Vintage education please

trubluluc Posts: 2,067
edited April 2004 in Speakers

Give me the 411 on polks vintage SRS series speakers. I know the 1.2 are the top of the heap, big, and heavy as hell.
Next I assume is the 2.3tl . Tell me about this speaker, as I have the opportunity to pick up a pair.
1. what is a fair price for a pair in good working condition, 7-8 cosmetics?
2. what should come with the speaker? connections etc.
3. is there any issues with this speaker, I see two of the drivers apear to be different from the rest of the drivers.

The balance freak in me wants the more uniform SRS 1.2, but the bargain hunter sees possibly a good deal in the making.

As always, thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Post edited by trubluluc on


  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited April 2004
    You need to grab one of raife's SDA Compendiums...

    The 2.3tl was the sidekick to the TOTL 1.2tl in the 5th and final coming of SDA's. All the tl's used different MW's for the SDA ch's than they used for the direct ch's.

    Not a great deal of data here, as you don't see them on ebay very often, but I have seen pairs sell for $900 and $1200 in the past 16 months. Orion puts them around $900, but tends to be a little low.

    Someone with Audiogon data access ay be able to provide you with more price info.

    Most recent pair listed did not meet reserve at $821.11. Item number: 3088427303 will still be active.

    You should get at least the standard SDA interconnect (the Pin-Blade model), feet and spikes in the deal.

    Pluses would be the A1A interconnect (with the transformer in it) and the bass braces.

    Happy hunting...
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
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  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited April 2004
    Good info.
    I will seek out one of "raife's SDA Compendiums..."

  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,000
    edited April 2004
    Actually, alot of the SDA series use the same drivers for the SDA ch's and the direct ch's. The 2.3TL's use all the same driver, the MW6510. IMO, the 2.3TL's are 95% of the 1.2TL's and you won't be sorry if you buy them.
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