Peerless 5514 help

I got around tonight to putting the 5514s in my rta12b. Thought it would be a simple replacment. Have sl2500 in there now.

Anyways my question is on the xover board the tweeter wires are labled as follows. White= HF OUT. And Black = HF GRD. Looking at the tweeters there are a black and white wire, but. The black wire leads to the terminal with the red disc under it and is labeled 8 ohm. The white wire does not have any markings. There are no postive or neg markings.

Do i assume the red disc indicates POS regardless of the wire that is already soldered to it?
Also, is it possible the the rta12b runs 180 out of phase compared to maybe another speaker that used these tweeters?

Just want to make sure i get the phase right.

