Any one else have this "disorder"?



  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    It could easily become a problem again now that I have an empty extra bedroom to store stuff since my daughter got her own place.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited December 2017
    I do need more storage but I need to SELL more than store since I'm not running a fulltime business with advertising or in a high foot traffic area .

    I have a lot of storage area here but I also have woodworking equipment and tools galore. I also did home remodeling for a plumbing Co. and have amassed almost 2 of every tool one could need to build a house, plumb , wire, sheetrock, paint and roof it. I have a lot of tools too ! And I use them from time to time too. ;)

    My thing of collecting, hoarding Audio stuff has ALSO been about helping co-workers, their relatives, friends and their friends too. I have always seemed to have extras since I liked to go yardsaling and visit pawn shops to get my mind off the neck BS. once a week over the past 25 years. It helped when I would find a good deal! and that adrenaline would kick in for over 24-48 hours. :p

    I have also sold quite a few things this past year to some friends that have come back to get additional things they needed. Receivers and speakers, CD player, Int. Amp.. So the hoard isn't quite static.

    I kept a list of anything I sold and to whom ( first names ) from the first day I started selling off my hoard to just this past year. I've slacked off recording sales a bit due to the medical ( and dental too ) BS from so called Doctors. I still remember what I sold or gave away though. I'll record it soon I guess.

    It was an awesome collection at first. All organized into 5 rows of gear and bookshelf and a little bigger towers sitting on those SS kitchen racks that Sams Clb sells. . All in the back side of the man cave behind that blue couch in my avatar pic. . It was stacked neatly to about 8" or more. On each row. :o

    Craig's list advertising brought a lot people for a long time and then the recession hit and people stopped coming or wanted it for nothing. I stopped selling for a couple of years but my desire to collect what I previously could never think of affording has always stayed with me since I bought that minty pr. of Polk Audio Monitor 10's with peerless tweeters 15+ years ago. :p

    I had broken my heel bone putting the last piece of roofing plywood on the front porch of that man-cave at the end of my driveway and I was kind of in depression from not being able to move around without crutchs. My neighbor got me out of the yard and took me to a local Goodwill that I hadn't been to in many years.There were those Polk Monitor 10's sitting by the front door in their bags in their orig. boxs too. 24.00 a pr. . My friend said since I mentioned Polk Audio before , I should be the one to buy them . He had to load them and then set them up in my man-cave. I later put them up on shelves or maybe he did the mounting of the shelves that I cut while I was still learning to walk on that foot again. It took 5 years of hell to finally say, I didn't feel any pain from my foot or BS going up my calf today after work. Halleluiah !

    Those speakers helped me get through some serious rehab years. I liked those Monitor 10's so much I got on E-bay and purchased another Pr. of them pretty quickly. So I had a Monitor 10 in each corner about 7" up in the air eventually. Those were the days !
    Luxman 1030's ( I believe ) powering each pair.

    Then a pr. of Kenwood KL888D's I believe they were, joined them. I put the pr. on the back wall behind that blue couch. I went to E-bay again and bought another pr. of them. So 4 Kenwoods on their sides, lined the shelf at the 7" level on that back wall along with those Monitor 10's in each corner. Motown music never sounded better except with a live show I'm sure ! Those were the days !

    Many, many people over the years, once in a while will call me back and ask how I'm doing and then say what they or somebody else they know needs. They ask if I can help. As you all can see I usually can no matter what they need. I've turned sooo many people on to the sound of Polk Audio speakers that I could maybe qualify as a Polk dealer. I've helped a lot out and helped myself deal with my neck ( and heal bone accident and rehab years ) issue along the way.

    It's more than a hobby I guess. Therapy ?
    It's more like a Foundation or Audio Museum I started years and years ago.
    For ALL to enjoy if you want to come over and look around.

    And I'm the Chairman or Curator...LOL B)

    And these, although cramped again, are the days too !
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598

    You can always store some of it here if you need hehehe....... I could always use a few more pieces should you stumble across stuff that needs a home from an owner who just wants it gone hehehe.....
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    That's usually what it is, a mom and dad, downsizing or just someone needing a few bucks.

    And yes Sir, I know where you live and might take you up on it as we might be having some relatives stay with us for a time that are moving back to this area :s
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    oldrocker wrote: »
    That's usually what it is, a mom and dad, downsizing or just someone needing a few bucks.

