured as much about FS....why do they still carry so many AR cables when the company has gone under.....thats what I last heard!!! because it's more expensive doesnt mean its that much better....that whst I wanted to tell him !!!
"why do they still carry so many AR cables when the company has gone under.....thats what I last heard!!! because it's more expensive doesnt mean its that much better....that whst I wanted to tell him !!! "
AR is still very much alive and kicking. Their parent company Rectoton was indeed in financial trouble a while back. Last I heard they were trying to sell off AR but I'm not sure if that happened or if they found another way to get some money. The other reason that the FS staff don't like AR as much as monster is that AR used to have a very sweet incentive program that let them accumlate points for selling AR products. The points could then be redeemed for prizes such as speakers, bikes, wireless headphones, or the most popular AR Master series cabling. Hence most of the longer term home theatre sales people (myself included) have hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of free cables for their home system. They dropped this program about 2 years ago but I know from talking to the sales staff at my local FS that some are still bitter they no longer get the free stuff. I guess the 15% COMMISSION they get isn't enough
Oh, yeah and I just saw the new HTR model you were refering to and it is still available in black, the HTR 5760 if I remember correctly was the highest model number available this year.
Nathan"Sure, everything looks bad if you remember it!" -
I still think its strange to have the same receiver but call it something else for higher end stores !!! I think the 5760 is = to rxv 640 or 740
Willow, that salesperson you dealt with is no different then anybody in any walk of life, he has a target he needs to meet and its important for himself to reach that target. The fact he couldn't explain the differences between the cables is his fault. Quite frankly how anybody could explain the differences between the majority of low fi gear big boxes carry is beyond me.
But, he's no different then anybody else in life, he's doing what it takes to get by.
Yamaha has to carry two different labels for their receivers. The HTR line is for big boxes, and the RX line is for indie's. The purpose was to create a difference in the customers mind so price wars wouldn't happen.
The Acoustic Research division was bought out by Thompson Electronics. The entry level of cables by AR will be outperformed by Monster MK400's, although having said that you need better gear then budget yamaha and the majority of what FS sells in order to hear it. Hooking up $90 cables to a $120 DVD player or $200 cd player is not something I'd recommend. -
well Im of the view if you don't know don't pretend and don't "tell me it's better" if you don't know JACK !! then your point doesnt make sense from a retailer side...they dont sell high quality equip. but sell HQ cables...hmmmm go figure....and my equip doesnt come from FS....its not top but not box store either....thats besides the point I think you were speaking in general ??!! he was offering me the basic monster cables as opposed to the AR cables
For what it's worth I think you ran into a typical dumbass big box employee. I've also met the same type at smaller indie stores but the ratios there aren't usually as bad.
What I do when I have to shop in store where I'm not familliar with one or more of the staff is ask one or all of three basic questions to see if they have aninkling of what they're talking about.
1) What is the difference between an HDTV and a HD ready TV?
2) Explain why high current is important in a receiver or amp?
3) What is the difference between DVD-A and SACD?
If they can't answer my question(s) I simply move onto another sales person. I have actually met some very knowledgable sales people this way. I have also walked out of stores without getting even 1 right answer. Even my 3 year old can answer the first question so there is no excuse for a less than perfect answer there, the other 2 will let you know their level of PK and their passion for the product. Plus its fun to mess with them sometimes.:cool:
Nathan"Sure, everything looks bad if you remember it!" -
thats what I think too Its fun to mess with them.
Then you'll love this. When I was sales manager at FS I used to visit other stores to check their sales people PK. I'd walk up to one and say something like "Show me the coolest toy you have." When they invaiably took me to either a plasma TV or a Big Screen I'd say "OK, now tech me something about it. If you get all the answers right I'll buy it from you at full retail and I'll take the extended warranty." Well their eyes bug out of their head and they panic and well....... I still don't own a plasma TV:D
Heck the sales guys at my local FS who I trained still let me play with newbies. To be fair to them though, after I'm done with them I try to give them a quick 5 - 10 minute lesson on the product they sell.
"A moose in the pasture gathers no moss"
Phillipus - 1992"Sure, everything looks bad if you remember it!" -
Tell me NCrewson, what kinda gear do you run with? You seem to know alot and like to waste other peoples time with asking questions then filling them in.
I'm very curious on what Audio and or video gear you use. If you ever did that to me, while I was still in retail I'd have my pen out and start writing notes, then neatly close my notepad and tell you to get the **** out.
I'd be very curious to know what gear both of you gentlemen run with, since you seem to know alot and like to look down and explain things to people who are just trying to earn some extra coin.
