My GE Triton One's make a few popping bass thuds after turning the adcom 555II off.

Tony M
Posts: 11,268
I have just read this great short thread from Stereophile. Any other advice as to a switch I can use to stop this?
The pre-amp volume is down to zero. Pre's power is off.
Then the amp is switched off...10-15 seconds later..thud,thud,thud,thud and thud.
Kind-of loud too. The Tritons sub amp is turned to less than midway also.
I read to turn the speakers powered amp down to zero. It might be hard to reach when they're in their final position. Is that going to be the norm if I continue to use the Adcom GFA 555II with these powered towers?
Any advice is gladly appreciated.
The pre-amp volume is down to zero. Pre's power is off.
Then the amp is switched off...10-15 seconds later..thud,thud,thud,thud and thud.
Kind-of loud too. The Tritons sub amp is turned to less than midway also.
I read to turn the speakers powered amp down to zero. It might be hard to reach when they're in their final position. Is that going to be the norm if I continue to use the Adcom GFA 555II with these powered towers?
Any advice is gladly appreciated.

Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
MY GFA 555II always made a similar sound about 10 seconds after being powered down.
It is the caps in the amp draining/discharging. Very common on that amp.
Thank you, guys.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
Try turning the amp off first? I have a GFA535 ll that did that, though not nearly as loud, and by switching it off before the source was off allows it to "coast" to silence.
So, are you willing to put forth a little effort or are you happy sitting in your skeptical poo pile? -
Was also gonna suggest amp off 1st. Probably won't make a difference if it's the caps?
I recall reading somewhere start up should be pre>amp>source and shut down in reverse order?Yep, my name really is Bob.
Parasound HCA1500A(indoor sound) and HCA1000(outdoor sound), Dynaco PAS4, Denon DP1200 w/Shure V15 Type V and Jico SAS stylus, Marantz UD7007, Polk L600, Rythmik L12 sub. -
It is the caps in the amp draining/discharging. Very common on that amp.
I've noticed some are quiet, some bleed off into silence - like old receivers - and others seem to do that pop thing.
On the ones that pop, I do find myself zeroing the volume before powering down. I try to set the pre and amp up with DC trigger so the amp powers up/down with the pre, but frankly I just sort of gave up worrying about it after a while.
Loud series of pops sounds like something to look into though.
Have you tried your other amps, Tony?
I disabled signatures. -
Adcoms have zero soft start circuits, nothing in the signal path was the idea. So they will pop, hiss and f a r t a little as the caps drain upon power down.
Follow the procedure Polrbehr suggested and it should minimize/eliminate the issue. Unless there is something wrong with the amp the pops/thuds/farts are all normal."Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul! -
It is the caps in the amp draining/discharging. Very common on that amp.
I've noticed some are quiet, some bleed off into silence - like old receivers - and others seem to do that pop thing.
No not all do it as some have relays/cap's in the signal path.
Amp off first and let it bleed into silence... like Brock/polrbehr states
I have not tried another amp yet. And I haven't tried turning the amp off first.
Going out to do that now. Amp off first with pre vol. at zero.
Not switching amps yet though. Dinner coming up very soon.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
The amp was turned off first. Pre was on and tuner selected. There were 8 thuds. They aren't loud but louder than a person speaking by just a bit. I tried it again with the Cd player on and it selected as the source. There were 7 thuds. The thuds and sometimes thids(
), definitely coinside with the power light going out on the front of the 555II. I knew that from before though.
I have my latest amp purchase 6' from this new rack and will try my NAD 2155 amp as the power plant asap.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
I think they meant to turn it off as music is playing through it.
The NAD most likely has speaker relays so it probably won't be an issue. Adcom omitted them because they are in the signal path. There are ways to mitigate it, but it adds cost. Adcom went the route of not adding a more expensive solution.
It could also be an combination of m no speaker relays and a mismatch with your sub for that particular Adcom. The series II Adcom added a dc servo circuit to detect harmful DC at the speakers, but no power on/off mute circuits, again to preserve the signal path."Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul! -
The music was playing.
Only the volume was turned down to zero. I read in that Stereophile link, that the volume should be turned down when this problem is happening.I think they meant to turn it off as music is playing through it.
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
I thought they meant that music should be playing and audible, is what I should have said.The music was playing.
Only the volume was turned down to zero. I read in that Stereophile link, that the volume should be turned down when this problem is happening.
I think Brock could be correct with the powered low end section of your speakers. I remember just a couple of thumps with non-powered speakers. They again mine was first generation Adcom..
Mine was one "pop" in the left channel, then a more faint "pop" in the right channel, and that's it.
I think since having the subs amplified on the Tritons, they're magnifying the current discharge spikes.
I might go out there tonight and mess around with switching the amps and also unplugging the Tritons and letting the amp discharge again and see how loud the sound is.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
I was about to say something similar to this.
Like for some reason the DSP inside the Tritons is interpreting the Adcom power down transients as some low frequency information that it needs/tries to then reproduce through the built in subwoofers.I think since having the subs amplified on the Tritons, they're magnifying the current discharge spikes.
I might go out there tonight and mess around with switching the amps and also unplugging the Tritons and letting the amp discharge again and see loud the sound is.
Yep. And the thumps are tight and forceful too.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
The NAD system sounded better and no thuds at turn-off.
NAD 2155 amp
NAD 1130 preamp
It seemed to have a ton more power to throw at the Tritons also. 10:00 was about it. I'm going to use the NAD preamp with a 555II amp and see where the power threshold is. But that will be later.
I had an old friend stop by today and he was all smiles when he heard the Ones in that tight space. I didn't turn them up but he still loved their clarity!
NICE !..he said with a big grin.