    And yes Sir, I know where you live and might take you up on it as we might be having some relatives stay with us for a time that are moving back to this area :s

    HA, the quote feature is fixed....

    And no worries. Let me know.

    And dont forget you have that daughter with a house now... and I think you need a system setup there for when your working...
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited December 2017
    I have a Step Daughter who is 38. I set her up with a little surround set-up years ago at her condo/apartment. She has sold it or gave it away....I haven't been told, but I know it's not there anymore. She has cut the cable and I believe lives off of her I-phone and laptop sound outputs at home. But she loves to rock out ( 99% Christian music ) in her car.

    Is the millennials sound system experience negated to a car stereos and LIVE performances ? Also, earbuds thrown in for when away from either seems to be the norm too.

    Seeing her experiences over the years seems to have eliminated all material collecting for musical enjoyment except earbuds. All digital for her.

    Would I exchange my hoard for an I phone and ear buds and just the TV's sound ? Not in my life. Old KLH's when I was around 20 changed my idea of how great home sound can sound . ESS AMT 1B's took it to another level. Polk Monitor 10's took it to another level.... On and ON it goes to this day.

    Me sometimes sitting on my blue couch NOT FEELING the air pressure from the music moving the hair on my arms and neck just isn't what I have lived long enough to know I can experience.
    I have on numerous occasions had my pants legs flapping from the output from my RT3000P front subs while sitting on that blue couch. Lord of the Rings 1st movie, in the first 5 min. of the beginning when Sauron's finger hits the ground....that does it.

    I went to my Wife's companies' Christmas party again this year on Sat. night.
    The Live band " The Machine Gun Band " had the volume so loud it was ridiculous. I put ear plugs in and it sounded perfect. They were very good except for the Rap ( of which the rapper did exactly as I've heard rap done ) . The female singer sang Stevie Nicks songs to a T.
    I don't think 500 people cared about the volume. Most are young 20 to 30 year olds and I took the ear plugs out one moment and the crowd was yelling at each other to make conversations. That noise was as worse as the bands volume. Horrendous. Most were drinking from open bars of beers and wine with no limit.

    I just don't get how younger people can take that loud volume that to me is distorted and not want to ( fighter jets just flew over my house as they do once in a while..I love it ! ) replicate it at home if they lived in a house by buying a physical sound system.

    I can now say I can replicate a live performance here at home. Is my search for audio stuff over ? No.
    I have yet to hear how Parasound amps sound like. A Krell amp.. On and on it goes. ;)

    Post edited by Tony M on
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 13,015
    Great stream of consciousness post. I agree and could go on about several points you mentioned but too much to type out.

    I feel like you and I could talk for several hours about audio haha. Good man.
    Tony M wrote: »
    I have a Step Daughter who is 38............

  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    I used to hate to type ! I hated it.

    Lately I have been able to type my thoughts pretty fast.

    And in doing so, 10 min. of thoughts is a rambling for others to read. I'm definitely going to work on shortening my responses to others threads. I'll try. :#
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,196
    edited December 2017
    Kerouac typed On the Road on a continuous roll of paper...



  • MrBuhl
    MrBuhl Posts: 2,419
    Wait... it's a "disorder"?
    VA HT HK AVR20II, Sony S9000ES CD/DVD/SACD, Polk Audio RC80i / Polk Audio CSi3, 60" Panasonic Plasma, Nordost / Signal Cable A2 / Wireworld / Pangea / Magic Power
    VA 2 Channel Focal Electra 926 speakers, Pass Labs X150.5 Amp, Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamp (Tutay mods), Eastern Electric Minimax CDP (Scott Nixon mods), Music Hall mmf 5.1 Turntable, Parks Audio Budgie Phono Pre , Audioengine B1 streamer, MIT S3 IC's / MIT Shotgun S3 Speaker Cables / PS Audio power cables
    Noggin Schiit Valhalla, Pangea, Phillips Fidelio X1, Polk UF8000

    Polk SDA1c modded
    Polk CRS+ 4.1TL modded (need veneer)
    Polk SDA2BTL (fully modded)
    A/L 1000VA Dreadnought Canare 4s11 SDA cable
    SACD Marantz DV8300
    Sony S9000ES CD/DVD/SACD
    Yamaha YP-D6
    Soundcraftsmen PCR800
    Audible Illusions L1 Preamp
    Vincent MFA based Cocci Tube Preamp
    Pho-700 Phono Pre
    Signal Cable Silver Resolution IC's

  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    My wife says I have many disorders.....with audio being way down on the list. :)

    I think it's a matter of finding the sound you like. Those that haven't yet roll through a lot of gear searching for it. I'm pretty comfortable in knowing what I like and trust a few ears around here for suggestions when I need something.

