RT2000 ... zip code 22903

Posts: 25
edited April 2004 in Flea Market
Seems like these don't come up too often for sale but I think I'll be selling a pair soon. Without getting into details was wondering if there was anyone here within driving distance (yeah, I know ... everywhere is driving distance if you have the time) of the zip in the subject that would want to pick up a pair of these guys? I'll be posting these on Ebay if not but would really prefer not to have to ship something this big.

Just post here if there is interest ... I'll check back.

Post edited by octong on


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  • Posts: 11,728
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by octong
    Seems like these don't come up too often for sale but I think I'll be selling a pair soon. Without getting into details was wondering if there was anyone here within driving distance (yeah, I know ... everywhere is driving distance if you have the time) of the zip in the subject that would want to pick up a pair of these guys? I'll be posting these on Ebay if not but would really prefer not to have to ship something this big.

    Just post here if there is interest ... I'll check back.


    Where is 22903?
  • Posts: 2,763
    edited April 2004

    Zip Code: 22903 PO Name: University (VA)
    Population (1990): 25301
    Location: 38.032728 N, 78.505758 W
  • Posts: 106
    edited April 2004
    Charlottesville, VA 22903, US
  • Posts: 1,253
    edited April 2004
    I could be interested. PM me with the details when ready to sell. Thanks, Jeff
  • Posts: 991
    edited April 2004
    Don't get your hopes up if you make a deal with rob, he'll put them on ebay anyways if he doesn't like the price, he won't tell you, either.
  • Posts: 5,860
    edited April 2004
    What do you know that we don't? Come on lets hear it.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • Posts: 28,934
    edited April 2004
    Look at the dudes past post...

    its there
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 991
    edited April 2004
    I'm sure he's not looking to stiff anyone so I wouldnt worry about that, I was just not very pleased with the way he tried to string me along uninformed:

    From: ceruleance
    Sent: Wed 3/31/2004 10:22 PM
    To: Rob Beamer
    Subject: Audiogon listing: Polk LSi9 Beautiful with warranty

    TO: Robbeamer

    I was looking to pay $550 for a pair of 9's, but I figure your auction ended for $591,
    if you factor in the FV fees you would have had to pay $17, that brings it down to
    $575. If you want to meet me half way between charlottesville and fairfax I will give you
    $575 cash for them.

    Let me know,

    His Response

    arg ... had a guy put up a pair with a low buy it now price that got one of my bidders
    with just a day left .. oh well.
    I had another guy contact me that I think might give me a little more but it's far from
    a sure thing. Let me get in touch with him this evening and see what he says but if
    a no go I'd more than likely go for your deal. Would you just want to try and meet up
    weekend if so?



    Never heard from him again, they were on ebay the next day. Again, not a huge deal, everyone wants to make money, but he could have at least not lied to me about his intentions
  • Posts: 678
    edited April 2004
    Rob, you seem to have an interesting sales approach. Sounds like you might be marketing to the Polk foum in order to sell on eBay?

    I don't know, the last time you were here your internet server was down, and work got crazy...etc. How are you doin' now? Hope things are stable.
    RTi70 Fronts
    CSi40 Center
    RTi38 Rear
    PSW650 Sub
    Str-de1075 Receiver

    Hope is on the way!


  • Posts: 25
    edited April 2004
    Hey Spyderman,
    Works stabilized a bit but getting over a little bit of a cold that everyone around here has been getting so feeling a bit sluggish. Still having the occasional server hiccup .... guess it's the cost of our company growing pretty fast these days (musictoday.com if you're interested). The network keeps having to be expanded as a result so our admins are always overworked trying to keep up.

    I didn't actually mention the lsi's here. A couple of the more high strung members got so tweaked last time that I took it a little personaliy and hadn't stuck my figurative head back here til this post. Ceruleance saw my ad elsewhere.

    However, I'm really obsessive about packaging the stuff I ship and the thought of trying to pack up two things this big gives me hives so figured it would be worth it.

    But, I'm thinking maybe the best thing would be just to list them on Ebay so as not to stir anything up over here. If anyone is interested they can keep their eyes open for the auction and come to their own conclusion about what I'm like to do business with based on my feedback.

  • Posts: 5,860
    edited April 2004
    Try to understand that the members of this forum that have been around awhile have seen some really dirty deals heaped upon some of our own. If we get defensive or seem to question a new guy's crediblity it's for a good reason. We hate to see anyone get screwed, even new guy's like you.

    This is where all of the good deals are generally reported. Of course the sour deals get posted everywhere.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D


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