DVE disk, how do you work this thing!!

Posts: 6,124
Im getting aggravated here... How in the heck do you get to the brass tacks of this dvd setup disk>> ?? all i can seem to get to is the how to parts where the mono toned guy talks about dvd and video and this and that... what button do i press to make it get down to calibrating the speakers and video?? Im borrowing this disk and need to get it back to them so i want to figure this out.. I already presed menu like 50 times and went through all the typical stuff and cant get where i need to be
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC
Post edited by faster100 on
I will try to help, i have the same disk,first when you insert the disk in my player it automaticly starts playing so i then just hit main menu which brings up a screen that says chapters at the top and lists 5 options #1 extron,#2swelltone, ect page down to highlite program menu at the bottom of the page hit enter then in next menu choose playback options set the option you want the tones or setup to use then hit return then select audio or video for the tests you want to use.Or you can once disk is playing use your dvd players onscreen status to enter the chapter you want to use for example if want the audio tones chapter enter chapter 9 for the tones for dolby and dts 6.1,then it will go directly to that section and then you can use manual repeat to repeat tones and advance at your pace on the tones.Somewhat difficult to navigate until you do it a couple of times,i think they could have made this disk alot easier to navigate than they did!*HT PRE-PRO*:Rotel rsp-1068, *AMP*:Rotel RMB 1095 *DVD PLAYER*:Denon 2200,*CD PLAYERS*,Arcam Alpha Mcd 6 disk carasel,Hughes Hdtv receiver, Hughes hdvr2,*MAINS*:Polk LSI 15'S, *CENTER*:Polk LSIC, *SIDE SURROUNDS*:Polk LSIFX,*REAR SURROUND*:Polk LSI 7'S,*SUB*:SVS PB2+*.MONITOR*:Mitsubishi ws48413 hdtv,Monsterpower hts2500X2,,Sony playstation2,Harmony sst-659 remote
Didn't Dr. Spec mention that the DVE disk had problems relating to sub test tones and or sub calibration issues?
Yeah that is true, forgot about that deal with the sub calibration,i use everything but the sub tones and use avia for sub calibrations.Everything on the dve disk matches up with the avia test tones for calibration other than the sub tones on dve.*HT PRE-PRO*:Rotel rsp-1068, *AMP*:Rotel RMB 1095 *DVD PLAYER*:Denon 2200,*CD PLAYERS*,Arcam Alpha Mcd 6 disk carasel,Hughes Hdtv receiver, Hughes hdvr2,*MAINS*:Polk LSI 15'S, *CENTER*:Polk LSIC, *SIDE SURROUNDS*:Polk LSIFX,*REAR SURROUND*:Polk LSI 7'S,*SUB*:SVS PB2+*.MONITOR*:Mitsubishi ws48413 hdtv,Monsterpower hts2500X2,,Sony playstation2,Harmony sst-659 remote
I knew about the sub thing, But i just couldnt navigate through the disk, will try the suggestions tomorrow.. Thanks alot for the helpMY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC -
You are not alone. The navigation menus truly sucks on the DVE disk. They should have put more chapter selections on each screen.
PolkThug -
DVE navigation SUCKS.
While you have it, please calibrate the sub with Avia or S&V and then don't touch anything and pop in DVE and give me your readings on the surrounds/sub.
I'm trying to build a database on DVE from different users in different rooms."What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Ed Mullen (emullen@svsound.com)
Director - Technology and Customer Service
wish i had avia or S&VMY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC -
Send me your address and i will send you mine for use then you can return it when your done, can't let a fellow polkster not have his gear properly calibrated. Forgot I have the Avia.
CRj -
well that is very very nice of you, I will e-mail you my address... Thanks much !!!!:)MY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC -
You can order your own S&V disc from Amazon; thats where I got mine a while back.
I have talked to my managers at CC to try and carry the DVD again. They used to sell it back before I worked there, but dont carry it anymore. Their web site has it, but no picture so I am not sure if its even in stock. I tell almost all my customers about it, and they want to get it. I keep sending them to Amazon to get it. Its a great learning DVD just for them to figure out the wires, and then if they go to Rat Shack and buy a SPL meter they can really get their system sounding optimal.
MikeMains: Polk RTi70's
Center: Polk CSi40
Surrounds: Polk TC60i's
Sub: Polk PSW505
Receiver: Onkyo TX-DS696
TV: Samsung HLS 5687W 56"
DVD: Sony DVP S5300
Protection: Monster HTS 3600
Backup Battery: Belkin AP3080010 -
shoot wish someone would mail me the disk its 80$ cad geez !!!
I would really like to test it out before i bought it, its not the money part, its just put off again and again.... Plus i didnt really know where to buy it cheap... Thanks for all the help guysMY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC -
same boat as you, except seaward has offered to lend me his disk once I move at the end of this month...but I dont want to spend 80$ if Im not going to use it ,or use it the right way
Where do you get $80 from? You can get a used one shipped for like $15, or fork out $20 for a new one. Its a nice little reference DVD to have for your collection. I was suggested to get it from this forum over a year ago and it was well worth it. I just wanted to continue spreading the word......Mains: Polk RTi70's
Center: Polk CSi40
Surrounds: Polk TC60i's
Sub: Polk PSW505
Receiver: Onkyo TX-DS696
TV: Samsung HLS 5687W 56"
DVD: Sony DVP S5300
Protection: Monster HTS 3600
Backup Battery: Belkin AP3080010 -
I'll check and see how many I can find locally and would be more than happy to ship them to our Canadian Brethren.
HMV canada has them on for 79.99 cad !!! we are talkin about AVIA right ??!!! yeah oh big savings now $63.99 for the dvd
Willow, you can get the "sound and vision" test disc by Avia for about $23 from www.amazon.ca . The "Avia" disc is more advanced and does cost $70-80 here. Go with the sound and vision disc.Graham
Ill check it out thanks !!!
i just saw the disk on hmv.ca Ill take a look at it this weekend...thanks for the tip
Yeah, HMV.ca and Amazon.ca are the same thing from what I understandGraham