    For me anyway, it's about enjoying the music, not collecting gear. If I acquire something and it doesn't appeal to my ears, it get's sold. Why have it around collecting dust ?
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Tony M wrote: »
    Great Point.

    I could have done all kinds of drugs ( there was plenty of people telling me to instead of pain pills ) and drunk all kinds of liquor and rum to ease the pain in my neck but I stuck with the various prescribed meds. ( some worked, some didn't ) and mostly relaxation music and stereo gear. I'd rock out on occasion though for old times sake.

    I guess I've hoarded stereo stuff like a drunk would hoard a bunch of vodka bottles for the next binge. I've downsized 2 times and my picture ( avatar )shows the result of the second time. I almost reclaimed all my space out there and then all hell broke loose with my health and BS doctors care. It's been about 5 years or more of not selling too much. More came in than went out. But I'm feeling hardly any pain in my neck since I fell off my front porch 2 years ago come this 9th of DEC. . ;) My neck was jolted so much 2 years ago, it snapped something back into place. 40 years of BS. that slowly got worse was snapped back to being better than 40 years ago. I know there is damage in my neck from a diving accident when I was 18 or 19. My neck vertebra still reminds me a few times each week but I don't need anything more than Ibuprofen once in a while. It's a miracle. I had a pr. of angel wings key chain in my shirt pocket when I fell 2 years ago. I feel that had a HUGE part in my neck being cured of 95% of the BS.

    I'm about to start selling soon again. I've never done Ebay or other outlets except Craig's list. I've always got my money back but I don't know about this time.

    But I've cleaned up my yard pretty well this past few months. I've lived here for 30 years so there was alot to clean up, hoard wise too.

    Now it's on to do some clearing of the hoard of my stereo stuff if there are any takers out there.

    I have to get room to set up my awesome JBL pro system. Maybe for my drop down projection screen set up. Real theater speakers for a home system might be overkill though. :#

    Neck pain and back pain really sucks.

    I have a 4 level neck fusion and a 3 level lumbar to pelvic fusion along with every disc in my back being degenerated. It's been decades since my back was pain free and it only gets worse. I was hit in the head by a F250 4X4 another tech was working on back in the 90's. The hospital missed the two broken vertebrae in my neck because they didn't do an x-ray and just said I had a concussion. That was before they knew much about brain trauma. I suffered a nasty case of it that left me with a benign inoperable brain tumor. The brain trauma really messed with me mentally. Music seems to really help when the mental issues occur. It really helps me escape, I get lost in it which seems to help me get a handle on it. It took me years to figure out what was going on in my head. Brain trauma isn't something I'd wish on anyone. I really don't get out much or have many friends due to me hiding out. I only tend to do well with people I share interests with. Fast cars, 4x4's, motorcycles and music/stereos are about my only interests. I can't ride anymore or go offroad in a 4x4 due to my neck and even fast cars can bother me. Music is about all I have left.

    Mainly I do pretty good online if a forum has a good group of members, that's why I like it here. I'm hoping I finally have a good enough handle on my buying now that I can sell the stuff that's not needed and in storage and start doing karma to help cleat things out too. The problem with selling is Craigslist buyers some tend to get me worked up and pissed off which has turned me off on selling. I don't like dealing with eBay or shipping very much. Boxing up heavy stuff causes my back and neck to flare up. Hopefully I'll be able to move most of the stuff here. Local stuff works the best. After New Years I'll start listing stuff and go from there.

    I try not to ramble on about my BS issues I deal with but sometimes it helps to share it. Besides that I only type with one finger mainly which tends to limit my typing.

    One thing I can say is every polkie I've met have been great. Hopefully they think the same, I tend to be an odd bird of sorts....

    Well that's enough boring you for now. Carry on.
    "Make a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Light
    a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited December 2017
    You didn't bore me just now.
    Even with my neck issue and doctor BS, I've ALWAYS known there were people a lot worse off than I could even imagine.

    Your suffering everyday makes me feel like a wimp.

    Typing with one finger has to be some kind of tedious. I started out that way 15 years ago. Now it's two. One for the left side and the other for the right. Shift key click is always on the left one lol.

