Wish me luck
I have found some rears to go with the fronts and center. It's a bid for a pair of smaller wall mount speakers similar to my soon to be center.
Hopefully the bidding won't get too high. I doubt it will. I also hope that the wife will go for it and that the guy that looked at our other house (I meved into this one about 6 months ago) will buy it.
Now I just need a mono tube amp. That should be the easy part.
Hopefully the bidding won't get too high. I doubt it will. I also hope that the wife will go for it and that the guy that looked at our other house (I meved into this one about 6 months ago) will buy it.
Now I just need a mono tube amp. That should be the easy part.
Make it Funky! 

Post edited by gidrah on
Man, I've never seen THAT model before.
Good luck indeed. If it falls through, I'll get you hooked up with my DIY Tannoy concentrics, regardless.
Actually, I have some Jensen horns from the 50's right now, I SHOULD do a 2-way with a JBL or EV woof. That, and we know I'm knee deep in Bozak - we can work SOMETHING out.
RoosterCheck your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
Yeah, I've never seen that model either. Then again I would've probably skipped over it in the past. I'm thinking the bidding will top out pretty soon. I'm 98% sure those are Utah woofers, so most collector bids will stop at the price of the Altec horns and drivers.
I actually found this while looking for a horn sub. I've decided that a huge-assed horn sub firing up from the basement through the unused cold-air return would be rather pleasing to my spine and to the wife who won't have to look at a huge-assed horn sub in her living room.
I also have a pair of JBL C54s that I just started listening to. They too are wall mount but the words under utilized are screaming.
Yes, you should do something with those Jensens. Remember those Acoustiflex I've talked about? I heard from a Grumpy person that also has (had?) a pair that Jensen is the driving force. While on my search I also saw some Imperials, but we won't go there..... yet.
P.S. I just wished I watched more movies to where I could justify this whole thing. Time to look into SACD/DVDA. With 4x15" woofer across the fron and a pair of 12"s in the back, I should be able to set them all to LARGE.:DMake it Funky! -
Good luck bud. Didn't Altec make the legendary "Voice of the Theatre" speakers which just came back into production again?
Maurice -
Hey Gidrah,
Check out ThomasW's IB Shiva setup. It would be very efficient and probably take up less space than a bass horn.
Good luck on the auction for the AltecsGraham -
Well, I guess it was just not meant to be. The guy didn't buy our house and the speakers wound up going for more than I was willing to pay. If they had been local I might have considered bidding. Someday the "Voice of the HOME Theater" will happen, just not this month.
Russ - I guess I've started on the quest that can only end in a full VOT speaker compliment. I have some JBL C54 or Altec Segovias that will have to work for rears for now. Then again, by the time I rebuild that center cabinet, maybe our house will sell and I'll snag a pair of A-8s or 601-604s. That would be good because after listening to the JBLs (my first choice for rears) I have decided that these would make for an awesome choice on the 2-ch rig.
Gatemplin - Dude, trust me I have deffinately considered it. I remember reading the article on that 12 driver system in Stereo Review. Unfortunatley there are a few things stopping me. The first is the cost. PE is running a special on there IB subs right now, but the cost is prohibitive. The 2nd is that the rear wave would be firing into my whole basement (and up each vent, vibrating each floorboard, etc). I could easily mount a folded horn up through the same spot as the IB, but it would be sealed off from the rest of the room and direct all the tones upwards. An ugly boxed 15 or 18" Eminance should be cheap and easy to pick up at a local music store. BTW - Just hope my plan for this center speake don't work out.Make it Funky!