picture geometry

Posts: 11
I have a picture geometry problem. I am using a Samsung HD931 and a Sony KP-57WS500 tv. Which of these two are more than likely causing the problem? I hate to spend $300 on having the tv calibrated if the problem is in the dvd player. Thanks for any help to those who answer!
Post edited by JMERCER on
Easy way to find out is to connect the DVD player to another TV and see if the problem ocurs there as well.
What exactly is the problem that you are seeing? -
On two movies Resident Evil and Terminator 2 there is wording that comes up on the left and right of the screen which is cut off. In Resident it is where the computer is locking down everything because of the virus release. In T2 it is where Arnold enters the biker bar to get his clothes. Every dvd player in my house does the same thing on both movies with the exception of my computer. It will display both correctly. My xbox will correctly display Resident but not T2. I checked some of the gemeotry using Avia on both the Xbox and Samsung players and it was off on both of them with the Samsung being much worse. However I am still unsure whether the TV may also have issues. I have considered going and buying a Denon player which is supposed to have perfect gemeotry and see what happens. I just hate throwing money at a problem when I am unsure what will cure it. Thank you for your post Frank.
What are aspect ratios of the 2 movies?
Sounds like the TV geometry to me. The geometry is adjustable on your big screen. Check out avsforum.com for help with that.
PolkThug -
It's not geometry, it's your overscan setting. This must be corrected within the TV itself. Use AVIA to find out what the overscan is currently set at. Most likely it is somewhere around 8-10%, it should be set to 3 or 4%. You may or may not be able to adjust this yourself. Most likely you will need access to your TVs service menu.
Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
Ron loves a film = don't even rent.