CS300 vs CS245

I just picked up a near mint CS300 which I am using to replace the CS245 in my bedroom setup with my Monitor 5jr+ series 2 bookies. First glance the two centers look like the same speaker, but that's just the mid-drivers.

The CS300 has the tri-lam tweeter, which is a little smoother than the one in the 245, and it also has the, not sure what you call it, diffuser for the power port in the back. The bass is noticeably deeper and more pronounced on the 300. The cabinet is also slightly larger.

A small upgrade but this seems like a worthwhile one. I have a CS400 and this doesn't really seem to give up too much to it. At least, not with my modest setup.

Anyone familiar with the CS300?


  • Conradicles
    Conradicles Posts: 6,142
    I had one and loved it. Great center.
  • 20hz
    20hz Posts: 636
    yes I have both I wanted to use for a right & left , since the 300 was to tall I needed to build a smaller cabinet .
    the 300 and 245 have different drivers mw5533/23 the tri lam is a better tweeter and I suggest switching to it .
    I did notice the extra bass in the 300 but since a center is 100 hz up its not real noticeable but if you want a better tw I would recommend tri lams ..