McIntosh 752 or Dynaco ST 70 ?

VSAT88 Posts: 1,269
Here I go again. If you had a choice between a McIntosh 752 or a Dynaco ST 70 what one of the two would you pick. Both in very nice lets say equally nice condition. The Dynaco with 6CA7E OPT's New, matched (Jim McShane) 7199 stock drivers and a Triode electronics board. The McIntosh completely bone stock. Lets hear you voice on this one.


  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 33,957
    edited July 2017
    Well -- neither if I had other options, but of those two, the Dynaco without hesitation (assuming it's working well, the tubes are all good and the prices are 'reasonable' relative to the model & condition).

    The 752 isn't really one of the 'big-league' solid state Macs. Not junk, but not what I (FWIW) would consider anything special.

    This said, anything like a stock ST-70's not really anything special either. The driver stage leaves much to be desired (if the Triode Electronics' board is still using the 7199, I assume it's the stock design?) and - sorry - I am not a huge fan of the sound of most EL34 PP amps (with the notable exception of the Marantz 8B). Good OPTs though (the stock, original Dynacos, that is) and a good platform for modification/upgrade.

    YMMV, though, of course.
    These are just my semi-informed but very subjective opinions!
  • VSAT88
    VSAT88 Posts: 1,269
    Well that is exactly what I was looking for, an honest opinion of both. I kinda feel the same way. The input board is aftermarket using the 7199 tubes. I have thought about changing that out to a better designed unit. Someone had asked about a trade and that was what I was considering. Thanks.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 33,957
    Yeah, no reason that the ST-70 cannot be further improved after the fact. It is a good platform, and there are lots of aftermarket or even pure-play DIY options depending upon one's inclinations.

    The Mac 752 was kind of a strange beast.
  • VSAT88
    VSAT88 Posts: 1,269
    "The Mac 752 was kind of a strange beast."

    I think that may well have been the reason I was contemplating the trade. I have been known to buy some strange stuff just because it is obscure and somewhat difficult to deal with. I am glad I posted here and you answered. I can now regain my senses. Thank you.