Monitor 12's

I've decided its time to thin the heard. So I'm going to put my 12's up for sale. I think one needs a tweeter. Asking $250 I have a set of tweeters from my SDA 3.1's to go with them once I find where I put them. One was good when I replaced them with 198's. email is best: glennf at fulmerls dot com

HT/2Channel: Emotiva MMC-1, Adcom GFA-555II, Polk SDA 3.1's, Teac TN-300 TT, Polk Center and Sub.

Bedroom system: Carver CT-24, Parasound HCA-800II, Monitor 10's

Additional projects: RTA 12c's


  • Dawgfish
    Dawgfish Posts: 2,554
    Nice speakers! Where are you located?
  • FestYboy
    FestYboy Posts: 3,861
    edited March 2018
    The last of the big monitor series for the collection... Hopefully you're close-ish, interested!

    Edit: Never mind, just saw your FS post in the vintage thread. SC is a little too far for me :/

    I'd sure be interested in the 3.1s too as they're on my list of "must haves".
  • xjghost
    xjghost Posts: 1,103
    Hartsville, SC is where they are currently. I have a full set of the Monitors I think. 5jr, 7's, 10's these and the 12c's. Thought I'd throw them up here before I put them on CL.
    HT/2Channel: Emotiva MMC-1, Adcom GFA-555II, Polk SDA 3.1's, Teac TN-300 TT, Polk Center and Sub.

    Bedroom system: Carver CT-24, Parasound HCA-800II, Monitor 10's

    Additional projects: RTA 12c's
  • xjghost
    xjghost Posts: 1,103
    Found the tweeter from the 3.1's and installed it. Much better but the one coming out was a 2500 and this one is a 3000. I guess these need a RDO swap like I did to the 3.1's.
    HT/2Channel: Emotiva MMC-1, Adcom GFA-555II, Polk SDA 3.1's, Teac TN-300 TT, Polk Center and Sub.

    Bedroom system: Carver CT-24, Parasound HCA-800II, Monitor 10's

    Additional projects: RTA 12c's