    You're not odd to me. You're a person who's been handed a heavy load to carry.

    Mine been tough but I tried to be thankful for what I did and do have.

    I generally know what kind of audio stuff I buy is going to be pretty good, so after I audition them at home and get that fuzzy feeling, " Yea , I bought a nice piece or set of speakers crosses my mind" . I think, Can I replace something in my 5 systems or save it or them for a friend later on. For years , I haven't found much to replace the main system components or speakers but lately I have got some interesting stuff.

    It's weird that I've been crawling out of my own hole of suffering for a year and I'm at the ledge again, I still let days pass with no feelings of wanting to go out at 8 AM and spend all day in that audio world of mine. I should and others would love to I'm sure.

    I was wide open for most of my life until age 46 when I broke my heel and found out I was type 2 Diabetic. My neck got worse and by 51 I needed some alcohol or Hydro. . My fam. doc sent me to another doc and that was 10 years of hell.

    I've rambled on thinking about our challenges and I'm sorry. Mine have gotten 95% better and I know yours won't. I feel for you since I know a small part of what you've felt and are still feeling. I knew a guy who cracked his ribs and the X-ray guy said he hadn't. He couldn't hardly breath and he is a paraplegic who is an amazing athelete despite his legs not working from an auto accident.
    Well he had me take him back to the hospital for them to take more X-rays. Then they found the cracks on the other side of the bones that were hard for the Tech to read. I think he sued the hospital. That what he and his sister have done in their lives.

    I wonder if I had sued , would the doctors come kill me for ruining their careers and rep..

    I left Polk forum for a while when I was really down and aching. My neck is tense right now thinking about my rambling again... Time for a couple of ibues. .

    Music heals in a soulful way for sure. We're living proof.
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • daboyz
    daboyz Posts: 5,207
    I know I've got it. I'm always looking for something. Once I get it, I start looking for something else. My problem is usually I've g gotta sell to buy and this place isn't helping me as much as it used to. :(
  • rooftop59
    rooftop59 Posts: 8,121
    Yep the rule around here is buy a speaker sell a speaker lol...definitely helps keep down on the hoarding!
    Living Room 2.2: Usher BE-718 "tiny dancers"; Dual DIY Dayton audio RSS210HF-4 Subs with Dayton SPA-250 amps; Arcam SA30; Musical Fidelity A308; Sony UBP-x1000es
    Game Room 5.1.4:
    Denon AVR-X4200w; Sony UBP-x700; Definitive Technology Power Monitor 900 mains, CLR-3000 center, StudioMonitor 350 surrounds, ProMonitor 800 atmos x4; Sub - Monoprice Monolith 15in THX Ultra

    Bedroom 2.1
    Harmon Kardon HK3490; Bluesounds Node N130; Polk RT25i; ACI Titan Subwoofer
  • DaveHo
    DaveHo Posts: 3,557
    You guys cursed me. Supposed to be picking up a pair of speakers Saturday morning...
  • daddyjt
    daddyjt Posts: 2,675
    edited December 2017
    DaveHo wrote: »
    You guys cursed me. Supposed to be picking up a pair of speakers Saturday morning...

    See you at the meeting next Thursday...

    Me = "Hi, I'm Mark, and it's been 5 days since my last audio gear purchase..."
    Group = "Hi Mark...!"
    “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited December 2017
    Hi Mark and Dave,

    My name is Tony and I'm a hoarder. :#

    It's been 13 days since my last audio purchase. :)
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • daboyz
    daboyz Posts: 5,207
    edited December 2017
    Hey Tony!

    Are you following the 12 days of Christmas? A present a day!

    Sorry. Meant 12 step process...
  • Hi everyone.

    My name is Tim and I'm looking for a sponsor.

