Anyone use those Reel mowers anymore?

AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
I'm out talking to my neighbor one day and we start talking about yards and stuff. I see that he's using one of those reel mower like my grandad had. He tells me it's actually better for the grass over the long run and that it's just as easy to use as one of the gas mowers.

So I'm a first time home buyer and don't have any lawn equipment, so I went shopping this morning. Headed up to Home Depot and picked up a Scotts 20" Reel Mower for $120.

Have to say I'm really impressed. I wouldn't say it's quite as easy as all the gas mowers, but it's not much more difficult there's no gas or oil or trying for 20 minutes to get it started. It's very quiet, I could go out and mow at 2 in the morning if I felt inclined to do so.

And it does a MUCH better job of cutting my grass, and this is my first time using it...

My neighbot has a Brill he had imported from Germany, but he has that tiff-419 grass and that works better for hime, won't cut my Bermuda well becuase it won't raise high enough...but it's a nice unit also, and much more expensive.

Just thought I'd share...
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited April 2004
    Congrats on your new work out machine.

    A woman that use to live next to me bought one of those when she first moved in, I laughed. The next week she came home with a Honda gas mower. Anyway, I can see where a reel mower would be great for a townhouse.

    I ride......:D
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited April 2004
    They are fun, I have one, but use the Briggs and Stratton 90% of the time.

    The real **** about the push-reel mowers is keeping them aligned and oiled. There is a guide on the rear that will need to be adjusted occasionally, and it's a fairly precise adjustment. Too tight, it will bog and clog, too loose and the blades will dull.

    That, and forget mowing if there is even so much as dew on the grass - traction is key (obviously- to get the blades moving).

    It is neat to watch it slice the grass up, like a fast-moving mini-combine.

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by F1nut
    Congrats on your new work out machine.

    A woman that use to live next to me bought one of those when she first moved in, I laughed. The next week she came home with a Honda gas mower. Anyway, I can see where a reel mower would be great for a townhouse.

    I ride......:D

    Yep, it's definitely a work-out. My yard isn't huge, but it's not tiny either, take me about an hour for the mowing.

    I was actually given a gas mower, but I just didn't like the way it cut the grass...really more just chopped at it than cut it. My wife wants the 419 laid in the front, so I'll be doing that early next year, in which case I really will need the reel mower. I wish they made a powered mower that cut grass like this one, that would be the best of both worlds...

    I'm kinda anal about my yard and actually LIKE working out in the yard. I have to laugh at my neighbors that pay $60 a month for a gym membership they use once a week, and pay someone $100 a month to cut their grass, waste of $160 a month to me, just cut your own grass and drop the gym each his own though...
  • amulford
    amulford Posts: 5,020
    edited April 2004
    I was thinking about getting a tow behind gang mower. Too much maintenance for me...

    It takes long enough as it is....
  • HBombToo
    HBombToo Posts: 5,256
    edited April 2004
    I bought a John Deere GX75 so I could drink Beer while cutting the lawn:D Ya always need to plan IMHO! I need at least 3 pit stops during the process.

  • Libertyc
    Libertyc Posts: 915
    edited April 2004
    I'll stick to my Honda gas powered rear wheel drive. It sounds like the blade was dull on your gas powered mower. Buy a new blade once a year and sharpen it every few weeks and your mower will cut great. A dull blade rips the grass and turns the grass tips yellow.
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited April 2004
    Tried to send ya a PM but your mailbox is full.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • HBombToo
    HBombToo Posts: 5,256
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by Frank Z
    Tried to send ya a PM but your mailbox is full.

    I believe it is clear now.



    sent and Thanks Frank. You are the Man!
  • nadams
    nadams Posts: 5,877
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by HBombToo
    I bought a John Deere GX75 so I could drink Beer while cutting the lawn:D Ya always need to plan IMHO! I need at least 3 pit stops during the process.


    What, you mean you don't have the catheter put in yet? Where is your sense of priority, man?
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • wallstreet
    wallstreet Posts: 1,405
    edited April 2004
    I love practicing late night sand wedge shots on folks with tiff bermuda. :D
  • Pablo
    Pablo Posts: 723
    edited April 2004
    I actually have both. I have a reel mower that I never really use (my father gave it to me when he moved) and a Scotts 25hp, 54 cut tractor (kohler v twin engine. made my john deer). I have way to much lawn to cut manually. But I do have to say I was very impress with the pusher.

    But my tractor has a beer holder, so I would never give it up. Next comes the chrome wheels, flame paint job and cranking polk audio system!
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