I've been on both sides, and I still to this day would NEVER EVER play games with em. For all I know they have a much better system then I'm running, and if they don't godbless em for trying to earn some extra cash. I use to run into people like you, and just shake my head, most of the dorks that came into the door, were insecure or thought they had a clue as to what high end and hi-fi was about. Then would leave questioning why they thought NAD and rotel was high end, how it wasn't and how could a kid from a Big box store know more about true 2 channel then they could. I mean they had "nad, rotel and arcam" surely they were high end and could look down on a person wearing a name tag, that was forced to sell jvc, yamaha, sony and other crap...
Never look down on anybody if anything help people understand how good music can sound, how it can change things and how it can influence your life. -
Right On LuSh!
Woaa Lush,
I just re-read my post and I think it may have come off wrong. First off I used to go to other stores to check the sales peoples PK as part of my job. I got paid to find out what areas they needed to train in.
Secondly, I did mention that I have met lots of knowledgable sales people by asking a few questions to see what level they are at.
Thirdly, there is no excuse for a professional sales person to not know the answers to basic questions. Would you buy a car from someone who only knew brand, model, and price? There are plenty of resources to learn this stuff and it is their job to know it, period.
But in agreement with you, they are trying to make a living. If I can help them learn something I will. If I can learn something from them I say thank-you. I am by no means an expert on high end audio (in fact I probably know more video PK than audio unfotunately) thats why I'm here. To learn more. And for that I say thank-you to all of you who can teach me.
And yeah, I so still mess the nwebies at my local store. But I do this a the request of the other staff and I do try to give them some quick pointers. And one thing I will NEVER do is waste someones time if there are "real" customers around. I do still work in retail at a different level and I do respect their need to earn a living. I say if you find a good, knowlegable sales person at ANY store, support them, buy from them, and tell them you appreciate their help. But I do not have to deal with those who don't respect their jobs enough to learn the basics. They give the whole industry a bad rep.
Nathan"Sure, everything looks bad if you remember it!" -
This has been a very interesting read. As a recently hired sales associate at circuit city (i.e. I've never been paid on comission) I can tell you that most of the guys in my store do really know their stuff. Not to the nitty gritty specs, but they could definitely answer your three questions. I imagine this is in large part due to the extensive competition we have in the area with a very low population to draw from. And from my experience a lot of sales people I've seen in other stores range from downright worthless ("that toshiba is ranked number one by consumer reports, that's why we carry it" -bestbuy rep) to very honest and customer focused. A local store was willing to knock a hundred dollars off the price of a receiver because I asked what they could do about matching online prices. I know that in my job, I try to do three things. First of all I want the customer to have an enjoyable experience, as well as learn something. If a single one of my customers fails to learn something new about technology I feel like I've failed. Second of all, I want that customer to buy something, this is after all how my performance is tracked. Third of all I want that customer to buy everything they need or might want while they're there. This does two things, one, it sends my attachment percentage through the roof, and two, if I've done my job right, the customer won't have to return to buy those cables later which should make him/her happier. There's also nothing I love more than somebody who comes into the store all stoked about getting some high quality (for circuit city) gear. They know some stuff and are often the most enjoyable to talk to/help out. Sorry for my rant, I wish you all good night.
Glad to hear it Jeff. Also the fact that your here speaks volumes for your potential in this field. The fact that you actually use your own time to learn more tells me that you probably enjoy working with HT gear and that means your customers will enjoy buying from you. Enthusiasm is one of the most cantagious feelings. The world needs more sales people like that and less of the others you mentioned.
Nathan"Sure, everything looks bad if you remember it!" -
WOW lush thats a tad harsh...as for the equip I own well that has nothing to do with how much I know...as I could be a sales rep and not earn tons but am very fond of my gear but just can't either afford or justify spending tons....thats not the case. As an underwritter for a major insurance comp, If I am asked a question I better know the answer. Thats how I feel as well when I walk in and ask a question the person serving should know the anwers of say I dont know and tell me I'll find out for you .....not pretend and try to feed me BS.
As for Jeff I to am glad to see you "offduty" updating your knowledge...hats off to ya !! -
I went to another AV store and this time a total 180. The rep and I spent 45 mins just chattin' and listening to 4 different sets of speakers for the hell of it. This guy knew what he was talking about !! That was great !!! wasn't even trying to sell me anything just chattin and listening and comparing!! I told him I appreciate the fact that he can tlak about what he sells with confidence and didnt pretend to know everything.