    It's been 34 hours since my last audio purchase. Bookies and a sub.
    "Make a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Light
    a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

  • mrloren
    mrloren Posts: 2,470
    Well if any of you guys need to make some room I will store your amps for you. Seriously at no charge.. :)

    As for the kids these days, I have no clue what their problem is with these ear buds and mini speakers. My Son refused to use my system. One day he was listening to something that sounded good. I grabbed his phone and blue toothed it to my AVR. His eyes went wide open. Now he want a system in his room.
    When I was a kid my parents told me to turn it down. Now I'm an adult and my kids tell me to turn it down.
    Family Room:LG QNED80 75", Onkyo RZ50 Emotiva XPA3 GEN3 Oppo BDP-93,Sony UBP-X800BM. Main: Polk LsiM 705Center: Polk LSiM 704CFront High/Rear High In-Ceiling Polk 80F/X RT Surrounds: Polk S15 Sub: HSU VTF3-MK5
    Bed Room; Marantz SR5010, BDP-S270Main: Polk Signature S20Center: Polk Signature S35Rear: Polk R15 Sub: SVS SB2000
    Working Warehouse; Yamaha A-S301, Sony DVP-NS3100ES for disc Plok TSX550T SVS PB2000 Mini tower PC with 400GB of music
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited December 2017
    I don't like having a bunch of stuff sitting around, that's why I clean out our garage and shed once a year..

    List of audio things I have just sitting:

    My extra parts for SDA's (not going anywhere)
    SDA CRS+'s (not going anywhere)
    Extra MIT Shotgun 3 cables (not going anywhere)
    Pioneer SC-07
    OPPO BDP-105
    FXiA6 two sets..

    I really don't feel I am doing that bad, the RTiA surround set-up wouldn't even be on that list had I not just upgraded to the LSiM series, I just haven't had the time to decide what I'm going to do with the RTiA's.

    The only set of speakers I have owned that I regret letting go of are my RT55i's, purchased them new from Circuit City back in 2000 had the original Box and all, they where in Mint like new condition.. :neutral: I loved those speakers, I let go of them, and the rest of my surround system when I purchased/upgraded too the RTiA's, that's how I found this forum and got into this hobby/crazy world, and learned of SDA's..

    Seriously I don't like Hoarding much, I would rather have the cash to save or spend on other things, or maybe upgrade to something else..
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    As a kid growing up, I didn't have much more than a bike. My parents gave us socks and underwear for Christmas.

    So I guess I'm making up for it..

    I've barely had extra money after every paycheck until age 35. I didn't drink or do drugs. Just paying rent, then a mortgage , taxes bills and food. It was a struggle for sure. I packed my lunches for years and years to save on costs too.

    Eventually I made it over the hump and my neck goes south. Go figure.

    I still feel it's partly because I never could afford to go get what I wanted and those things sure as heck wasn't going to come from my parents..except that one bike. ;)
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,933
    rooftop59 wrote: »
    Yep the rule around here is buy a speaker sell a speaker lol...definitely helps keep down on the hoarding!

    Wow interesting i didn't know you were that deep into mono :p
  • Viking64
    Viking64 Posts: 7,230
    Toolfan66 wrote: »
    The only set of speakers I have owned that I regret letting go of are my RT55i's, purchased them new from Circuit City back in 2000 had the original Box and all, they where in Mint like new condition.. :neutral: I loved those speakers, I let go of them, and the rest of my surround system when I purchased/upgraded too the RTiA's, that's how I found this forum and got into this hobby/crazy world, and learned of SDA's..
    That sounds familiar. :o I bought a pair of RT55's and a CS400 from Circuit City back in 1999 or 2000 when I upgraded from Dolby Pro-Logic to Dolby Digital. I just disconnected the center back in August and it is sitting on it's end here in my living room with a stuffed pug on it. :p The 55's are back in their original box in the next room behind me. I am enjoying 2-channel for the time being.
  • daddyjt
    daddyjt Posts: 2,675
    DSkip wrote: »
    I get frustrated because I hate clutter. My collection of speakers and gear is getting absurd but necessary for the business. The sad part is that the more I sell the more I need to buy. It's never ending.

    At least you've got the excuse of being a dealer (pusher? Lol).

    As much as I hope to meet you and hear your equipment someday, it's probably a good thing I don't live close to you :wink:
    “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • DaveHo
    DaveHo Posts: 3,557
    DaveHo wrote: »
    You guys cursed me. Supposed to be picking up a pair of speakers Saturday morning...

  • Viking64
    Viking64 Posts: 7,230
    I'm gonna eat DISORDER of barbecued ribs that I have.
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    DaveHo wrote: »
    DaveHo wrote: »
    You guys cursed me. Supposed to be picking up a pair of speakers Saturday morning...

    Danged Sexy Dave!
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    An old friend just stopped by looking for a TT. B) He found one.

    1 TT down , 7 to go. ;)

    Man... I need to start advertising again !! Maybe there are some other people who want some of this hoard.
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.