My other old friend stopped by today to borrow my De-Oxit spray and he said the surrounds for those Infinity's, that he got instead of me, came in today. He can't wait to bring them back to life. He's thinking about keeping them for a long time too.
I really didn't have space for them anyway. But I would've made some!Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Glad you had a good experience today with the NAD gear connected. What kind of tunes did you use to test them out with? Did you bust out that Blue Man Group vinyl yet?The NAD system sounded better and no thuds at turn-off.
NAD 2155 amp
NAD 1130 preamp
It seemed to have a ton more power to throw at the Tritons also. 10:00 was about it. I'm going to use the NAD preamp with a 555II amp and see where the power threshold is. But that will be later.
Glad you had a good experience today with the NAD gear connected. What kind of tunes did you use to test them out with? Did you bust out that Blue Man Group vinyl yet?The NAD system sounded better and no thuds at turn-off.
NAD 2155 amp
NAD 1130 preamp
It seemed to have a ton more power to throw at the Tritons also. 10:00 was about it. I'm going to use the NAD preamp with a 555II amp and see where the power threshold is. But that will be later.
BMG vinyl is still in the box. I should open it to make sure it's not defective!
I listened to the NAD tuner first. It sounded brighter than the Adcom tuner in the Adcom preamp. Then I put a CD of "70's greatest rock and roll songs" into the NAD CD player. BAM!! Crystal clear..and powerful solid bass when it was there. I feel the Kenwood player was just as good though.
But the tuner and Amps were in different leagues. I think my Adcom preamp is cutting the volume output or just doesn't amplify it enough.
I've cleared up some space going to my main system. I have some more to do on the right side of my cottage so I can move a lot more stuff out of the listening area. last week was really a bust for me getting much done. I thought about it last night. I need to get more active!
I saw a picture of these racks my wife told me her Co. were throwing away and I had gone and gotten 5 of them I think. I used one to help sell that guys Habitat Resell stores hoard of electronics that they gave him. Here's a picture. I think I'll put 2 back together to help organize and stack.
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
That's a lot of gear to sort through and arrange. It'll be like playing Tetris.
I did sell a receiver today. So that's the tip of the iceberg of selling off things.
TETRIS. That's the word my old friend from 6 years ago said when we moved those giant church speakers in the back room to gain access to the very back wall where I have some loose drivers and tweeters. He needed a polk driver and I thought I had some. I couldn't find them.
But he said "I must've been good at Tetris" or "doing this would make me good at Tetris" to have organized what I had to be able to move and maneuver.
I've told you before, it's a small world, my friend.
He said Tetris yesterday and you say it tonight. Wow.
I haven't heard the word Tetris in 15 years I think. Maybe the word came up in the movie Pixels.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Haha, that's what I always think when I have to get something out of my closet or my under-sink storage. I have everything "Tetris'd into place" that it's difficult to get to stuff sometimes.
I've always had to move my table saw from the shed to get to tools. I still do somewhat. I don't mind that too much AT ALL.
It's when **** falls on me or the floor when I touch something on a table, shelf or stacked on something else to move it. I touch one and 3 things fall.
Hoarder scenario?
I'm still kind of glad my old friend is re-foaming those Infinity's. He said today he really doesn't have room for them either. He also said he'd be glad to come over and help me organize this collection/mess when he can.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
That'll be nice to have someone trustworthy come over to help you out.I'm still kind of glad my old friend is re-foaming those Infinity's. He said today he really doesn't have room for them either. He also said he'd be glad to come over and help me organize this collection/mess when he can.
I would trust him with my house if I went on vacation for 2 weeks.
I had another guy help me before a couple of years ago. I trusted him alot too. He brought his girl friend over to watch a Super Bowl back then. We had ribs and an assortment of sides and things to snack on throughout the game. He came over alot before he had to move back to Winston Salem to help with his Parents Realetate Properties.
he was the guy who went through a lot of my records, pulling ones out he thought he'd like just from the covers. He bought me a new Fleet Foxes Double Album because I hadn't heard of them and he listened to them going through college. I'm sadened to say, I haven't played it yet. I went through those bad times. But I have it within reach when I get ready.
I had a BAD thunder and Lightning storm tonight. I went to bed shortly after dinner. The BOOMS and CRACKS woke me up. I thought...The tritons are still pluged in and the NAD system is too. I thought the sky was pretty clear during dinner.
I risked my life going from the house to the cottage and back! Having the Tritons hit by lightning would've been one BAD moment in my life for sure.
Then the storm doesn't do anymore close srikes for 20 minutes. Then I hear a thunderclap waaay off in the distance. It almost always happens that way!Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
I had a BAD thunder and Lightning storm tonight. I went to bed shortly after dinner. The BOOMS and CRACKS woke me up. I thought...The tritons are still pluged in and the NAD system is too. I thought the sky was pretty clear during dinner.
I risked my life going from the house to the cottage and back! Having the Tritons hit by lightning would've been one BAD moment in my life for sure.
Then the storm doesn't do anymore close srikes for 20 minutes. Then I hear a thunderclap waaay off in the distance. It almost always happens that way!
We were having a lot of lightning and stuff tonight, and although it was far of, I unplugged everything in my room. It would be awful to lose my gear. At least if you lost your stuff you would still have other gear to listen to music, if I lost my gear I would be stuck without music for who knows how long.
I actually unplug all my gear before a storm, or before we leave and I know there is going to be a storm, because if I take the risk then someday I’m gonna come home and everything will be fried. Ya know? I mean, why take the risk?
I did have a portable CD player fried by a power surge many moons ago, and I was really lucky because I forgot to plug in my iPad before I left. I know nothing probably would have happened, but the power brick didn’t work when I got back, so I am still glad.