Polk M10 Questions

Posts: 4
Thank you for taking the time to read my questions. I am an audio novice and have had these Polks for 20~ years
1. What Polks are these?

2. I have been thinking about replacing them but I came across some threads where people rebuilt crossovers and replaced drivers/tweeters. Once I find out model M10s I have, I would like some help figuring out how I refurbish the speakers.
3. Lastly I just updated my receiver to a denon AVR-x1400h. Would it need a amp?
4. Thank you!
1. What Polks are these?


2. I have been thinking about replacing them but I came across some threads where people rebuilt crossovers and replaced drivers/tweeters. Once I find out model M10s I have, I would like some help figuring out how I refurbish the speakers.
3. Lastly I just updated my receiver to a denon AVR-x1400h. Would it need a amp?
4. Thank you!
If you're not heavily into the hobby, have no idea what sound stage, imaging, or lobing is then I'd just keep the Monitor 10s. They certainly aren't a horrible speaker by any means.
Press lightly in an even fashion on the 6.5" woofers. Do they make a scraping/scratchy sound? Worst case are any of them completely locked up? If yes replace those specific drivers.
Press in and hold on the bottom larger passive radiators. Do the 6.5" drivers move outward and slowly sink back in over 2+ seconds? If they sink back in right away you have an air leak, possibly a torn rubber surround somewhere.
Are they all good and you just have the upgrade bug? Replace the tweeters with RD-0194s which you can buy by calling Polk.
That's my 2 cents. If you're overcome by the desire to get something different then by all means...afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
I'm not quite understanding the question... In part 2, you state the model (m10), that's what you have... They have the SL2000 tweeter. There is a upgrade for it (RDO-194) new from Polk. If the mid woofers are still good, leave them be. Most of the standard mods apply to these (caps, resistors, dynamat, black hole, hurricane nuts, etc...). If you really want to hear what you have is capable of, a 2 channel amp should be running them, not an AVR.
Thank you for the responses! I will check this out when I get home.
I will also look for a 2 channel Amp.
Those are Monitor 10B with SL2000 tweeters.
Ok it seemed to come out a little fast but no scrapping sound.
The mids seem good so I will keep them.
Will look at changing out the tweeters.
What about the crossover upgrade/updates I have read about?
I will research this and see what I need to do.
You're pushing in, letting go of, and watching the same passive radiator. The 6.5" drivers are the two smaller ones above that.afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
Umm...there's nothing wrong with playing them through your AVR...and nothing magical about a 2-channel amp. Not saying you wouldn't benefit from an upgrade, but there are plenty of AVRs that are as good/better than any 2-channel amp!Yamaha RX-A2050 AVR (5.0.2); LG OLED77C2 4K TV(4) Polk Monitor 10B's w/SoniCaps, Mills, and RDO-194 tweets (R/L F/R)(2) Polk RC80i (Top Middle)Polk CS300 center channelAnalog: B&O TX2 Turntable, Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1Digital: Pioneer CLD-99 Elite LD, Panasonic DMP-UB900 UHD Blu-RayBedroom: Arylic Up2Stream AMPv3 driving Polk Monitor 4's w/peerless tweets
Umm...there's nothing wrong with playing them through your AVR...and nothing magical about a 2-channel amp. Not saying you wouldn't benefit from an upgrade, but there are plenty of AVRs that are as good/better than any 2-channel amp!
Get yer ears on a MC 240 and a quality tube pre and you just might be retracting that statement buddy.... -
Thank you for taking the time to read my questions. I am an audio novice and have had these Polks for 20~ years
1. What Polks are these?
2. I have been thinking about replacing them but I came across some threads where people rebuilt crossovers and replaced drivers/tweeters. Once I find out model M10s I have, I would like some help figuring out how I refurbish the speakers.
3. Lastly I just updated my receiver to a denon AVR-x1400h. Would it need a amp?
4. Thank you!
Keep those 10B's...Do the upgrades and you will have a couple of gems...A good worthwhile project to get into... -
Umm...there's nothing wrong with playing them through your AVR...and nothing magical about a 2-channel amp. Not saying you wouldn't benefit from an upgrade, but there are plenty of AVRs that are as good/better than any 2-channel amp!
I usually leave responses to comments like this to the more-knowledgeable members here, but that statement, sir, is complete bilgewater, total codswallop, and utter balderdash! Good day to you, sir. Harrumph. -
Dilly Dilly!!!
You're pushing in, letting go of, and watching the same passive radiator. The 6.5" drivers are the two smaller ones above that.
Thanks for pointing that out Nightfall.
When I push and hold one in the other stays out til I let go. I would think if there was an air leak it would slowly go back in.Keep those 10B's...Do the upgrades and you will have a couple of gems...A good worthwhile project to get into...
Thank you Msabot.
Now to look into what upgrades to do.(using this thread to help me track what I need to do)
1. Tweeter upgrade. RDO-194 from Polk
2. Crossover Upgrades (need to get schematics or find someone to do it. Seems to be a few on EBay/web)
3. 6.5 seem fine
4. Passive seems fine
5. My AVR-X1400 doesn’t have pre outs so need to figure out my next steps here
(I am such a newb I didn’t know what a MC 240 was so I looked it up and know why... at $3k+ It must sound awesome)
Appreciate everyone’s comments!
Also if you change the tweeters to the new RDO-194, do not discard the original SL-2000 tweeters, either keep them for spares or sell them. There are still many people looking for them. The Tens are a good classic Polk speaker, enjoy them and hang around here, you'll learn a lot.
Thanks for pointing that out Nightfall.
When I push and hold one in the other stays out til I let go. I would think if there was an air leak it would slowly go back in.
Thank you Msabot.
Now to look into what upgrades to do.(using this thread to help me track what I need to do)
1. Tweeter upgrade. RDO-194 from Polk
2. Crossover Upgrades (need to get schematics or find someone to do it. Seems to be a few on EBay/web)
3. 6.5 seem fine
4. Passive seems fine
5. My AVR-X1400 doesn’t have pre outs so need to figure out my next steps here
(I am such a newb I didn’t know what a MC 240 was so I looked it up and know why... at $3k+ It must sound awesome)
Appreciate everyone’s comments!
Ok man..you have decided to take a trip down what is known here as the 'rabbit hole'....first thing I would look at is cabinet integrity...next would to be to check for driver magnet shift...There are more than a few guys on here that can get you through Xover rehab..don't scrimp on the components..use the quality ones that are recommended
...Ditch that poly switch also....My 240 was given to me by my dad..along with the vintage matching pre/tuner..had it worked over a couple years ago and works very well with the 10B's that I bought new..a real favorite in my chain...Good luck with the rebuild project..you will find that the time,effort,and the BUCKS invested are well worth it...See ya down there..in the hole...LOL!..