Lines on iPad mini display, and how I fixed them.

mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
edited August 2018 in The Clubhouse
So as I have mentioned once or twice before, my tablet display has had some issues with lines running across the display, from home button side to camera side. Orientation doesn’t matter, and it goes away if you simply power off and turn it back on, however they usually come back within a few seconds.
I’ve tried to find the issue for a long time now, and I settled on the fact that it is the display, although I decided that since I can’t get the OEM display unless I pay Apple to replace it, I would just put the tablet to sleep and wake it up again until the problem didn’t come back, which would usually last an hour or two before the issue once again appeared.
So I did a bit of research, and I found a YouTube video from a few years ago, in which a guy knocks on the back of his iPad Air and fixes a very similar issue. I said to myself, “What have I got to lose,” and gave it a go It now won’t come back at all (well, it did the first time I tried, but I only lightly tapped, whereas the guy in the video did a lot more pressure, second time when I did it like him, I’ve had no problems.) and if it was to happen again, I would simply repeat the process.
This seems to be a fairly common issue with some Apple tablets, along with other display issues. The YouTube guy’s display had a flickering issue, and he said he’d used the technic to fix several other display problems. I’m guessing the connection for the display inside become so lose after a few years, and the knocking is enough force to push it back into place?
Anyway, if you have an Apple tablet with this issue, give it a go. It worked for me, and it might for you.


  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    edited August 2018
    Here is a picture of the issue. Not my tablet.
    And here is the link for the video I found.
    Not the same issue as mine, but the same thing worked.
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    It’s a chip issue. My iPhone 6 Plus had similar problems. Tapping worked for a bit then didnt
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    It’s a chip issue. My iPhone 6 Plus had similar problems. Tapping worked for a bit then didnt

    Oh, good to know. So far so good with mine, although it’s only been a day and a half or so.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    Curious what the folks at the Apple store told you, many times they’ll take care of stuff like this free of charge even when it’s out of warranty.
  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    Curious what the folks at the Apple store told you, many times they’ll take care of stuff like this free of charge even when it’s out of warranty.

    I never went to the Apple store, because I just didn’t really think about it. Yesterday I was completely fed up with the issue, so I did some research, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to fix it and that it was a lost cause, and I would end up going to the Apple store eventually, but now it works.

    I was planning on replacing the display and battery eventually, because the battery is getting worse and worse and the display... well, you know about the display. But both of these issues I could put up with while I was still putting money into my sound system. Now that the display seems to work, I might hold out on going a little longer, unless of course the problem returns.
  • codycatalist
    codycatalist Posts: 2,662
    I don't have that issue with my IPad pro but oddly enough when I hit the volume up or down buttons the screen for a split second gets brighter then back down to normal.

    Weird stuff but doesn't bother me at all so I haven't done jack about it.
    Just a dude doing dude-ly things

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  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    I don't have that issue with my IPad pro but oddly enough when I hit the volume up or down buttons the screen for a split second gets brighter then back down to normal.

    Weird stuff but doesn't bother me at all so I haven't done jack about it.

    Woah, that’s kinda weird.

    So guess what? As I was typing the above line, the issue returned! :neutral: Oh well, I’ll bring it down to the Apple store at some point and see what they can do for me.
    Well, for anyone else who has this issue, you can do what I did for just under two days of perfect display quality. :wink: