This new Industrial rack is really stable.

Tony M
Tony M Posts: 11,268
edited April 2018 in The Clubhouse
Well, I got the 555II's onto the rack. The spaces were made for these amps! I did rearrange the depth of the third or forth shelf. It was sticking forward too much for me.

It took the weight in stride for now. I wouldn't want them any higher though. That would be asking for trouble. Look at all that depth still not used behind the amps...LOL.
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.


  • FestYboy
    FestYboy Posts: 3,861
    Awesome rack, but, um... Cooking amps much?
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 13,015
    It looks like the shelves are adjustable, and there's plenty of space at the bottom.

    Space 'em out @Tony M and then they will have a little breathing room.
    FestYboy wrote: »
    Awesome rack, but, um... Cooking amps much?

  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited April 2018
    Adcom GFA 555II's don't get hot at all. They don't even break a sweat for the short time I listen these days.

    The tops of the amps are almost solid plates. Airflow happens in the rear of these amps. The BIG vents are on the back-sides. Check picture. Also, there are 1 1/2 inches of airspace above each amp so the air-flow is really unrestricted.

    The top amp has taller feet for some reason and a detachable IEC power cord too. :)

    The little time I have been listening to one, It was so little above room temperature, I put the Pre-amp right on top of one.
    And I never like to do that without spacers to provide room for an amp to breathe.

    I got out there today and messed around and put the two below in "Bridged"mode. I hooked up the Pre-amp and a CD player. I hooked up those Cerwin Vega's to get an idea of the Adcom's "Bridged" power capabilities.

    I knew I could turn the dial to 12 o-clock with one amp and the speakers would be getting super loud. The bass would be hitting hard as heck too. But that was RIDICULOUSLY LOUD to say the least.

    Well this afternoon, 2-Adcoms in "Bridged" definitely showed more gonads. 10:30 was about it. I wanted to push it more but I thought that was sufficient for any diehard heavy metal headbanger. I was safely BEHIND the Cerwin Vegas too, so I didn't get the ear bleeding mids and horn highs in my face. ;)

    I think ONE Adcom GFA-555II is enough for most any stereo system.

    Maybe two amps for very inefficient speakers. I like the amps a lot!

    I'm going to hook up the single 555II up top to do an A/B comparison again. Maybe tomorrow.

    Lastly, I heard from the members here that bridged 555's have diminished sound qualities. I won't be able to tell the way it is out there now. Maybe I'll listen to the highs as I turn the high dial on the Pre-amp the next phase. I noticed a little change today turning that dial, but not much. But I was behind them...
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • krazypolk
    krazypolk Posts: 745
    Not sure you'd know but how do those adcom's measure up against say parasound or b&k amplifiers from 10-15 ago? Sorry if I'm steering your thread in the wrong direction.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited April 2018
    I've never heard either of those brands. Those are still out of my price range for at least my desire for the 51 amp and a big B&K amp also. I JUST came into being able to spend 500 for gear again. :p

    I spent 1500 on a Bob Carver Sunfire Sig. 600x2 years ago. It served me well but I tried to sell it to raise some cash and a guy wanted it, so out it went and I got most of my money back after 7 years. :) That was the most expensive amp I have ever owned. Thank you NooshinJohn for that experience! B)

    B&K amps...I haven't studied them at all. :(

    "Boulder" I hear is up there with them too.
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • krazypolk
    krazypolk Posts: 745
    I asked because in these pages folks swear by those two brands. I see adcom amplifiers come up for sale occasionally. The 555's seem to fetch between 400-450 while b&k and parasound a bit more than that.

    Are 555's compatible with SDA's? As far as common ground?
  • Viking64
    Viking64 Posts: 7,230
    krazypolk wrote: »
    Are 555's compatible with SDA's? As far as common ground?

    Yes, they are compatible. I had a GFA-555II powering my SDA SRS 2.3TL's for years.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited April 2018
    You're seeing the going prices for those Brands.

    That's why I don't own a BIG Parasound yet. I don't go making rounds to all our NICE pawn shops like I used to do about every weekend after yard saleing. Back then the pawn shops took in stereo stuff. Then people stopped buying it when I phones got real popular. The door just the pawn shops stopped taking in high end or at least high quality stereo gear and speakers. Nobody was buying it except me it seemed. I haven't been in a pawn shop in 6 months I think.

    I need to go see what's in them now!

    We have some high-class Pawn Shops here in Wilm. for sure!

    I've bought 2 pairs of Heresy's from these Pawn shops. One pr. was 100.00 the other 110.00 I think. But that was years ago.

    I saw a set of JBL-L100's I think but they wanted 130.00 for them and I didn't like that funky looking tweeter. White woofers and all looked great. I didn't have much money and I didn't know about them much back then. I heard a pair years later and thought...DUH...What did I not do....! Years ago also, that same shop DID sell me my Newform Research r645's for 300.00 :o
    I will own those for years to come still! ;)B)
    From the web;

    Excerpt from the ad that only lasted 8 days for sale.
    For sale is a pair of Newform Research R645v1 speakers. These famous audiophile speakers have two 7" ScanSpeak midbasses along with a monopole ribbon driver. They've been upgraded with $400+ worth of crossover components from Sonic Craft including solid copper binding posts. This greatly improves the sound over the original version. The box attached to the backs of the speakers are the new crossover components.

    Speakers are in good condition and play perfect. Also have the original boxes for them. (though the midbass unit will not fit in the original box due to the additional crossover components) These speakers are a tremendous value considering a new pair of R645v3's will run you $7,000 and feature the same midbass and ribbon drivers. Only difference is a redesigned cabinet.

    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 13,015
    Tony what kind of CD player you got in the rack there? I can't make it out in the photo.
  • krazypolk
    krazypolk Posts: 745
    I've never had any luck with pawn shops, nor second hand stores for that matter. I occasionally stumble on good deals on Craigslist, but timing is everything. More often than not good items don't hang around long.

  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    It is a Kenwood multi-disc changer with a single disc drawer under the changer.
    I have 2 of them now.
    I bought it with a Kenwood receiver and those Cerwin Vegas. All for 50.00 last Fall.

    The direct sound mode button switch from direct to manual sound shaping ability anymore. It is stuck in pure direct. Low bass pretty much. I might look into de-oxit'ing it if I can get to it. It's a solid heavy little electronic type receiver from the 80's like those Cerwin Vegas. B)
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 13,015
    Multi-disc but with an additional single disc tray underneath? What a curious creature. Reminds me of those triple tray DVD drives I've seen back in the day.

    Too bad about the receiver, but it being stuck in pure direct is the better of the two positions for it to be stuck in I think!
    Tony M wrote: »
    It is a Kenwood multi-disc changer with a single disc drawer under the changer.
    I have 2 of them now.
    I bought it with a Kenwood receiver and those Cerwin Vegas. All for 50.00 last Fall.

    The direct sound mode button switch from direct to manual sound shaping ability anymore. It is stuck in pure direct. Low bass pretty much. I might look into de-oxit'ing it if I can get to it. It's a solid heavy little electronic type receiver from the 80's like those Cerwin Vegas. B)

  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    krazypolk wrote: »
    I've never had any luck with pawn shops, nor second hand stores for that matter. I occasionally stumble on good deals on Craigslist, but timing is everything. More often than not good items don't hang around long.

    That's a fact about good things don't last.

    I saw a 500.00 grill for free on CL this morn. I looked at how long it had been listed for. 44 min. I thought , yea, I could probably snatch it. But then I thought about the bitchin my wife would gice me about me not using the 300.00 one we have already. I could say I can fix it up and sell it. And she would say " like you're selling all your extra stereo stuff " I don't think so!

    So I let it go. I ate breakfast. An hour past and I looked again...It was off of CL already. ;)

    Goodwill stores used to have speakers last for days and nice receivers too. Ever since records became cool with the college kids around here, every 2 hours a kid is going in looking for stereo stuff and CDs and records and speakers.

    I stopped going for the most part.

    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    edited April 2018
    Stuff disappears in our goodwill quick. My LSis ha d been there for several weeks when I got them, but only because literally everyone doubted that they worked. I actually ran into a guy who said he was looking for some big tower speakers a week after I bought them, and I asked what the were, he said Polk LSi25s. I told home I got them, and he said he picked up 7s, 9s, 15s, and a center. Why did the original owner have all of these? Who knows. But I was for sure jealous. I think he turned them around and got some serious cash for them.